Educational and scientific activity of students majoring in 103 "Earth Sciences"

Student life is interesting, fun, and diverse!

Activities of the clubs

Geologists are specialists who are detectives of the earth's interior, guides in the search for minerals.

Geological clubs help our students majoring in Earth Sciences to understand:

 "How?" and "Where?" In everyday life and in their future professional activities, they will need knowledge of Mineralogy, Petrography, Geology of Mineral Deposits, Geology of Oil and Gas, etc.

"Why?" is an integrated approach to the study of disciplines, communication with like-minded people, industry professionals, students of other educational institutions of related specialties.

Tasks of the clubs:

  • orientation of students to active participation in research activities and study of geology;
  • mastering the methods of research work, the ability to think independently and creatively, to use the acquired knowledge;
  • development of skills of independent work with scientific literature, Internet resources, training in methods of data processing and analysis of results, preparation and execution of reports and reports on the results of research work;
  • Promoting and organizing the publication of students' research papers;
  • participation of members of the group in scientific and practical conferences, various forms of presentations of research works;
  • conducting active social, cultural and scientific activities in order to form professional competence and mobility, the ability to quickly adapt, constantly update theoretical knowledge and practical skills;
  • maintaining contacts with institutions, organizations, and entrepreneurs with practical experience to improve practical skills.

We invite students and teachers, schoolchildren and teachers, as well as ALL interested persons who want to understand the essence of geological science and love GEOLOGY as we do!

Club "Geology: from theory to practice. Head - Senior Lecturer of the Department of Drilling and Geology Marina Vovk

Participation in trade unions and associations


Students of specialty 103 "Earth Sciences" are members of the international organization SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers), together with teachers they take part in international events and round tables.

Maria Zaitseva, a student majoring in 103 Earth Sciences, is the vice president of the union.

Student internships and excursions


Students of National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" majoring in Earth Sciences and teachers of the Educational and Research Institute of Oil and Gas visited Poltava expedition for geophysical research in the wells of the state geophysical enterprise Ukrgeofizyka.

The cooperation agreement signed by Rector of National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" Volodymyr Onyshchenko and Head of the State Service of Geology and Mineral Resources of Ukraine Roman Opimakh is being implemented.

Contacts of the Department of Drilling and Geology

National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic"