Students of specialty code 192 "Building and civil engineering" are essential knowledge for the design of buildings, works in the construction, testing and diagnosis of buildings, reconstruction and strengthening, operation and maintenance of buildings and technology and construction organization. They have the necessary knowledge to design research and creation of new designs, developing new technological approaches to making designs and construction sector. Teaching students associated with scientific work in the laboratories of the department with modern equipment and computer software.
Active participants of the group "Modeling of building structures using computer programs" conduct research and take part in conferences and seminars.

Report of the student of group 501-BP Kateryna Andriets at the scientific conference of the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works
According to the results of the competitive evaluation, the scientific work of the master's student of the specialty 192 "Construction and civil engineering" of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Architecture, Construction and Land Management of the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" Kateryna Andriets "Analysis of the strength of reinforced concrete in the closed space of a metal pipe" was performed under the supervision of the candidate Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Building Structures Olha Harkava, obtained a diploma of the III degree.
Involvement of students in scientific work at the department of building structures with the active assistance of the head of the department Andrii Pavlikov helps to increase their level of training and forms a desire for self-improvement and moving forward.
Under the leadership of Pogribny V.V. students of architectural direction Sovenko T.O. and Kostromitska K.S. completed a student research paper on the topic "Improved butt joints in prefabricated monolithic ceilings of affordable housing buildings", for which the authors won the 2nd place in the 2nd round of the All-Ukrainian competition for student research papers in 2020.
Student Andriets K.I. based on the results of his research under the guidance of Harkava O.V. in 2020, she prepared and submitted a student research paper on the topic "Research of the stress-strain state of reinforced concrete structures operating under complex deformations" for the II round of the All-Ukrainian competition for student research papers, as a result of which she received a diploma of the winner of the III degree.

In addition, students participating in the scientific circle and master's students of the department take part in scientific events of our university, in particular in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Problems and Prospects of the Development of Academic and University Science".
The department operates a student scientific group "Modeling the work of building structures using computer programs" under the leadership of O.H. Fenko. Active members of the circle conduct scientific research, participate in scientific conferences and seminars.
Every year, the department holds the first stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the discipline "Resistance of Materials", the winners of which take part in the second stage. Associate professors of the department prepare students for participation in the II stage of the Olympiad. Kyrychenko V.A. and Fenko O.G.
The educational process at the department is accompanied by scientific and experimental work in the department's laboratories.
Teachers Sergiy Mykytenko and Volodymyr Pogribniy conduct laboratory work with construction students of the 4th year
Master's theses completed by students are of great practical interest and can be applied in production.

Fragments of master's thesis of K.H. Saiko on the topic "Effective structural system of affordable housing: calculation of inter-column floor slab by kinematic method", 2018 (supervisor ScD, Professor A.M. Pavlikov)

Fragments of master's thesis of Yu.O. Prykhodko on the topic "Calculation of bearing capacity of crane beams of the laboratory of the RCMSSM PoltNTU department (as part of the technopark)", 2017 (supervisor ScD, Professor A.M. Pavlikov)

Fragments of master’s thesis of Y. Chernenko on theme "14-storey residential building for employees of PoltNTU with precast-monolithic frame: proposals for the design of key joints of reinforced concrete elements", 2016 (supervisor PhD, Professor O.O. Dovzhenko)

Fragments of master’s thesis of I.S. Zinchenko on theme "Multi-storey parking in Boryspil: calculation of bearing capacity of reinforced concrete columns according to the deformation model", 2018 (supervisor PhD Harkava O.V.)

Fragments of the master's work of A.F. Butt on the topic "Cast in site voided biaxial slab of the office block in Kremenchuk", 2020 (scientific supervisor, Ph.D., associate professor O.V. Harkava)