
“Afflated Flight” exhibition opens at the Centre for Contemporary Art

On 3 June, the vernissage of the exhibition “Afflated Flight” took place. Throughout the summer, visitors of the Centre for Contemporary Art of Poltava Polytechnic can see the works of both future and experienced artists, plunging into the world of unique artworks united by the idea of freedom of the creative soul and flying from inspiration. The curator of the exhibition, a well-known artist, associate professor of the Department of Fine Arts, Honoured Master of Folk Art of Ukraine.

“Afflated Flight” exhibition opens at the Centre for Contemporary Art

United by a common creative flight – this was the slogan of the vernissage of the exhibition “Afflated Flight” by students and teachers of the Department of Fine Arts at the Centre for Contemporary Art of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”. The exhibition features creative works of the artists made in different techniques, from tapestries, textile collage to cut-outs and decorative painting.

The musical accompaniment of the vernissage on an authentic folk instrument was provided by an artist, kobzar, associate professor of the Department of Fine Arts of Poltava Polytechnic Nazar Bozhynskyi.

Rector of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, Doctor of Economics, Professor Volodymyr Onyshchenko, directors of educational and research institutes, deans of faculties, academic staff, employees and students of the university attended the opening of the exhibition “Afflated Flight”.

The curator of the exhibition was an artist, Associate Professor of the Department of Fine Arts of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine and the National Union of Folk Art Masters of Ukraine, Honoured Master of Folk Art of Ukraine Olha Piliuhina, who told the audience about the history of the preparation and formation of the exhibition and the strong desire of young artists to make the world more beautiful.

“It is so nice at the beginning of this summer to feel like a member of a united team of a multidisciplinary classical university, Poltava Polytechnic, which is celebrating its inspired summer in such an extremely interesting, exciting, spiritually rich environment. Morning birds, like disturbed dreams, are incomprehensibly far away and incomprehensibly close, always bridging the gap between the everyday and the spiritual. It is worth mentioning that many of the students’ works are exhibited here for the first time, the names of young people who might not seem familiar to you today, but in a few years the names of those 19 students who co-authored the exhibition will leave their own mark on the cultural heritage of our nation,” – commented a member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine, the International Association of Critics and Art Historians in Paris AISA, Candidate of Science in Art History, Head of the Department of Fine Arts of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” Tetiana Zinenko.

“We’ve been preparing for this exhibition for a long time, and it’s a really exciting moment for all of us, without exception. I personally wanted to support my students and arrange an exhibition that would combine both my works and the achievements of the students of my workshop. Here you can see different techniques – tapestries, textile collage, embroidery, decorative painting, quite different topics, but united by the theme of inspired flight, so for this exhibition I chose tapestries with birds, in the images of which I put a symbol of the human soul, which strives upwards, strives to be free with a strong desire to create.

I wanted to pass this desire on to my students in order to bring beauty to the world through the prism of artistic images and symbols, to bring good wishes to the world so that there is more good, beautiful, and wonderful in the world, because people who contemplate beauty become better themselves. I am convinced that this exhibition, despite the summer, will be visited by many guests who will feel the warmth of our afflated flight. I am happy that I have the opportunity to work with such talented students, beautiful young people, the bright future of our Ukraine,” – commented the artist, Associate Professor of the Department of Fine Arts of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine and the National Union of Masters of Folk Art of Ukraine, Honoured Master of Folk Art of Ukraine Olha Piliuhina. The teacher also expressed her sincere gratitude to the rector of Poltava Polytechnic, Professor Volodymyr Onyshchenko and the head of the Department of Fine Arts of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” Tetiana Zinenko for their uniting energy and support in the formation of a new generation of art students.

“It is a great pleasure that in such a dynamic and active rhythm of our life we have a unique opportunity to open another art exhibition, to celebrate the vernissage of the exhibition with a beautiful title – “Afflated Flight”, which inspires, adding new interesting and creative ideas for the implementation of new projects at our university.

I am glad that the Department of Fine Arts, which has such an extraordinary personality, an artist known far beyond the Poltava region, a member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine and the National Union of Masters of Folk Art of Ukraine, Honoured Master of Folk Art of Ukraine Olha Piliuhina, is effectively functioning as part of a powerful scientific and pedagogical team. The artist has held many exhibitions in different parts of our country, and now she teaches students, engaging them in the unique world of art.

Poltava Polytechnic is a brand, a multidisciplinary classical university that pays a high level of attention to creativity and art, forming students’ versatility and progressive outlook. We are proud of our talented teachers and students who instil in their viewers a fine artistic taste and inspire optimism, vitality and unwavering faith in ourselves. I sincerely thank everyone who shares their talent and experience with students whose lives are inextricably linked to art!” – congratulated the audience rector of the University, Professor Volodymyr Onyshchenko.

Continuing the powerful tradition of counting the artistic life of Poltava Polytechnic from one exhibition to another by young and already well-known artists, Head of the Department of Fine Arts of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” Tetiana Zinenko presented a gift from the famous Ukrainian artist Oleh Tistol to the Head of Poltava Polytechnic, a canvas, which is a symbolic continuation of the series “Tistol-Crimea” and will become a pleasant memory of the feeling of boundless happiness that our Ukrainian Crimea gives to each of us. It should be recalled that recently the exhibition “Tistol-Crimea” was exhibited at the Centre for Contemporary Art of Poltava Polytechnic.

The audience viewed the exhibition and talked to the young artists, congratulating them on their debut.

The exhibition “Afflated Flight” features the works of first- to third-year students of Faculty of Philology, Psychology and Pedagogy of Poltava Polytechnic: Andrii Cherviachchuk’s “Music of the Heart”, “Yggdrasil”, “Flaming Noise”, “Impulse”; Oleksandra Churikova’s “Starry Night”, “Intertwining of Fates”, “Time of Hope”; Victoriia Krokhina’s “Invasion”; Yuliia Dudnyk’s “Puzzles of Inseparability”, “Golden Autumn”, “Sun Dance”; Yelyzaveta Dubynka’s “Meeting”, “Penetration”, “August Morning”, “Blossoming”; Yaroslav Bobak’s “Awakening”; Maryna Derevianko’s “Birds of the Mist”, “Free Impulse”; Ruslan Zhukov’s “Morning Silence”, “Vyrii”; Lada Lohinova’s “Morning Star”, “Free Breath”, “Temptation”; Maksym Chuprin’s “November”, “Life” and “The Way”; Maryna Shybetska’s “Family Tree”, “Solar Family”, “Solar Lace”; Daryna Kulyk’s “Beginning”; Andrii Arshynnyk’s “Where the May beetles buzz”; Daryna Mudrachenko’s “Awakening of Spring”, “In Progress”; Anna Chechel’s “Dispute”; Oksana Shevtsova’s “The Poet’s Soul”, “Exhausted”; Anastasiia Bereza’s “Thorns”, “The Star of Future Generations”; Diana Matiazh’s “Striving for Light”; Svitlana Mallieva’s “Struggle”.

A special place in the exhibition exposition belongs to the new triptych “Life”, which includes the tapestries “Love”, “Tree of Life” and “Inheritance”, created by the graduate and university teacher, artist Olha Piliuhina. According to the artist, the presented triptych symbolises the fact that throughout our lives, people are held together by love and family values, and thus go through life bringing their spiritual heritage – love, children, students, ideas, inventions, etc. The colour, optimistic orientation and expressive emotionality of the author’s works presented for the first time inspire the viewers to feel the summer mood. The exhibition also features the tapestries “Let’s Revive Together”, “River of Life”, “Epiphany”, “Return”, “Aspiration”, “Inspired by Radiance”.

The exhibition “Afflated Flight” will be on display at the Centre for Contemporary Art of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” throughout the summer.

Admission is free by prior registration – (093) 454 90 44, Tetiana Mykolaivna.

It should be recalled that recently a personal exhibition of digital painting by a student of the Faculty of Philology, Psychology and Pedagogy opened in Romania, and the Department of Fine Arts held the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference “ADC 2024” and the plein air “City Line”.

Earlier, the Centre for Contemporary Art successfully hosted an exhibition and performance by artist and kobzar Nazar Bozhynskyi “BeyondTimelessness”, a performance as part of a mini-project by American artist of Ukrainian descent, abstract artist Max Vityk took place, and a solo exhibition by student Valeriia Nosyk “Art that Saves”.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”