
Entry – 2022: validity of the NMT certificate can be checked on the website of EDEBO

This year's entrants can check the validity of the NMT certificate on the official website of EDEBO. For the search, it is necessary to specify the number and year, name and surname of the owner of the certificate.

Entry – 2022: validity of the NMT certificate can be checked on the website of EDEBO

There is an opportunity to check the validity of the certificate of the National Multi-Subject Test on the website of EDEBO. The corresponding service is available at the link. To search, it is necessary to specify the number and year of the certificate, the name and surname of the owner.

Access to the service is primarily very important for employees of the admission committees of institutions of vocational and higher education, because this year many participants of the National Multi-Subject Test do not have paper certificates, and if they submit paper applications, the validity of the certificate can be checked precisely in this register. Likewise, each entrant can promptly find out whether their certificate is available at the EDEBO.

We pay special attention to entrants! If during creating an electronic account, you selected the mark "I do not have an NMT certificate" and registered without it, you MUST add a certificate. To do this, on the main page, go to the "NMT/ZNO certificates" field, click the "Add certificate" button and enter its number, PIN code and year.

If you registered without a certificate and did not add it later, the test results will NOT be displayed in the cabinet.

Earlier, the main innovations of the 2022 admissions campaign were announced, entrants were advised not to give personal data to anyone for registration and login to the electronic cabinet, and clarification for entrants who completed the NMT was provided.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”