RYBALKO Lina Mykolaivna

RYBALKO Lina Mykolaivna


Dean of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports.


Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (2008)

Senior Researcher (2011)

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (2015)

Professor of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports (2020)


 (066) 393 00 91




1998 – V. G. Korolenko Poltava State Pedagogical Institute, specialty “Chemistry and Biology” (qualification: Teacher of Chemistry and Biology).

2012–2015 – Doctoral studies at the Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, specialty 13.00.09 “Theory of Learning”.

2020–2021 – Master’s degree in Kharkiv Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy, specialty 017 “Physical Culture and Sports”.


1998–2000 – Assistant of the Department of Zoology (from (since) 01.09.1999 the name of the department was changed to the Department of Human and Animal Biology) of V. G. Korolenko Poltava State Pedagogical University;

2000–2012 – Researcher, and since 2010 – Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of Education Content Integration of the Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine;

2012–2015 – doctoral student at the Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine;

03.07.2015 – 31.08.2015 – Leading Researcher at the Department of Biological, Chemical and Physical Education of the Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine;

2015–2016 – Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Education, Sports and Human Health of Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University;

Since 2016 – Professor of the Department of Physical Education, Sports and Human Health of Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University (since September 01, 2019 the name of the department was changed to the Department of Physical Culture and Sports);

Since October 01, 2019 – Head of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University (since November 01, 2019, the name of the university was changed to National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”).

Since July 01, 2021 – Dean of Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports of National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”.


2023 – advanced training in the course “First Aid in War” (15 hours, 0.5 ECTS credits).

2020 – internship (advanced training) at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University at the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Culture and Sports (180 hours, 6 credits);

2019 – international internship within the framework of the Erasmus + Program of the European Union at the E. Kukuchka Academy of Physical Education (Katowice), the Institute of Sports (Warsaw), the Polish Paralympic Committee (under the auspices of the Ministry of Sport and Tourism of the Republic of Poland) (personalized certificate of internship, 4 ECTS credits – 120 hours).


11.09.2008 – defense of the dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences on the topic “Continuity in the formation of holistic knowledge of wildlife in pupils of grades 5–7” (specialty 13.00.09 “Theory of Learning”) at the Institute of Pedagogy of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine.

02.07.2015 – defense of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences on the topic “Didactic bases of teaching natural subjects on the basis of the ecological and evolutionary approach in general education institutions” (specialty 13.00.09 “Theory of Education”) at the Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine.


Health and fitness technologies in education. Theoretical and methodological principles of training future specialists in physical culture and sports. Formation of a healthy lifestyle in students.


Author (co-author) of more than 200 scientific and educational works, among which the main ones are:

Articles in journals included in Scopus, Web of Science databases:

  1. Miier T.I., Holodiuk L.S., Rybalko L.M., Tkachenko I.A. Chronic fatigue development of modern human in the context of V. Vernadsky’s noosphere theory. Wiadomości Lekarskie, Polskie Towarzystwo Lekarskie, 2019. tom LXXII. nr 5. cz II. p. 1012-1016. Scopus
  2. Lavrentieva O., Rybalko L., Tsys O., Uchitel A. Theoretical and methodical aspects of the organization of students’ independent study activities together with the use of ICT and tools. Proceedings of the 6th Work shop on Cloud Technologies in Education (CTE 2018), Kryvyi Rig, Ukraine, Desember 21, 2018. Scopus
  3. Popadynets O., Zukow W., Rybalko L. Interpersonal differences caused by adaptogen changes in the entropies of EEG, HRV, immunocytogram, and leukocytogram. Journal of Physical Education and Sport. Vol 20. April, 2020. Pp. 982–999. Scopus
  4. Rybalko L., Topuzov O., Velychko L. Natural science education concept for sustainable development. The Internation Conference on Sustainable Futures: Environmental, Technological, Social and Economic Matters (ICSF 2020), Kryvyi Rig, Ukraine, Edited by Semerikov, S. E3S Web of Conferences, Volume 166. 2020, id 10030 Scopus
  5. Diachenko-Bohun M., Rybalko L., Grygus I., Zukow V. Health preserving educational environment in the condition for information technologies. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, Vol. 8(2), June 2019. 93-101. Web of Science
  6. Hryniova M.V., Kononets N.V., Dyachenko-Bohun M.M., Rybalko L.M. Resource-based learning of students in a health-saving educational environment. Information Technologies and Learning Tools, 2019, Т 72, № 4. С. 182-193. Web of Science
  7. Bugaevsky, K., Rybalko, L., & Zukow, W. Research of peculiarities of formation of inversive sexual somatotypes in different age groups in women Sambo. International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology, 2019. – 8(4). – р. 120-126. Web of Science
  8. Bugaevsky, K., Rybalko, L., & Muszkieta, K. (2020). The Prevalence of Anxiety, Aggression, and Hostility at Sportswoman: A Study on Boxing. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 2020. 9(4). 324-332. Web of Science
  9. Rybalko L., & Onishchuk L., Horoshko V., Synytsya T., Yopa T., Bashtovenko O., Ostapov A. (2021). Fundamentals of Improvement of the Physical Qualities of Schoolchildren Via Outdoor Games. Acta Balneologica, LXIII, 3(164), 189-196. Web of Science
  10. Rybalko L., Yopa T., Hagner-Derengowska M., Kałużny K., Demkiewicz D., Muszkieta R., Ostrowska M. Motor activity as an indicator of a healthy way of life. Journal of Physical Education and Sport (JPES), Vol 21 (Suppl. issue 5), Art 374 pp 2813 – 2819, Oct 2021. Scopus
  11. Bugaevsky, К.; Rybalko, L.; Synytsya, T.; Napierala, M. The influence of sports activity on the importance of the sexual somatotype of athletes in paired women's acrobatics and gymnastics. Acta kinesiologica. 2022. Том.15. Выпуск 2. С. 66-73. Web of Science
  12. Samodryn A., Rybalko , Lavrentieva O., Zukow W., Sarılgan Ali E. The region as an object of projecting of neo-spheric existence in the depth of anthroposphere [Electronic resource]. Second International Conference on Sustainable Futures: Environmental, Technological, Social and Economic Matters (ICSF 2021). Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, May 19-21, 2021 / E3S Web of Conferences. – 2021. – Volume 280. – Article 09019. Scopus
  13. Rybalko L, Kletsenko L, Vyshar Y et al. Application of kinesitherapy within the process of rehabilitation of patients with Charcot-Marie-Tooth nerval amyotrophia. Eur J Clin Exp Med. 2023;21(1):169–179. doi: 10.15584/ejcem.2023.1.22. Scopus

Articles in professional journals:

  1. Rybalko L.M., Yopa T.V. Designing an educational health-saving environment on the basis of pedagogical ergonomics // Scientific Journal of the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 15: Scientific and Pedagogical Problems of Physical Culture (Physical Culture and Sports): a collection of scientific papers / Edited by O. V. Tymoshenko. Kyiv: Drahomanov National Pedagogical University Publishing House, 2020. Issue 3 (123) 20. P. 361-365.
  2. Rybalko L.M., Permyakov O.A., Sinitsa T.O., Ostapov A.V., Yopa T.V. Organization of a health-preserving environment // Pedagogy of formation of a creative personality in higher and secondary schools: a collection of scientific articles. 2020. №69. Т.3. P. 106-111. (Category B)
  3. Rybalko L.M. Didactic conditions and methods of optimization of the educational and training process in the system of training of athletes // Biomechanics. 2020. (category B)
  4. Rybalko L.M. Introduction of innovative approaches to teaching – a way to modernize the content of education. Biology and chemistry in the native school. 2020. №1. P. 43-46. (category B)
  5. Rybalko L. Formation of ecological and evolutionary worldview in students of a specialized school. The image of a modern teacher. 2020. № 6 (195). P. 38-45. (category B)
  6. Application of innovative approaches in the training of future specialists in physical culture and sports // Pedagogical education: theory and practice: Collection of scientific papers / Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohienko National University; Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine [editor-in-chief Labunets V.M.]. Issue 23 (2-2017). Part 1. Kamianets-Podilskyi, 2017. P. 263-269.
  7. Rybalko L. M. Formation of professional competencies in future specialists in physical rehabilitation and physical education in higher education // Scientific Journal of the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series No. 15 “Scientific and Pedagogical Problems of Physical Culture / Physical Culture and Sports”: a collection of scientific papers / Edited by O. V. Tymoshenko. Kyiv: Drahomanov National Pedagogical University, 2017. Issue (84) 17. P. 411-414.
  8. Rybalko L.M. Organization of the process of teaching students the basics of health and healthy lifestyle on the basis of a competence-based approach // Pedagogical education: theory and practice: Collection of scientific papers / Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohienko National University; Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine [editor-in-chief Labunets V.M.]. Issue 22 (1-2017). Part 1. Kamianets-Podilskyi, 2017. P. 184-191.
  9. Rybalko L.M. Pedagogical conditions for the formation of a healthy lifestyle in student youth // Bulletin of Chernihiv National Pedagogical University named after T.G. Shevchenko [Text]. Issue 147. Vol. II / Chernihiv National Pedagogical University named after T.G. Shevchenko; editor-in-chief Nosko M.O. Chernihiv: CNPU, 2017. P. 118-121. Series: Pedagogical sciences. Physical education and sports).
  10. Rybalko L.M. The essence and content of health-saving technologies in the system of physical education of student youth / L.M. Rybalko // Scientific and pedagogical problems of physical culture / Physical culture and sport // Scientific journal of the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. P. Drahomanov National Pedagogical University: a collection of scientific papers / Edited by O.V. Tymoshenko. K. : Drahomanov National Pedagogical University, 2018. Issue (97) 18. P. 478-482.
  11. Rybalko L.M. World experience of physical culture and health activities in higher education institutions. Scientific and pedagogical problems of physical culture. Physical culture and sport: Scientific journal of the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University: collection of scientific articles / edited by O.V. Tymoshenko. K.: Drahomanov National Pedagogical University, 2019. Issue (110)19. P. 487-491.
  12. Rybalko L.M. Application of adaptive physical culture in the restoration of compensatory functions of the spine in osteochondrosis in persons of the second mature age. Bulletin of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, Luhansk. 2019. № 4 (327). Part I. Pedagogical sciences. P. 194-202.
  13. Rybalko L.M. Formation of the readiness of future specialists in physical culture and sports for the implementation of health-saving technologies. Bulletin of the National University “Chernihiv Collegium” named after T.G. Shevchenko: a collection of scientific works / edited by M.O. Nosko. Chernihiv: NUCHK, 2019. P. 201-208.
  14. Yopa T.V., Ostapov A.V. Adaptation of first-year students to the conditions of study in higher education institutions. Bulletin of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University. No. 2 (340) April 2021. P. 16-27. (category B)
  15. Onishchuk L.M. Health and recreational activities in the conditions of distance learning. Sports science and human health: Scientific electronic periodical. К., 2021. No. 1(5). P. 62-72. (category B)
  16. Onishchuk L.M., Permiakov A.A. Dependence of student health on forms of leisure. Bulletin of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University. No. 2 (340) April 2021. P. 146-156. (category B)
  17. Rybalko L.M. Methods of development of physical qualities in primary school students by means of outdoor games. Bulletin of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University. No. 2 (340) April 2021. P. 240-251. (category B)
  18. Rybalko L.M. Physical culture and health-improving model of health-saving technologies in general secondary education institutions. Sports science and human health: Scientific electronic periodical. К., 2021. № 1(5). P. 84-103 (category B).
  19. Gulko T., Rybalko L. Professional training of future specialists in physical culture and sports under martial law in Ukraine. Psychological and Pedagogical Problems of the Modern School, Issue 2(10), 2023. С. 20-27. https://doi.org/10.31499/2706-6258.2(10).2023.290564
  20. Rybalko L., Permyakov O., Yopa T. Non-formal education of higher education applicants majoring in 017 Physical Culture and Sports under martial law in Ukraine. Collection of scientific works of Uman State Pedagogical University, 2023. Issue 3, pp. 6-13. https://doi.org/10.31499/2307-4906.3.2023.289865
  21. Rybalko L.M. Methods of development of physical qualities in primary school pupils by means of outdoor games. Bulletin of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University. No. 2 (340). April 2021. P. 240-251.
  22. Rybalko L.M. Physical culture and health-improving model of health-saving technologies in general secondary education institutions. Sports science and human health: Scientific electronic periodical. К., 2021. № 1(5). P. 84-103.

Articles in foreign editions:

  1. Rybalko L.M. Areas of development of physical culture and sports in higher education institutions. Science progress in European countries : new conceps and modern solutions : Papers of the XII International Scientific Conference, January 31, 2020. Stuttgart. P. 15-24. http://reposit.pntu.edu.ua/handle/PoltNTU/6760
  2. Rybalko L.M., Permyakov O.A. Formation of a health-saving educational environment in educational institutions. Theoretical foundations of modern science and practice. Abstracts of XI International Scientific and Practical Conference. Melbourne, Australia 2020. Pp.381-385. URL: http://isg-konf.com
  3. Rybalko L. Heakth-saving technologies in physical education. Korszerű műszerek és algoritmusa tapasztalati és elméleti tudományos kutatási: tudományos művek gyűjteménye a nemzetközi tudományos-gyakorlati konferencia anyagaival (Hang 3), Szeptember 18, 2020. Budapest, agyarország: Európean Scientific Platforme. 132-134.
  4. Rybalko L., Yopa T., Ostapov A. Еducate students on the basis of competence approach // ΛΌГOΣ, Public communication in science: philosophical, cultural, political, economic and IT context: Collection of scientific papers «ΛΌГOΣ» with Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference (Vol. 4), May 15, 2020. Houston, USA: European Scientific Platform. 2020. P. 13-15. https://doi.org/10.36074/15.05.2020.v4.03
  5. Rybalko L, Yopa T. Main trends of modernization of physical and health activity in the university. Topical issues of science and practice: The VII th International scientific and practical conference. November, 02-06, 2020 London, Great Britain 2020. 390-394. DOI 10.46299/ISG. 2020.II.VII
  6. Rybalko L., Onishchuk L., Yopa T. Competence-oriented education of students majoring in physical culture and sports. International scientific and practical conference «Problems of civilization», October 19-23, 2020. Oslo, Norway, 2020. P. 242-246.
  7. Rybalko L.M. Professional training of students of educational qualification bachelor of physical culture and sports. Perspectives of world science and education : 2nd International scientific and practical conference, October 30-31, 2019. CPN Publishing Group, Osaka, Japan. 2019. P. 363-371.
  8. Bugaevsky, K., Rybalko, L., & Zukow, W. Research of peculiarities of formation of inversive sexual somatotypes in different age groups in women Sambo. International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology, 2019. 8(4). P. 120-126.
  9. Bugajewski K. A., Rybalko L. M., Filipow E. W. Somatotypy płciowe i zjawiska maskulinizacji u sportsmenek uprawiających walkę stylu dowolnego i zapasy grecko-rzymskie. International scientific and practical conference «Scientific progress of medicine and pharmacy of the EU countries» : conference proceedings, April 23–24, 2021. Czestochowa : «Baltija Publishing», 2021. P. 176-180.
  10. Bugajewski K.A., Rybalko L.M., Filipow E.W. Somatotypy płciowe i zjawiska maskulinizacji u sportsmenek uprawiających walkę stylu dowolnego i zapasy grecko-rzymskie. International scientific and practical conference «Scientific progress of medicine and pharmacy of the EU countries» : conference proceedings, April 23–24, 2021. Czestochowa : «Baltija Publishing», 2021. P. 176-179.
  11. Rybalko L. Athletes with disabilities nutrition peculiarities as a means of their body restoring. People with disabilities in sport – theory and practice : 4th International Scientific Conference, 20th – 21st May, 2021, K.: The Jerzy Kukuczka Academy of Physical Education, Katowice, 2021. P. 10-12.
  12. Rybalko L., Yopa T., Hulko T. Modernization of the content of education in the conditions of realization of health-saving technologies. The II International Science Conference on Science and practical Technologies, January 26–29, 2021, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. P. 331-337.
  13. Bugaevsky, К.; Rybalko, L.; Synytsya, T.; Napierala, M. The influence of sports activity on the importance of the sexual somatotype of athletes in paired women's acrobatics and gymnastics. Acta kinesiologica. 2022. 15 (2). P. 66-73.
  14. Rybalko L. & Yopa T., Hulko T. Education of students based on the principles of sustainable development education. Modern approaches to ensuring sustainable development: Collective monograph. Edited by Valentyna Smachylo and Oleksandr Nestorenko, The University of Technology in Katowice Press, 2023. P. 220-229.

