Student scientific club "Philology"

Students' research work is an integral part of the training of highly qualified specialists and an inseparable component of the educational and research processes. Research and development work is divided into research and development work that is an integral part of the educational process and research and development work that is performed in free time. Research and development work is an important means of improving the quality of training of philology specialists.

A scientific club is an organizational formation at the Department of Germanic Philology and Translation of National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic", whose members are a wide range of students of Faculty of Humanities, specialty 035 Philology (1-6 years) and pupils of Poltava schools, which is formed in the direction of the department's scientific activity according to the approved thematic plans of the department.

The current work of the student research group is organized and supervised by a scientific advisor (chairman) - Pavelieva Anna Konstantinovna, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Germanic Philology and Translation.

The permanent student research group "Philology" has been operating since May 2018. Meetings of the student research group are held in English and Ukrainian at least once a month with a discussion of the results of scientific works, publication activities, abstracts, etc. During the regular meetings of the club, topical issues of literary studies, linguistics, applied linguistics, translation studies are discussed, round tables on acute socio-political and cultural topics are held, and master classes are held.