The Coronavirus pandemic has distracted the society from the fires in Australia and Chornobyl and from Greta Thunberg’s protests, but the problem of environmental pollution and ecological catastrophes is still relevant and requires finding new solutions.
While studying the topic “Unnatural Nature. A Breath of Fresh Air” the third and fourth year students of speciality No. 035 Philology with PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Germanic Philology and Translation Anna Pavelieva held the round table “Unnatural Nature. A Breath of Fresh Air” in English, dedicated to the problems of environmental pollution.
The participants of the event discussed such problems as:
- the environmental pollution through its representation in mass media, cartoons and video games, as well as the contribution of movie stars in anti-pollution activity;
- the greenhouse effects, the reason of its appearance, and its influence on people;
- radioactive waste, its sources, the types of radioactive waste, the technologies of radioactive waste disposal;
- deforestation (its reasons, influence on the planet, deforestation on the territory of Ukraine);
- environmental problems in Ukraine (sources and kinds of pollution, statistics, the influence of Chornobyl catastrophe and the ways of controlling the pollution in the country);
- landslides (where they happen, what causes them and what consequences can they have, how to prevent them, and why is it necessary to study this problem further);
- fires in the wildlife (the statistics, the kinds of fires, the most terrible fires of the second half of 2019 and the beginning of 2020, the consequences of such fires and their positive influence on certain aspects of environment);
- the Great Pacific Garbage Patch (the reasons of its appearance, its location and size, types of plastic, the influence of this garbage island on the sea and ocean life).
While studying the ecological topics, the translation students didn’t only learn new vocabulary on ecology and environmental pollution, but also joined the search for new ways of controlling the pollution of our planet.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”