TISC Technology and innovation support center

The Network of Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISCs) is an international project of the World Intellectual Property Organization, which has been implemented in Ukraine since 2018 on the basis of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) regarding the creation of Technology Support Centers and of innovations in Ukraine of 07/26/2018. The TISC project from WIPO has been implemented since 2009 in more than 80 countries of the world.

TISC Educational work is aimed at increasing the level of  intellectual property protection methods awareness, education of the legal culture object of intellectual property rights consumption among population and deepening of communication with stakeholders of the innovative and creative environment of Ukraine.

Representatives of the Ukrainian National Office for Intellectual Property and Innovation (UkrNOIPI) opened the first Technology and Innovation Support Center in Poltava Region on the basis of National University " Yury Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic".  It will provide comprehensive consultations and support in the field of intellectual property law in Ukraine and abroad for small and medium-sized businesses representatives, startups, inventors and creative industries.

The list of services provided by TISC of National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic"

  1. Basic level - mandatory, according to WIPO requirements (free of charge):
    • providing access to patent and non-patent information resources;
    • providing consulting assistance on the use of the above-mentioned information resources;
    • organization of distance learning under the WIPO Academy programs.
  2. Additional services (free of charge):
    • provision of general information on legislation in the field of intellectual property and innovation, as well as regulations on the execution and filing of applications for obtaining and maintaining titles of protection for industrial property rights;
    • assistance in conducting searches and obtaining technical information;
    • training in searching specialized databases and other information resources in the field of intellectual property;
    • informing about the possibilities of obtaining consultations of intellectual property specialists;
    • participation in organizing and conducting scientific and practical conferences, seminars and other events on legal protection and use of intellectual and creative activity results, development of innovation, patent research;
    • advising on general issues of execution and applications filing (electronic form included) for issuance of titles of protection for IPR;
    • other services.
  3. Services provided by TISC on a fee basis:
    • execution of documents for obtaining IPR;
    • technical services (copying and scanning of materials, printing of documents, typing on a computer, e-mail services, conclusion on the results of information search on paper and electronic carriers, etc;)
    • other services required at different stages of innovative/intellectual, creative activity.


Nataliia Maksiuta, Head of the Department of Analysis of Innovation and Intellectual Property of National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic", tel. +380672840732; v17@nupp.edu.ua;

Mariia Pashko, Specialist of the Department of Analysis of Innovation and Intellectual Property of National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic", v171@nupp.edu.ua.