The Department of Psychology and Pedagogy

The Department of Psychology and Pedagogy is a structural subdivision of the Faculty of Philology, Psychology and Pedagogy of National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”

National University”Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” is one of the powerful higher educational institutions of the Poltava region, which implements the priority directions of the state policy regarding the development of education, in particular, the training of qualified personnel capable of creative work, professional development, mastering and implementation of science-intensive and information technologies, competitive in the labor market. Recognizing a person as the highest value, orientation of educational systems towards a harmoniously and comprehensively developed personality determines the need for training future specialists, which is determined by the need to take into account psychological factors: mechanisms of individual and group behavior, formation of stress resistance skills in a constantly changing information environment, provision of a favorable psychological climate, formation of social success skills - Soft Skills.

The demands of the times required the creation of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy (February 1, 2020), which is capable of providing highly professional educational services, teaching psychological and pedagogical disciplines, conducting educational, research, and consulting activities, and providing psychological and pedagogical support to participants in the educational process through practical psychology, pedagogy, and art technologies.

Since 2021, higher education applicants have been trained in the specialty 053 "Psychology" on the educational and professional program "Practical Psychology" and 012 "Preschool Education" on the educational and professional program "Preschool Education".

The Laboratory of Psychodiagnostics and Correctional and Developmental Work operates on the basis of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, and in its activity it is guided by the current legislation, regulations of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, local regulations, educational and professional, educational and scientific programs of training future specialists, the University's Statute, the Collective Agreement between the Administration and the Labor Collective of National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic".

The purpose of the laboratory is:

  • organization of research activities in the fields: 05 Social and Behavioral Sciences, 01 Education/Pedagogy, etc;
  • providing in-depth practical training for participants in the educational process;
  • carrying out educational, advisory, social and preventive, correctional and developmental, and career guidance work.

The laboratory operates in a single complex of educational, scientific, research activities of the University and operates within the structure of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy.

The laboratory is a multifunctional platform for:

  • providing quality educational services to students majoring in 053 "Psychology" and 012 "Preschool Education";
  • providing psychological services for individuals and legal entities;
  • conducting scientific research, including jointly with colleagues from Ukrainian and foreign institutions.

Such multifunctionality is possible due to the use of special equipment of the laboratory.


Khomenko Evgenia Hryhorivna

Acting Head of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, Doctor of Philosophy in the specialty "053 Psychology", Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy


Sedykh Kira Valeriivna

Professor of Psychology and Pedagogy Department


Tur Oksana Mykolaivna

Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of Psychology and Pedagogy Department


Shevchuk Viktoria Valentynivna

Associate Professor, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of Psychology and Pedagogy Department


Klevaka Lesia Petrivna

Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of Psychology and Pedagogy Department


Hryshko Olha Ivanivna

Associate Professor of Psychology and Pedagogy Department


Horbenko Yurii Leonidovych

Associate Professor, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of Psychology and Pedagogy Department

Academic disciplines of the educational and professional program "Psychology" (Master's degree)

1. Foreign language in professional communication of a psychologist

2. Psychology of higher education

3. Methods of teaching psychology in higher education

4. Organization of scientific research and academic integrity

5. Psychology of the organization

6. Counseling and the basics of psychotherapy

7. Psychology of the family

8. Actual problems of practical psychology

9. Theory and practice of psychological training

10. Psychometrics

11. Industrial practice

12. Undergraduate practice

13. Performance of qualification work

Master's Degree 1 "Psychology of successful activity" (Block of optional disciplines №1 in the educational program)

1. Training for the prevention and correction of emotional burnout

2. Psychology of leadership

3. Health psychology and psychosomatics

4. Gender psychology

5. Workshop on psychocorrection

Major 2 "Crisis Psychology" (Block of optional disciplines №2 in the educational program)

1. Crisis psychology

2. Special psychology

3. Psychology of post-traumatic stress disorder

4. Medical psychology

5. Theory and methods of conducting self-help groups

The Psychological Hub has been operating on the basis of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy since August 2023 within the framework of memorandums of cooperation of the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" with the Ukrainian Association of Law Enforcement Representatives, the Main Office of the National Police in the Poltava Region, the Department of Patrol Police and the Main Office of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Poltava region and also closely cooperates with the Gender Center of the Poltava Polytechnic in the implementation of joint projects.

The prerequisite for the creation of the Hub was the holding of an interdepartmental round table "Providing psychosocial assistance to defenders and their family members, as well as to persons affected by Russian aggression. First psychological aid to the population in cases of emergencies" on July 12, 2023, as a result of which a resolution was adopted, according to which it was decided to develop joint scientific and practical activities between the university and departmental institutions, to promote the development and implementation of joint projects with the aim of high-quality practical training of highly qualified specialists psychologists and organizations of psychosocial support to the population.

Relevance of the project.

The military events taking place in Ukraine are stressful for all participants in the educational process. With the beginning of the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, we can note many appeals regarding psychological support for children in war conditions, provision of psychological help, in particular emergency, overcoming stress, experiencing loss, grief, sadness and suffering, psychotherapeutic work with children who have lost their parents, home, health and suffered injuries, survived bombings, became refugees, internally displaced persons.

Under such conditions, the role of the psychological service in the education system to ensure timely and systematic provision of psychological and socio-pedagogical support to all participants in the educational process in accordance with the goals and objectives of the education system is significantly increasing. The provision of a psychologically comfortable educational environment for all pupils and students and the provision of a high-quality educational process for children with psychological trauma, the development of the competencies of pedagogical workers in working with children who have signs of psychological trauma, the provision of support for pedagogical workers and the involvement of parents in the educational process are of great importance. process

Therefore, the priority of educational institutions is to ensure the psychological stability of participants in the educational process who suffered from Russian armed aggression.

The Psychological Hub "School of Resilience" is based on the National Program of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support, which provides for the implementation of such components as the creation of a system of assistance to ensure access to quality mental health and psychosocial support services, and was developed in accordance with the letter of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine "On providing psychological support for participants in the educational process in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine" No. 1/3737-22 dated March 29, 2022.

The realism of the project is determined by the organizational and personnel resources aimed at achieving the defined goals. Its integrity is the correspondence of the goal, tasks, plan of activities and expected results. Controllability – is ensured by the appropriate tracking system of intermediate and final results of project activities.

Project participants: broad segments of the population of different age categories.

The goal of the project: the development of the psychological competence of the individual by deepening knowledge about the factors of personal growth, in particular, its psychosocial support and awareness of the importance of psycho-emotional health of the individual.


  • reveal the theoretical foundations of psychosocial support and features of personal growth and its specifics in wartime;
  • methodological support for development and increasing the level of resilience;
  • dissemination of methods and technologies of psychosocial support of all population strata and practices of personal growth; consolidation of the efforts of pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers of educational and medical institutions, parents and the public for the development of the system of psychological assistance in the Poltava region.

Scientific investigations of teaching staff of the Psychology and Pedagogy Department are aimed at discussing the problems of psychological and pedagogical features of the formation and development of personality in the educational space; psychological and pedagogical conditions for the organization of educational and professional activities of young people within the framework of European integration; development of creativity of pupils and student youth; problems of innovative activity in educational institutions; peculiarities of preserving the mental health of an individual in the conditions of an educational environment; psychological and pedagogical assistance to individuals in situations of life changes; formation of motivation of participants in the educational process. Their results are reflected in scientific publications, speeches at conferences.

Every year since 2020, the department has been holding International Scientific and Practical Conferences "Psychological and Pedagogical Coordinates of Personality Development".

Co-organizers of the international conference are:

  • Hebei Foreign Studies University (China);
  • Ankara University (Turkey);
  • AGH University of Science and Technology (Poland);
  • Santa Fe College (USA);
  • H. S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;
  • Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University ;
  • National University “Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic”
  • Lviv Polytechnic National University;
  • Kremenchk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University;
  • Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University ;
  • Ternopil National Economic University
  • V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University;
  • The National University of Ostroh Academy
  •  Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University.

The laboratory of psychodiagnostics and correctional and developmental work operates on the basis of the department of psychology and pedagogy, and its activities are guided by current legislation, normative acts of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, local normative and legal acts, educational-professional, educational-scientific training programs for future specialists, the Statute of the University, the Collective Agreement between the administration and the labor team of the National University”Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” .

The purpose of the laboratory is:

  • organization of research activities in the following fields: 05 Social and behavioral sciences, 01 Education/Pedagogy and others;
  • ensuring in-depth practical training of participants in the educational process;
  • implementation of educational, advisory, social-prophylactic, correctional-developmental, career guidance work.

The laboratory carries out its activities in a single complex of educational, scientific, research activities of the University and operates in the structure of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy.

The laboratory is a multifunctional site for:

  • provision of quality educational services to students of specialties 053 "Psychology" and 012 "Preschool Education";
  • provision of psychological services for individuals and legal entities;
  • conducting scientific research, including, together with colleagues from Ukrainian and foreign institutions.

Due to the use of special equipment of the laboratory, such multifunctionality is possible.

The Educational Laboratory "Education and Care Center for  Pre-schoolers" provides educational activities for students of the specialism 012 - "Preschool Education" and 053 - "Psychology". The official opening of the Laboratory took place on October 4, 2022.

The opening of a new specialism at the Faculty of Philology, Psychology and Pedagogy - "Pre-school Education" in 2021 led to the creation of specialized educational laboratories to provide quality knowledge and form students' practical skills.

The laboratory is a unique platform for practicing students' practical skills, promotes the implementation of the principle of duality of education, the provision of high-quality educational services to students of higher education at the level of European standards.

In August 2022, the University concluded a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Mr.Leader children's center (founder of the brand - People's Deputy Volodymyr Voronov), within which the "EDUCATION and CARE" program for early childhood and preschool children is implemented on the basis of the laboratory , recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

In the laboratory, opportunities for the formation of professional competences of future preschool education specialists, practical psychologists capable of solving complex specialized tasks, characterized by the complexity of conditions with the application of innovative methods of preschool education, are expanding.

University website:

E-mail of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy:

Facebook page of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy:Кафедра-психології-та-педагогіки-НУ-Полтавська-політехніка-102954681355293


Contact the admissions office for more detailed information:

 +38 (0532)56-16-04

 +38 (099)057-65-17