Research activities of the Ukrainian Studies, Culture and Documentation

The Department of Ukrainian Studies, Culture and Documentation in the field of research works on the complex scientific theme "Spiritual Culture of Ukraine, Poltava Region (XIX-XX centuries)", as well as on the theme that corresponds to its profile as a graduation, "Document and Information Communications in the context of modern globalization challenges ".

Annually the department conducts scientific and scientific-practical conferences, round tables of relevant topics - from regional to All-Ukrainian ones. In particular, starting from 2015, the Department will launch an annual All-Ukrainian scientific and practical Internet-conference "Document and Information Communications in a Globalizing Environment: State, Problems and Prospects". .

The work of the department is connected with conducting consultations on the issues of scientific style of speech, terminology apparatus of the Ukrainian language in various fields of science, as well as the in-depth study of the Ukrainian language by foreign citizens.

Monographs of the Department's scientists, published in recent years:

  1. Perederij I.G. Vyacheslav Lipinsky: an ethnic Pole, a political Ukrainian: monograph. / І.Г. Perederij - Poltava: View of PoltNTU, 2012. - 622 p.
  2. Perederij I.G. The development of the national education system in Ukraine during the time of the Central Rada: historical aspect: monograph / I.G. Perederij - Poltava: RV PoltNTU, 2009. - 160 p.
  3. Reevuk V.Ya., Kocherga N.K., V.G. Korolenko: Civic activity of the writer (1917-1921 gg.): monograph. / V.Ya. Reveguk, NK Poker. - Poltava: Divosvit, 2014. – 212 p.
  4. Glorious names of Poltava region. Alexander Zasyadko / G.I Antipovich, NK Kocherga, G.O. Kudryashov - Poltava: Oriana, 2009. – 72 p.
  5. Denisovets I.V. Slaviculture and stylistics of contemporary Ukrainian children's prose / I.V. Denisovets. - Poltava: PE "Astraya", 2018. – 272 p.
  6. Derevyanko L. I. Correlation of primary and secondary prepositions in the structure of temporal semantic-syntactic relations: monograph. - Poltava: Astraya, 2017. – 194 p.
  7. Naradko A. V Charity in the field of education in Ukraine (second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries): monograph / A.V Naradko - Poltava: PoltNTU, 2016. - 180 p.
  8. Tour of O.M. Formation of communicative competence in the process of preparation of specialists in document science and information activities: monograph / Oksana Tur. - Poltava: PoltNTU, 2016. – 164 p.
  9. Tur O. M. Formation of communicative competence of future specialists in document science and information activities: theory, history, practice: monograph / Oksana Tur. - Poltava: PoltNTU, 2017. - 450 p.
  10. Zhdanova-Nedilko O.G. Axiodidactic system of interaction between teacher and student in the study of pedagogical disciplines: monograph / O.G. Zhdanova-Nedilko. - Poltava: LLC "Firm" Techservice ", 2015 - 340 p.
  11. Misina O.I Structural-semantic and functional-stylistic properties of nulsefixal attributes: monograph. / O.I. Mizina - Poltava-Kharkiv: Kharkiv Historical and Philological Society, 2014. – 232 p.
  12. Vesherok O.N. Genre-style unique peculiarity of artistic prose V.G Korolenko: monograph / O.N. Evening - Poltava: PoltNTU, 2014 – 142 p.
  13. Doroshenko S.М. Ukrainian terminology of the oil and gas industry: formation and development: monograph. - Poltava, 2013. - 135 p.
  14. Cherednik L.A. Pushkin's motives in the work of Mikhail Bulgakov: monograph / L.A. Herdsman. - Poltava: LLC "ASMI", 2013 – 252 p.

Teachers of the Department actively work on raising the scientific and professional levels, obtaining degrees and academic titles: C. of Philol. O. Tour and C. of Philol. I. Denisovets.

In December 2018, N. Yakimenko successfully defended her candidate's thesis for a candidate's degree in pedagogical sciences.

Therefore, 100% of the scientific and pedagogical staff of the department have academic degrees.