The Department of Automation, Electronics and Telecommunications

Bachelor's degree in speciality 141 "Electric power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics" (Educational programme "Electromechanical automation systems and electric drive");

Bachelor's degree in speciality - 141 "Electric power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics" (Educational programme - "Renewable electricity and power supply of electric transport");

Bachelor's degree in speciality - 151  (174) "Automation and computer-integrated technologies" (Educational programme - "Robotics and automated control systems");

Bachelor's degree in speciality 172 "Telecommunications and Radio Engineering" (Educational programme - "Telecommunications and Radio Engineering");

Master's degree in 141 "Electric power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics" (Educational programme - "Electromechanical automation systems and electric drive");

Master's degree in 172 "Telecommunications and Radio Engineering" (Educational programme - "Telecommunication Systems and Networks").

The Department of Automation and Electric Drive was established in 1992 on the basis of the Department of Physics and Electrical Engineering of Poltava Civil Engineering Institute, which together with the opening of the Department of Construction Machinery and Equipment, specialising in Hoisting and Transport, Construction, Road, Land Reclamation Machinery and Equipment, served as the basis for the establishment of the Faculty of Electromechanics.

A licence was obtained to train students in the speciality "Automation of technological processes and industrial installations", which is accredited at the IV level.

In 1998, the department trained the first specialists with the qualification of "electromechanical engineer" in the speciality "Automation of technological processes and industrial plants".

Since 2000, the department has been training bachelors, specialists and masters in the field of education 0922 "Electromechanics", speciality "Electromechanical automation systems and electric drive", and since 2011 in the field of education 6.050702 "Electromechanics" and specialities 7.05070204 and 8.05070204 of the field of knowledge 0507 "Electrical engineering and electromechanics".

The department has a postgraduate course in the speciality 05.13.07 "Automation of control processes". During the existence of the postgraduate course, 17 dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences were prepared and defended (S. Kyslytsia, M. Lysytsia, O. Schaefer, V. Halai, O. Skrylnyk, M. Pugach, P. Lysytsia, D. Neliuba, and others).

Oleksandr SHEFER, Head of the Department

Hryhorii Kozhushko, Professor of the Department

Viktor KOSENKO, Professor of the Department

Leonid LEVI, Professor of the Department

Bohdan Boryak, Associate Professor of the Department

Vasyl GALAI, Associate Professor of the Department

Oleksandr DRIUCHKO, Associate Professor of the Department

Nataliia Yermilova, Associate Professor of the Department

Ruslan Zakharchenko, Associate Professor of the Department

Svitlana Kyslytsia, Associate Professor of the Department

Oleksandr LAKTIONOV, Associate Professor of the Department

Andrii Tretiak, Associate Professor of the Department

Bachelor's degree in speciality 141 "Electric power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics" (Educational programme "Electromechanical automation systems and electric drive");

Bachelor's degree in speciality - 141 "Electric power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics" (Educational programme - "Renewable electricity and power supply of electric transport");

Bachelor's degree in speciality - 151  (174) "Automation and computer-integrated technologies" (Educational programme - "Robotics and automated control systems");

Bachelor's degree in speciality 172 "Telecommunications and Radio Engineering" (Educational programme - "Telecommunications and Radio Engineering");

Master's degree in 141 "Electric power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics" (Educational programme - "Electromechanical automation systems and electric drive");

Master's degree in 172 "Telecommunications and Radio Engineering" (Educational programme - "Telecommunication Systems and Networks").

Areas of scientific and technical activity: modelling and research of technological processes and machines as control objects with the definition of their observability and controllability states in space; synthesis and analysis of automatic and automated control systems based on optimization, pattern recognition, identification and adaptation methods, as well as coordination, fuzzy logic and scenario control algorithms.

The department established a scientific school of technological process automation in 1991.

The types of research are theoretical and experimental.

The scientific supervisor is Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor O.V. Schaefer.

The purpose of the research is to improve the technical and economic performance of technological processes, the efficiency of machines and equipment, reduce energy consumption by developing new and improving existing automation systems, improve the characteristics of telecommunication systems and networks, as well as training of highly qualified personnel for the department, scientific institutions and industry.

Objects of research - technological processes in a wide range of industries.

Subjects of research - mathematical models, methods and algorithms, automation systems.

Methods of stepwise recognition of objects by their physical properties; control of the viscosity of softened quartz glass in the production of quartz pipes by the parameters of the electric drive of the extractor machine; compensation for the delay in obtaining current information about the state of the object based on predictive models; diagnostics and prevention of pre-emergency modes of systems operation based on the theory of pattern recognition; high-level coding of decisions in chromosomes when setting up fuzzy controllers; determination of nonlinear static and linear dynamic components of models of non-stationary control objects. These and other methods and algorithms are described in the defended dissertations of postgraduate students, monographs, articles and theses published by postgraduate students and teachers of the department.

Based on the results of theoretical and experimental research, the following have been developed and implemented in production: software and adaptive systems for automatic control of quartz enrichment processes; quality recognition and classification of bulk minerals; manufacturing of low-noise amplifiers of ultra-high frequency signals; adaptive filters - delay compensators in automated control systems; automated control system for drying grain crops; models and methods for reconfiguring the self-healing segment of telecommunication networks; and more.

In 2012, the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine awarded P. Lysytsia with a diploma for scientific achievements in the work on the topic "Adaptive system for manufacturing quartz tubes".

Associate professors of the department Boryak B.R., Zakharchenko R.V., Laktionov O.I. became laureates of the President of Ukraine Prize for Young Scientists in 2022. Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 809/2022 "On awarding the President of Ukraine Prize for Young Scientists in 2022" for the work "Digital Transformation of Process Control Tools for Economic and Production Systems".

Objects are being researched and systems are being developed to control the trajectory of mobile machines of technological complexes for applying paint to the surface of roads during their marking, etching molybdenum parts of complex shape for the bases of discharge lamps, optimal distribution of non-traditional power sources for individual apartments, houses and small businesses, as well as systems for identifying aerodynamic coefficients of aircraft during flight tests.

Work is constantly underway to create programmes for intelligent control of robots and robotic systems, which helps to improve the level of teaching disciplines.

Projects on automation, power supply, electric lighting, communication lines and lighting design are carried out on request. The department's specialists have researched and developed the Comfort-1 LED luminaire, which has been put into mass production.

The novelty of technical developments is protected by patents and copyright certificates for inventions. Theoretical achievements and automation tools under development are tested annually at scientific and technical conferences and symposia. The department annually holds conferences, roundtable meetings, and scientific seminars. The results of research are used in the educational process in course and diploma design.

The department closely cooperates with scientific institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, in particular with the Lashkariov Institute of Semiconductor Physics. The Agreement on Scientific and Technical Cooperation between National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" and the above mentioned institution provides for the advanced training and internships of the department's staff, joint scientific conferences and researches.

The Department has started a professional collection of scientific papers "Control, Navigation and Communication Systems", which has the state registration in the State Registration Office of Printed Media Series KV No. 24464-14404 PR dated 27.03.2020. The collection is indexed in international scientometric databases

Implementing the perspective development programme of the university, international activity is one of the priority directions of the Department of Automation, Electronics and Telecommunications and National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" in general. Every year, the university expands its partnerships with foreign partner institutions, implements the principles of academic mobility of students and academic staff, participates in international projects and programmes.

Training specialists for foreign countries: National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" trains specialists for such countries as India, Pakistan, Nigeria, Egypt, Turkey, Zimbabwe, Sierra Leone, etc.

The university cooperates with the leading European universities in the field of teacher training and student education.

Interuniversity cooperation with foreign partner universities.National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" has long-term agreements on scientific cooperation with 64 foreign universities and institutions:

Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, Sweden);

Higher School of Technology, Economics and Culture (University of Applied Sciences, Leipzig, Germany);

Tynystanov  Issykkul State University (Kyrgyz Republic);

Tashkent State Technical University (Uzbekistan);

Institute of Oil and Gas (Krakow, Poland);

Glyndŵr University (UK);

Krakow University of Technology named after T. Kosciuszko (Poland).

The Department of Automation, Electronics and Telecommunications provides training:

Bachelor's degree in speciality 141 "Electric power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics" (Educational programme "Electromechanical automation systems and electric drive");

Bachelor's degree in speciality - 141 "Electric power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics" (Educational programme - "Renewable electricity and power supply for electric transport");

Bachelor's degree in speciality 174 "Automation and computer-integrated technologies" (Educational programme - "Robotics and automated control systems");

Bachelor's degree in speciality 172 "Electronic Communications and Radio Engineering" (Educational programme - "Telecommunications and Radio Engineering");

Master's degree in 141 "Electric power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics" (Educational programme - "Electromechanical automation systems and electric drive");

Master's degree in 172 "Electronic Communications and Radio Engineering" (Educational programme - "Telecommunication Systems and Networks").

The laboratories are equipped with modern equipment and appropriate mechanisms, which have become a reliable base for training scientific and production personnel at the level of international standards.

All laboratories are equipped with modern facilities, which allows us to train competitive specialists. All classrooms are equipped with multimedia equipment, which improves the quality of teaching disciplines.

The department is connected to the university's local computer network, which provides access from any computer installed in computer labs, departments, deans' offices or departments:

to the electronic catalogue of the university library, where you can find the necessary literature as quickly as possible;

via the Internet to the catalogues of other libraries;

to the university's electronic library, which is constantly updated, where textbooks, manuals, regulatory literature, methodological instructions, work curricula, etc. are stored in electronic form;

access to Internet resources;

to a number of other services provided by the university server.

For more detailed information about the direction or speciality, please contact us at:

Poltava, 24 Pershotravnevyi Avenue.

Phones: Admissions Committee +38 (0532) 56-16-04; +38 (099) 057-65-17

While studying at the University, students have the opportunity to join the rich life of student activities and self-government. Thus, a number of events were held to support a healthy lifestyle, the main ones being the university bowling championship, football tournaments, and dance flash mobs.

A student leisure centre was created, which in turn became the first art space in Poltava, Time for Students. This project was headed by the chairman of the student council of the Faculty of Electromechanics Oles Luchnyi and the chairman of the student council of the Faculty of Oil, Gas and Environmental Management Mykola Haniushkin.

Address:  24, Pershotravnevyi Avenue, Poltava, 36011.

Building F, 3rd floor, room. 314Ф

