
A workshop on the continuity of education from kindergarten to higher education is held at Poltava Polytechnic

The Poltava Polytechnic team presented successful cases of the Center for Education and Care of Preschool Children "Mr.Leader", which is successfully operating on the basis of the university, during a workshop dedicated to the continuity of education from kindergarten to higher education institution. The rector, Professor Volodymyr Onyshchenko, shared the useful experience of implementing the pilot educational project, and the head of the Center, Yevheniia Khomenko, presented areas of work.

A workshop on the continuity of education from kindergarten to higher education is held at Poltava Polytechnic

On June 1, on a symbolic day for Ukrainian childhood – Children's Protection Day, the workshop "Continuity of children's education in conditions of higher education institutions. The experience of the Poltava Polytechnic" was held on the basis of the Center for Education and Care of Preschool Children "Mr.Leader" of the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic", during which a team of like-minded people from the Poltava Polytechnic presented successful cases of the activity of the first Center for Education and Care of Preschool Children "Mr.Leader" in Ukraine, which operates on the basis of a leading institution of higher education.

The scientific, educational and professional event, related to the issues of early development and education of children, brought together People's Deputies of Ukraine, heads of territorial communities, and practitioners of preschool education institutions around, who seek to adopt the acquired experience of applying unique methods of teaching and raising young leaders. The mixed format did not prevent the attendees from getting a lot of useful information and listening to the speeches of people who can safely consider themselves experts in preschool education and willingly share their experiences.

The event was attended by People's Deputy of Ukraine, Head of the Subcommittee on Early Development and Preschool Education of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Education, Science and Innovation of Ukraine Volodymyr Voronov, Head of the Center for Early Child Development and Preschool Education of the Institute of Educational Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Olha Reipolska, Rector of the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic", Professor Volodymyr Onyshchenko, Deputy Director of the Department of Education of the Poltava City Council Lesia Martalishvili, Deputy of the Poltava Regional Council, Head of the Standing Committee on Education, Science and Culture of the Poltava Regional Council Oleh Didenko and heads of education departments of the united territorial communities of Poltava region.

The participants of the workshop were welcomed by the rector of the Poltava Polytechnic, Professor Volodymyr Onyshchenko, who emphasized the importance of sharing successful cases of implementing innovative kindergartens – Centers for Education and Care of Preschool Children in the activities of higher education institutions.

During the event, the head of the university presented effective case studies of the Center for Education and Care, focusing on two key messages – the creation of safe conditions and the uniqueness of the educational methods used in training and education of young leaders.

"Poltava Polytechnic, as a multidisciplinary classical university, has in its structure the Faculty of Philology, Psychology and Pedagogy, where practical training of specialists in specialties 012 "Preschool education" and 053 "Psychology" is carried out. I would like to point out that our Center for Education and Care of Preschool Children has become a powerful scientific and educational laboratory, where students can practice various methodical and innovative cases as well as the unique methods and programs, used to teach young pupils, have received positive feedback from parents.

I note that the secret of our success is simple – from the idea of opening such a Center on the basis of the Poltava Polytechnic to the successful implementation of the pilot project – only 5 steps and 2 months of conscientious work by the entire university team!

I am sincerely grateful to the People's Deputy of Ukraine, the Head of the Subcommittee on Early Development and Preschool Education of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Education, Science and Innovation, the author of the educational brand Mr.Leader, Volodymyr Voronov, for his trust in the university to participate in the pilot educational project to train a new generation of purposeful leaders, starting from the age of three.

I will tell you about the success of the Center's activity in the language of numbers, which will be a convincing argument not to stop at what has been achieved – in 8 months of our Center’s work, the number of pupils increased from 8 to 25 and the number of those interested continues to increase!

The thesis repeated several times by colleagues is pleasing – when a child says that s/he is going to university, it means that the university has something to give to a three-year-old child," – emphasized Volodymyr Onyshchenko.

Useful practical advice in the field of continuity of education was shared by the head of the Center for Early Child Development and Preschool Education of the Institute of Education Problems of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine Olha Reipolska, who presented the report "Modern Preschool Education Institution: Implementation Roadmap", emphasizing the accessibility and ease of application of tested educational programs of the Center for Education and Care. The video materials viewed by the participants regarding the use of unique author's methods by various preschool education institutions showed the great opportunities for the early development of children at the Center for Education and Care of Preschool Children Mr.Leader of the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic".

As part of the event, Head of the Center for Education and Care of Preschool Children, practical psychologist of the Poltava Polytechnic, Doctor of Philosophy Yevheniia Khomenko gave a speech "Successful implementation of the Mr.Leader system in the "Center for Education and Care of Preschool Children", where she shared important messages of university cooperation – partners-parents-kindergarten. It is worth noting that the key practical cases were the creation of comfortable safety conditions and an educational environment that promotes successful learning and the development of children's creative abilities.

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy Lesia Klevaka spoke about the formation of professional competence of future educators at the Center for Education and Care of Preschool Children, and Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Management, Administration and Law Olena Skrylnyk shared the Innovation Center pupils’ parents’ point of view, presenting the report "Mr.Leader innovative system through the eyes of pupils’ parents".

At the end of the workshop, the participants shared their impressions, emphasizing the importance of observing safety conditions and the effectiveness of teaching children using the proposed author's methods.

It should be also noted that for the first time, a unique testing methodology tested for the Center's pupils at the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" was tested, which helps to determine the future educational trajectory of each student.

"I am sincerely grateful to our strategic partners for comprehensive support and assistance to educational initiatives, and for their positive motivation in the dynamic development of the university.

Special thanks to my colleagues for their appreciation of the work of the entire team of the Poltava Polytechnic, because it is not the walls that teach, but the people!

We are ready to share the acquired experience and borrow the best European practices, raising real leaders of a new independent and prosperous Ukraine!" – commented the Rector of the Poltava Polytechnic, Professor Volodymyr Onyshchenko.

Recently, during a round table on the basis of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Rector of Poltava Polytechnic Volodymyr Onyshchenko presented successful cases of activities of the Center for Education and Care of Preschool Children Mr.Leader.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”