List of collective monographs:

  1. Technologies of health protection: theory and practice: collective monograph / edited by Professor L.M. Rybalko. Poltava: NUPP, 2022. 324 p.
  2. Onishchuk L., Rybalko L. Physical and Health activities of Students in the conditions of Healthy Educational Environment. Role of Science and Education for Sustainable Development: Monograph, Katowice : Publishing House of University of Technology, 2021.P. 211-246.
  3. Rybalko L.M., Onishchuk L.M. Preparation of future specialists in physical culture and sports for the independent organization of the educational and training process. Modeling of competence-based vocational education in the context of European integration: monograph [Electronic edition] / collective of authors; under the general editorship of Prof. N.P. Volkova. Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University, 2021. P. 276-309.
  4. The socio-cultural component of physical culture and sports. Physical education: problems and prospects: monograph edited by Prof. G.P. Hryban. Zhytomyr: Ruta, 2020. P. 50-89.
  5. Rybalko L.M. Health promotion as a pedagogical and social problem. Health-saving technologies in the educational environment: a collective monograph; [edited by L.M. Rybalko]. Ternopil: PRINMAX, 2019. P. 4-32.
  6. Ecocentrism as a conceptual idea of education for sustainable development of society. Scientific and pedagogical support of sustainable development: discourse 2019 : a collective monograph / edited by S.D. Rudyshyn, I.M. Koreneva. Sumy: Vinnichenko MD, 2019. P. 141-163.
  7. Lavrentieva L.O., Rybalko L.M., Lakomova O.O. Implementation of the dual system of vocational education: history, trends, perspectives. The actual problems of the world today: collective monograph. London: United Kingdom, 2019. P. 114-124.
  8. Rybalko L. & Yopa T., Hulko T. Education of students based on the principles of sustainable development education. Modern approaches to ensuring sustainable development: Collective monograph. Edited by Valentyna Smachylo and Oleksandr Nestorenko, The University of Technology in Katowice Press, 2023. P. 220-229.
  9. Rybalko L.M., Zamakhina S.P., Gulko T.Y. Professional training of future specialists in higher education institutions in the context of European integration of the educational space. Contemporary problems of pedagogy amidst the European integration of educational environment: theory and practice: Scientific monograph. Riga, Latvia: “Baltija Publishing”, 2023. P. 336-350.
  10. Rybalko L.M. Innovations in the system of professional training of future specialists in physical culture and sports. Theory and practice of professional formation of a specialist in an innovative educational environment: a collective monograph / edited by N.P. Volkova, O.O. Lavrentieva. Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University, 2023. P. 115-128.

Educational and methodical manuals:

  1. Rybalko L.M. General theory of health: a textboCS for students majoring in 017 “Physical Culture and Sports”. 2nd edition, revised and supplemented. Poltava: NUPP, 2022. 186 p.
  2. Rybalko L.M. Theory and Methods of Physical Education: a textboCS for students majoring in 017 “Physical Culture and Sports”, Bachelor’s degree. Poltava: National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, 2021. 158 p.
  3. Rybalko L.M., Permiakov O.A. Theory and Methods of Physical Education: a textboCS for students majoring in 017 “Physical Culture and Sports”, Bachelor’s degree. Poltava: National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, 2020. 240 p.
  4. Rybalko L.M. General theory of health: Study guide for students majoring in 017 “Physical Culture and Sports” of the bachelor’s degree. Poltava: National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, 2020. 210 p.
  5. Rybalko L.M. Modeling of a healthy lifestyle and physical education and recreation activities: a study guide for students majoring in 017 “Physical Culture and Sports”, Master’s degree. Poltava: National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, 2020. 140 p.
  6. Rybalko L.M. General theory of health: lecture notes for students majoring in 017 “Physical Culture and Sports”, bachelor’s degree. Poltava: National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, 2020. 150 p.
  7. Rybalko L.M. Theory and methods of physical education: lecture notes for full-time students majoring in 017 “Physical Culture and Sports”, bachelor’s degree. Poltava: National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, 2020. 90 p.
  8. Rybalko L.M. Modeling of a healthy lifestyle and physical culture and recreational activities: lecture notes for full-time students majoring in 017 “Physical Culture and Sports”, Master’s degree. Poltava: National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, 2021. 200 p.
  9. Rybalko L.M. Methodical instructions for practical classes in the discipline “Theory and Methods of Physical Education” for bachelor’s students majoring in 017 “Physical Culture and Sports”. Poltava: National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, 2020. 112 p.
  10. Rybalko L.M. Modeling of a healthy lifestyle and physical culture and recreation activities: a textboCS for students majoring in 017 “Physical Culture and Sports”, Master’s degree. Poltava: National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, 2020. 140 p.
  11. Rybalko L.M., Gulko T.Y., Kravchenko M.V. General Theory of Health: a textboCS for students of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education, specialty 017 “Physical Culture and Sports”. Poltava: NUPP, 2023. 180 p.

