
"Cyber Heroes": a future translator deepened her knowledge of cyber security by becoming a participant in the Erasmus+ program training in Turkey

A student of the specialty 035 Philology of the Faculty of Philology, Psychology and Pedagogy of Poltava Polytechnic, future translator Victoriia Boyko took part in the Erasmus+ training course "Cyber Heroes" held in Turkey. The participant deepened her knowledge of digital security, social engineering and received a set of tools for using gamification in non-formal education.

"Cyber Heroes": a future translator deepened her knowledge of cyber security by becoming a participant in the Erasmus+ program training in Turkey

A second-year student of the specialty 035 Philology of the Faculty of Philology, Psychology and Pedagogy of Poltava Polytechnic, future translator Victoriia Boyko participated in the training course under the Erasmus+ program "Cyber ​​Heroes", which took place on April 22-28, 2024 in Turkey with the support of the NGO "Unit".

The goal of the project was to increase the level of knowledge and competence of the participants in the areas of digital and cyber security, social engineering and methods of manipulation on the Internet, to provide participants with tools for using gamification in non-formal education for the purpose of quality work with youth, and to promote the development of national projects using the specified methods for educating the public regarding cyber security, promoting a safer digital environment by equipping participants with cognitive, technical and social skills that allow them to effectively address cyber security challenges.

The student shared her impressions of participating in the project:

"For me, as a person who is passionate about learning foreign languages, participation in this project became an incredible opportunity. I have learned a lot about other cultures, have been able to hear other languages, expanded my knowledge and competence in the areas of digital and cyber security, social engineering and methods of manipulation on the Internet. The project brought together 35 participants from Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Spain, the Czech Republic, and the Netherlands, which made these 7 days unforgettable.

This project gave me not only knowledge about protection in social media, but also the opportunity to meet interesting like-minded and incredibly nice people from all over the world, which stimulated me to improve myself and share my experiences. Our speakers created a stimulating atmosphere for studying modern tendencies at meetings and discussions, shared the experience of best practices in the field of cyber security. It was exciting! Intelligent people, a pleasant atmosphere, a new country and culture - all of this created a friendly and comfortable environment for learning and development.

It was especially valuable to recieve the tools to use gamification in non-formal education to effectively work with young people and promote knowledge about cyber security.

A project is all about the people, and the people on this project were wonderful. I thank everyone for the organization, support and love! I wish everyone who hesitates or if something doesn't work out, not to give up! Remember that each of you can take part of such youth exchanges and I advise you to to do so!".

Earlier polytechnic students in Poland studied youth approaches in the development of environmental projects on the regional and national levels, student translators took part in the Erasmus+ youth exchange in Italy and studied how to learn teamwork, creativity, self-reflection and social integration through children's games; philology student Diana Abbasova became a participant in the mobility project of Erasmus+ youth workers in Turkey, Alina Alieksieieva, a second year student in the specialty 035 "Philology" was a participant in the Erasmus+ youth exchange in Spain, dedicated to the impact of social media on young people, a student of the Poltava Polytechnic became a participant in the "Study Tours to Poland" grant program, a philology student became a participant in a youth exchange dedicated to inclusion in Romania, polytechnic students took part in a youth exchange dedicated to discrimination and gender inequality, studied the preservation of natural resources and economic growth of young people with the help of a healthy lifestyle, a translation student became a participant in a youth project against discrimination, xenophobia and bullying, polytechnic students took part in the Erasmus+ project dedicated to the development of environmental awareness of europeans and held a charity auction, philology students mastered practical skills in the field of ecology and environmental protection, considered the problem of alcohol addiction and methods of combating it, raised the level of awareness of cultural diversity, studied the problem of refugees/migrants and internally displaced people.

It should be noted that Poltava Polytechnic students have the opportunity to study abroad under Erasmus+ credit academic mobility grant programs for a semester or an entire academic year at leading universities in Austria, Greenland, Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Norway, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Finland, the Czech Republic.

For more detailed information about current academic mobility programs, contact the international relations department (room 320-Ф, interoffice@nupp.edu.ua) or the coordinator of international activities of the National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic» - Doctor of Philology, assistant professor of the department of Germanic philology and translation Anna Kostyantynivna Pavelieva (room 310-Ц, email: kunsite.zi@gmail.com, phone: +38(095)-91-08-192).