Students of the department are involved in scientific work, conducted under the guidance of teachers, which helps them to prepare for the in-house, all-Ukrainian and international competitions of scientific works, competitions and conferences. The result of the joint scientific activity was the receipt by students of prize places at the competitions and competitions of scientific works at the regional and national levels.
At the end of May 2014 at the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman at the final conference of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research works "Picturesque Ukraine - tourist region", the students of the direction of training "Tourism" were noted. In particular, the All-Ukrainian Association of Tour Operators "for the development of an innovative tourism project" noted works by Antonina Kalinovska (work on the theme "The combination of pagan and Christian traditions in Borshchiv region") and OlenaOsipova (work on the theme "Pomoryan castle - the pearl of the Western lands"). Students Alexander Panasenko, Sergey Krasnostan and Alina Yatsenko were awarded with diplomas from the Union for the Promotion of Rural Green Tourism in the nomination "For the Development of a Perspective Tourist Project". Students were trained by PhD of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor M.I. Drogomyretska
Kalinovska Antonina Petrovna, a student of the 101-ЕT group, a scientific leader - Drogomyretska M.I., the All-Ukrainian contest of student research papers "Picturesque Ukraine - tourist region" (Kyiv, Kyiv National University of Economics, Vadym Hetman, May 23, 2014) was awarded with the Diploma of the All-Ukrainian Association of Tourist Operators "for the development of an innovative tourism project", a scientific work - "The combination of pagan and Christian traditions in the Borshchiv region").
Osipova Elena Ruslanivna, student of the group 102-ET, scientific leader Drogomyretska M.I., All-Ukrainian contest of student research works "Picturesque Ukraine - tourist region" (Kyiv, Kyiv National University of Economics, Vadym Hetman, May 23, 2014 was awarded with the Diploma of the All-Ukrainian Association of Tourist Operators "for the development of an innovative tourism project", a scientific work - "Pomoryany castle - the pearl of the Western lands").
Panasenko Alexander, student of the 101-ЕT group, the scientific leader Drogomyretska M.I., the All-Ukrainian contest of student research works "Picturesque Ukraine - tourist region" (Kyiv, Kyiv National University of Economics, Vadym Hetman, May 23, 2014 ., was awarded a diploma from the Union for the Promotion of Rural Green Tourism in Ukraine "For the development of a promising tourist project", scientific work - "Gogol's Places").
KrasnoshtanSergiy, student of the 101-ЕT group, the scientific leaderDrogomyretska M.I., the All-Ukrainian competition of student research works "Picturesque Ukraine - tourist region" (Kyiv, Kyiv National University of Economics, Vadym Hetman, May 23, 2014), was awarded a diploma from the Union for the Promotion of Rural Green Tourism in Ukraine "For the development of a promising tourist project", the scientific work "Karlovyshchyna is an original Cossack region").
Yatsenko Alina, student of the 101-ЕT group, the scientific leader Drogomyretska M.I., the All-Ukrainian contest of students' scientific works "Picturesque Ukraine - tourist region" (Kyiv, Kyiv National University of Economics, VadymHetman, May 23, 2014), was awarded a diploma from the Union for the Promotion of Rural Green Tourism in Ukraine "for the development of a promising tourist project", a scientific work - "Lilac grove in Dikanka").
The Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman hosted the summing up of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research works "Picturesque Ukraine - tourist destination" (2014-2015), which has already become traditional and is being sponsored by the State Agency of Ukraine for Tourism and Resorts. For consideration of the competition commission, students of the direction of training "Tourism" of the Poltava National Technical University named after Yuri Kondratyuk presented interesting scientific works: "Historical buildings of the city of Mirgorod" (author - Cel'bieenko Katerina, group 301-ET), "Pomoryan castle - the pearl of the western lands" (author -Osipova Elena, group 302-ET). Scientific supervisor - Ph.D., associate professor Drogomyretska MI. Our students have received thanks from the Chairman of the National Union of Local Linguists of Ukraine for active research and educational activities in popularizing the history of our native land.
On September 22, 2015, in the premises of the Poltava Academic Oblast Puppet Theater, there were celebrations on the occasion of the World Tourism Day and the Day of Tourism in Ukraine. A pleasant surprise for all those present was the summing up of the regional competition "Tourist hospitality of Poltava region", which was held with the support of the Poltava Regional Public Organization "Regional Tourist Cluster" and the Infrastructure and Tourism Department of the Poltava Regional State Administration. Among the winners in the category "The best informational booklet" were students of the direction of training "Tourism" - Sergey Krasnostan (301-ET), Anya Konichenko, Yana Masliy and Ivanna Oliferuk (group 302-ET); in the nomination "The best page in the social network" - Natalia Guk (group 201-ET) (scientific adviser - Ph.D., associate professor Drogomyretska M.I.).
Student GarichevaSvitlanaYuriivna gr. 5EMZ of specialty "Management of foreign economic activity", scientific leader: doctor of economics, professor MarkinaI.A ;III place in the contest of students' scientific works on natural sciences, technical sciences and humanities for the 2013/2014 academic year in the direction of "Management", section "Management of organizations (by types of economic activity)", March 13, 2014 at the Semen Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics.
Student GarichevaSvitlanaYuriivna gr. 5EZ of specialty "Management of foreign economic activity", scientific supervisor: doctor of economics, professor Markina I.A; III place in the 2nd stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad on discipline "European Studies", April 15-17, 2014 at the Donetsk State University of Management.
Student Glushko Alena Sergeevna gr. 5EZ of specialty "Management of foreign economic activity", scientific leader: doctor of economics, professor Markina I.A; III place in the 2nd stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the specialty "Management of Foreign Economic Activity", April 23-25, 2014 at the Odessa National Economic University.
Yatsenko Katerina Oleksiivna student gr. 6EMa specialty "Business Administration", scientific leader: Ph.D., associate professor Amelina IV; The first prize in the annual contest of student research papers "From Student Self-Government to Community Governance", November 17, 2014 for a research paper "Development of green tourism objects in Poltava region (for example, the creation of a green manor" Revival of Traditions ").
Korsunskaya Marina Yuriyivna Student gr. 5EZ of specialty "Management of foreign economic activity", scientific leader: doctor of economics, professor Markina I.A., diploma of I degree in the All-Ukrainian competition of student's scientific works in the field of science "Management", Kyiv National TarasShevchenko University, April 15 2015.
Lushen Katerina Volodymyrivna, a student of group 5 EMZ specialty "Management of foreign economic activity", diploma of the II degree on the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad on the specialty "Management of Foreign Economic Activity" at the Odessa National Economic University, April 22-23, 2015.
Yatsenko Katerina Oleksiivna, student of the 6EMB group in the specialty "Business Administration", diploma of the III degree of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad on "Intellectual Property" at the Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute, April 22-23, 2015.