Articles with students:

  1. KyrychCS Z.M., Rybalko L.M. Formation of a healthy lifestyle by means of preventive education of students. Modern problems of physical education and sports of different population groups: materials of the XX International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists, October 21-22, 2020 / edited by Y. M. Kopytin, scientific editor O. A. Tomenko - Sumy: Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko, 2020.
  2. Kinderenko Y. Physical activity as a component of a healthy lifestyle. Actual problems of physical culture, Olympic and professional sports and rehabilitation in educational institutions of Ukraine: Collection of scientific proceedings of the XVIII All-Ukrainian Student Scientific and Practical Conference of V. V. Vynnychenko Central State Pedagogical University. Kharkiv: FOP Ozerov G.V., 2020. P. 212-215.
  3. Petrenko K. Yoga as an unconventional method of healing. Actual problems of physical culture, Olympic and professional sports and rehabilitation in educational institutions of Ukraine: Collection of scientific proceedings of the XVIII All-Ukrainian Student Scientific and Practical Conference of V. V. Vynnychenko Central State Pedagogical University. Kharkiv: FOP Ozerov G.V., 2020. P. 160-164.
  4. Rybalko L.M., Mykhailenko V. Methods of teaching and improving the technique of kayaking. Actual Problems of Physical Culture and Sports: Collection of Materials of the IV All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation, December 01, 2023 Poltava: National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, 2023. P. 99-100.
  5. Rybalko L.M., Grushka E. Strength training of students by means of athleticism. Actual Problems of Physical Culture and Sports: Collection of Materials of the IV All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation, December 01, 2023, Poltava: National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, 2023. P. 124-126.
  6. Rybalko L.M., Korniiash V. Physical abilities of pupils of grades 1-4 with visual impairment. Actual problems of physical culture and sports: collection of materials of the IV All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference with international participation, December 01, 2023 Poltava: National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, 2023. P. 200-202.


  1. Rybalko L.M. Actual problems of physical education methods in higher education institutions. Modern challenges and topical issues of science, education and production: interdisciplinary debates [collection of scientific papers]: materials of the IV international scientific and practical Internet conference. Kyiv, May 15, 2020. Kyiv, 2020. P. 396-400.
  2. Rybalko L.M., Gulko T.Y. Application of information and communication technologies in the conditions of distance learning. Actual problems of physical culture, sports and physical education: collection of materials of the First All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Internet Conference with international participation, December 02, 2020 [editor-in-chief L.M. Rybalko]. Poltava : National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, 2020. P. 196-198.
  3. Rybalko L.M., Gulko T.Y. Formation of professional competencies in higher education students. Topical issues of modern pedagogy: creativity, skill, professionalism: materials of the V All-Ukrainian teaching and student scientific and practical conference, Kremenchuk, March 13, 2020. Kremenchuk: Kremenchuk Makarenko Pedagogical College, 2020. P. 37-42. http://reposit.pntu.edu.ua/handle/PoltNTU/6756
  4. Rybalko L.M. Didactic conditions for the formation of a health-preserving educational environment in higher education institutions. Actual problems of development of physical culture, sports and tourism in modern society: collection of abstracts of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference (November 27, 2020, Ivano-Frankivsk) / Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. Electronic edition. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2020. P. 32-34.
  5. Rybalko L.M., Yopa T.V. Professional training of future masters of physical culture and sports. Psychological and pedagogical problems of socialization of personality in modern conditions: materials of the international scientific and practical conference, Kyiv, January 31 - February 1, 2020. K.: Vernadsky Taurida National University, 2020. P. 129-133. http://reposit.pntu.edu.ua/handle/PoltNTU/6755
  6. Rybalko L.M. Society’s demand for specialists in physical culture and sports in the context of sustainable development. Physical education and sports in educational institutions of Ukraine at the present stage: state, directions and prospects of development: Collection of scientific works of the XVI All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference of the Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Vynnychenko. Kharkiv: FOP Ozerov G.V., 2020. P. 68-72.
  7. Rybalko L.M. Innovative approaches to teaching students majoring in 017 “Physical Culture and Sports” / L.M. Rybalko // New and traditional in the research of modern representatives of psychological and pedagogical sciences: collection of abstracts of scientific works of participants of the international scientific and practical conference (Lviv, March 27-28, 2020). Lviv: NGO “Lviv Pedagogical Community”, 2020. http://reposit.pntu.edu.ua/handle/PoltNTU/6974
  8. Rybalko L.M., Kamerilov O.E. Physical activity as a condition for a healthy lifestyle. Health and recreational motor activity in modern society: materials of the International scientific and practical Internet conference (Chernivtsi, 10.11.2020) / edited by Y.B. Zoria. Chernivtsi: Chernivtsi National University, 2020. P. 183-185.
  9. Rybalko L.M. Classification of educational health-saving technologies. Physical Rehabilitation and Health Saving Technologies: Realities and Prospects: Collection of Scientific Materials of the VI All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Internet Conference with International Participation, November 19, 2020: National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, 2020. P. 192-195.
  10. Rybalko L.M., Miandia P.Y. Directions of formation of a competent specialist in physical culture and sports. Humanitarian and Pedagogical Education: Achievements, Problems, Prospects: Materials of the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference (with international participation), November 20, 2020, Dnipro: “International Humanitarian and Pedagogical Institute “Beit Khan”, 2020. P. 34-38.
  11. Rybalko L.M., Onishchuk L.M. Application of competency-based learning technology in the educational process of training bachelors of physical culture and sports. Psychology and pedagogy: modern methods and innovations, experience of practical application: Collection of abstracts of scientific works of participants of the international scientific and practical conference (Lviv, October 23-24, 2020): Lviv Pedagogical Community, 2020. P. 153-156.
  12. Rybalko L.M. Features of nutrition of athletes with disabilities as a means of restoring their body. Innovative potential and legal support of socio-economic development of Ukraine: the challenge of the global world: materials of the International scientific and practical conference, Poltava, March 25-26, 2020. Poltava: Institute of Economics and Law of the University “Ukraine”, 2020. P. 145-148. http://reposit.pntu.edu.ua/handle/PoltNTU/6752
  13. Rybalko L.M., Ostapov A.V. Selection of gifted youth to kickboxing sports sections. Values of educational space and axiogenesis of a gifted personality: abstracts of the XI scientific and practical seminar, October 29, 2020 Kyiv: H.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, 2020.
  14. Rybalko L.M. Training of future specialists in physical culture and sports on the basis of a competence-based approach. Modern problems of physical education, sports and human health: collection of scientific papers of the IV International Internet Conference, November 24-25, 2020: Ushynsky University, 2020. P. 67-69.
  15. Rybalko L.M. Physical activity and its indicators in university students. Actual problems of physical education of different segments of the population. [Electronic resource]. Kharkiv: KHDAFK, 2020. P. 155-164. http://journals.uran.ua/hdafk-tmfv
  16. Rybalko L.M. Physical activity as a condition for a healthy lifestyle. Problems of forming a healthy lifestyle for young people: Proceedings of the VIII All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the development of swimming in Lviv; Edited by Sirenko R.R. Lviv: Publishing Center of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2020.
  17. Rybalko L.M. Implementation of a competency-based approach in the content of modern biology textboCSs. Problems of the modern textboCS: collection of abstracts of the International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference (scientific edition), May 28-29, 2020, Kyiv: Pedagogical thought, 2020.
  18. Rybalko L.M. Modern physical culture and health work in foreign countries. Abstracts of the 72nd Scientific Conference of Professors, Lecturers, Researchers, Postgraduate Students and University Students, Dedicated to the 90th Anniversary of National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”. Volume 2 (Poltava, April 21 - May 15, 2020). Poltava: National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, 2020, pp. 420-422. http://reposit.pntu.edu.ua/handle/PoltNTU/7352
  19. Rybalko L.M. Physical and mental health of the individual through the harmonization of relations in the “man – nature” system / L.M. Rybalko // Psychological and pedagogical coordinates of personality development: collection of scientific materials of the I International Scientific and Practical Conference, June 2-3. 2020. Poltava: National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, 2020, pp. 215-219. http://reposit.pntu.edu.ua/handle/PoltNTU/7490
  20. Rybalko L.M., Tsipoviaz A.T., Ostapov A.V. Preventive education of future specialists in physical culture and sports. Priority scientific directions of pedagogy and psychology: from theory to practice: collection of abstracts of the international scientific and practical conference: (Kharkiv, Ukraine, October 9-10, 2020). Kharkiv : Eastern Ukrainian Organization “Center for Pedagogical Research”, 2020. P. 41-45.
  21. Rybalko L. Formation of a health-preserving educational environment by means of physical culture. Modern problems of physical education and sports of different population groups: materials of the XX International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists, October 21-22, 2020 / edited by Y. Kopytin, scientific editor O. Tomenko. Sumy: Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko, 2020. P. 87-91.
  22. Rybalko L.M., Tsipoviaz A.T., Ostapov A.V. Preventive education of future specialists in physical culture and sports. Priority scientific directions of pedagogy and psychology: from theory to practice: collection of abstracts of the international scientific and practical conference: (Kharkiv, Ukraine, October 9-10, 2020). Kharkiv: Eastern Ukrainian Organization “Center for Pedagogical Research”, 2020. P. 41-45.
  23. Rybalko L.M. Types of physical culture and health technologies. Abstracts of the 73rd Scientific Conference of Professors, Lecturers, Researchers, Postgraduate Students and Students of National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”. Vol. 2. (Poltava, April 21 – May 13, 2021). Poltava: National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, 2021. P. 327-328.
  24. Rybalko L.M., KyrychCS Z.M. Visualization of healthy lifestyle indicators using a 3D model in Matlab. Modern information technologies in education and science: III All-Ukrainian scientific conference. Internet conference, March 26-27, 2021 : (collection of materials) / MES of Ukraine, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine [and others] ; [editors-in-chief: Medvedieva M.O. (chief editor), Tkachuk H.V., Zhmud O.V., [and others]. Uman: Vizavi, 2021. P. 16-18.
  25. Rybalko L.M. Preventive education of higher education students majoring in 017 “Physical Culture and Sports”. Modern challenges and topical issues of science, education, technology and society: collection of abstracts of the International Scientific and Practical Conference (Izmail, October 6, 2023): in 2 parts: IFES, 2023. V. 2. P. 63-65.
  26. Rybalko L.M. Training of future specialists in physical culture and sports on the basis of a competence-based approach to the use of health-saving technologies. Actual Problems of Physical Culture and Sports: Collection of Materials of the IV All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation, December 01, 2023, Poltava: National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, 2023. P. 55-58.
  27. Rybalko L.M. Regulatory provisions for the organization of physical education in higher education institutions of Ukraine. Physical culture, sport and health: state, problems and prospects: Collection of materials of the XXIII International Scientific and Practical Conference, December 6, 2023: KHDAFK, 2023, P. 117-118.


017BOC7 General theory of health

017BOC15 Theory and methods of physical education


Editor-in-Chief of the collection of scientific papers “Humanitarian Bulletin of Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”.

Member of the Dissertation Council D 26.452.05 in the specialty 13.00.02 - Theory and Methods of Teaching (Biology, Geography, Chemistry) of the Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine.

Member of the editorial boards of 3 domestic professional publications belonging to category B (“Pedagogical Sciences”; “Aesthetics and Ethics of Pedagogical Action”; “Bulletin of the Precarpathian University. Series: Physical Culture”), and 2 international professional journals (“European Journal of Education and Applied Psychology”, “East West”, Vienna, Austria; “The unity of Science”, Vienna, Austria).


2023 – Diploma of the Committee on Physical Education and Sports of the Poltava Regional Department of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for the development of physical culture and sports among students of higher education institutions in Poltava region.

2023 – Acknowledgement from the Rector of National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” for many years of conscientious work, a significant personal contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists and scientific personnel, fruitful scientific and pedagogical activity, patriotism and dedication.

2022 – Honorary Diploma of Rector of National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”.

2021 – Certificate of Honor from the Rector of National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”.

2020 – Acknowledgment of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

2020 – Diploma of Poltava Regional State Administration.

2019 – Diploma of Shevchenkivskyi District Council in Poltava.

2018 – Diploma of the Department of Education and Science of the Poltava Regional State Administration.

2017 – Acknowledgment of the Department of Infrastructure and Tourism of the Poltava Regional State Administration.

2017 – Acknowledgment from the Rector of Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University.

2014 – Diploma of the Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine.

2013 – Acknowledgement of the National Center “Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine” of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

2011 – Diploma of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine.