Educational Program "Information analytics and PR-activities"

Educational Program “Information Analytics and PR Activities”

Field of Study

02 Culture and Art


029 Information, Librarianship and Archiving

Educational Program

Information Analytics and PR Activities

Educational Level


Subjects of Centralized Entrance Exam 2020

  • History of Ukraine
  • Ukrainian Language and Literature
  • Foreign Language or Mathematics ( or Geography for entrants only for the contracted training)

Tuition Fee


Short Description of the Program

Training in the VTP (Vocational Training Program) ‘Information Analytics and PR-activities’ will help to master the fundamental knowledge of information-analytical activities, communication, psychology, marketing, web design, up-to-day media technologies in organizing effective public relations.

If you strive to become a specialist in information and media activities; navigate the organization of information and analytical providing of the state and business subjects of managing with the use of computer information systems; have the skill to plan and implement PR and advertising projects; be versed in modern technologies of image and communicative activity; produce and account documents professionally, control the access to them in document-information systems; organize and coordinate the work of traditional and electronic documentation systems –we will help you become an information analyst and PR-specialist.

Program Benefits

In the process of occupational activities, specialists will be able to:

Possibilities for studying and training abroad

Students majoring in Information, Library and Archival Services have the opportunity to participate in international educational science grant projects.

Main disciplines of professional training

Information and Analytical Activities; Theory and Practice of Pr-Technologies; Marketing of Information Products and Services; Legal Basis of Information-Analytical Activity; Pr-Technologies in Marketing Communications; Imagology; Branding in Strategic Communications;Media and Internet Advertising; Web Design; Data Protection; Electronic Workflows; Networking and Internet Technology; Application Software.

Positions that graduates can hold

Information analyst; Public relation and press specialist; PR-technologist; Speechwriter; copywriter; Advisor (expert) on socio-political issues (in political parties and other public organizations), etc.

They can work in PR-agencies; PR departments of any government and commercial institutions; Information Analytical Centers; press services of the enterprises, business companies, political parties, public organizations; print and electronic media; publishing houses and printing houses.

Partner Institutions

PE "Soft-Service"; ‘DTEK’ LLC; The State Historical and Cultural Preserve ‘The Poltava Battle Field’; State Archives of Poltava region; Shevchenkivska district council in Poltava; Public Utility Company ‘Poltavavodokanal’ of Poltava regional council; NGDU "Poltavanaftogaz"; JSC "Electric Motor"; PJSC "MyrhoroDCurort".

Additional Information


Contact Information

For further information contact the Admissions Office:

 +38 (0532) 56-16-04

 +38 (099) 057-65-17

 +38 (0532) 56-19-48

 +38 (0532) 56-18-97

Or in messengers: