The Department of Psychology and Pedagogy

The Department of Psychology and Pedagogy is a structural subdivision of the Faculty of Philology, Psychology and Pedagogy of Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic National University

Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic National University is one of the powerful HEIs of the Poltava region, which implements the priority areas of the state policy for the education development, in particular, for the training of qualified personnel capable of creative work, professional development, knowledge-intensive and information technologies, competitive in the labor market, implementation. The recognition of a person as the highest value, the orientation of educational systems towards a harmoniously and comprehensively developed personality determines the need for the training of future specialists, which is due to the need to consider psychological factors: both individual and group behavior mechanisms, stress resistance skills formation in a constantly changing information environment, ensuring favorable academic performance skills - Soft Skills.

     The requirements of the time necessitated the creation of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy (February 1, 2020), capable of providing highly professional educational services, teaching psychological and pedagogical disciplines, conducting educational, research, consulting activities, providing psychological and pedagogical support for participants in the educational process, pedagogy, art -technology.

Since 2021, higher education applicants have been prepared in the specialty 053 "Psychology" in the educational and professional program "Practical Psychology" and 012 "Preschool Education" in the educational and professional program "Preschool Education".

The laboratory of psychodiagnostics and correctional and developmental work operates on the basis of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, and in its activities is guided by the current legislation, regulations of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, local regulations, educational, professional, educational and scientific programs for the training of future specialists, the Charter University, the Collective Agreement between the administration and the labor collective of Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic National University.

The purpose of the laboratory is:

• organization of research activities in the areas: 05 Social and behavioral sciences, 01 Education/Pedagogy and others;

• providing in-depth practical training for participants in the educational process;

• implementation of educational, advisory, social and preventive, correctional and developmental, career guidance work.

The laboratory conducts its activities in a single complex of educational, scientific, research activities of the University and operates within the structure of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy.

     The laboratory is a multifunctional platform for:

– providing quality educational services to students of specialties 053 Psychology and 012 Preschool education;

– provision of psychological services for individuals and legal entities;

– conducting scientific research, including jointly with colleagues from both Ukrainian institutions and foreign ones.

Such multifunctionality is possible due to the use of special equipment in the laboratory.

The successful implementation of the tasks set is carried out by the scientific and pedagogical workers of the department, including the head of the department of psychology and pedagogy, doctor of psychological sciences, professor Svitlana Yalanska, associate professor of the department, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Natalia Saiko, associate professor of the department, candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor Nina Atamanchuk, associate professor of the Department, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor Yurii Horbenko, Associate Professor of the Department, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Lesia Klevaka, Practical University Psychologist, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Yevhenia Khomenko and specialist of the Department Alexander Kornilov.