
An outstanding teacher-athlete celebrates his 95th birthday!

Senior teacher of the Department of Physical Education, Honored Coach of Ukraine in weightlifting and kettlebell sports, Pavlo Mandia, turned 95 years old! Teachers of the Departments of Physical Education and Physical Culture and Sports, together with the Dean of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports, congratulated the jubilee.

An outstanding teacher-athlete celebrates his 95th birthday!

On September 21, colleagues, students, pupils and the sports community congratulated Pavlo Yakovych Mandia on his anniversary – he turned 95 years old!

Pavlo Yakovych is an outstanding coach in weightlifting and kettlebell sports, a judge of the national category. Among his students, he trained 6 masters of sports of the international class in kettlebell sports, about 30 masters of sports of Ukraine and more than 50 candidates for masters of sports of Ukraine in kettlebell sports, 1 master of sports of Ukraine in powerlifting, 161 athletes of the first category, 305 – of the second category, 687 – of the third category, 140 public coaches and 105 sports judges.

As an athlete, he has a number of personal achievements in weightlifting: the result at the 1958 competition in the weight category up to 60 kg: bench press – 100 kg, jerk – 97.5 kg, push – 127.5 kg. This record was held for 27 years, until it was broken by a disciple of Pavlo Yakovych.

"We are glad that Pavlo Yakovych, at the age of 95, continues to work in the staff of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports of the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic." His disciples are European and world champions in weightlifting and kettlebell sports. We wish him good health, long and happy years, a peaceful sky above his head and all sorts of well-being!" – commented Dean of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports Lina Rybalko.

Words of greetings and wishes for many years were heard from each of the colleagues. During the festive meeting, Pavlo Yakovych recalled how he conducted trainings, how they went to weightlifting competitions and organized the Ukrainian Championships at his home university, and he constantly received new greetings by phone from his student-athletes.

The mother of Dmytro Zaiets, a graduate of the Educational and Research Institute of Architecture, Construction and Land Management in 2014, an athlete who, under the guidance of Pavel Yakovych, became a master of sports of the international class of Ukraine in kettlebell sports, a 2-time world champion in kettlebell sports and a multiple European champion called. Pavlo Yakovych recalled 2013, which was particularly fruitful for awards – Dmytro Zaiets won about 20 medals at the Ukrainian Championships and the World Cup in the Latvian city of Ventspils. According to the rating, he became one of the best athletes in Ukraine, and Pavlo Yakovych – one of the best coaches in non-Olympic sports. In 2020, Dima Zaiets won the first place in the kettlebell sports competition during the Arnold Sports Festival and became the absolute champion of the Arnold Sports Festival! Dmytro could not congratulate his coach himself, because he is defending Ukraine as part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Last year, on the occasion of the Day of Physical Culture and Sports of Ukraine, for a significant personal contribution to the development of sports in the Poltava region, the honored coach of Ukraine and teacher of the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" Pavlo Yakovych Mandia was awarded the prize of the Poltava City Council.

We sincerely congratulate the dear teacher and coach on the anniversary! We wish you good health and a happy long life!

It should be recalled that on September 20, Poltava Polytechnic celebrated the International Day of Student Sports and the birthday of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports.


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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”