
Entry to the master’s degree 2023: the process of submitting electronic applications starts

The submission of applications to the master’s degree for entrants based on bachelor’s, specialist’s, and master’s diplomas has begun. Applications acceptance for budgetary and contract forms of education will continue until August 21, 2023.

Entry to the master’s degree 2023: the process of submitting electronic applications starts

On July 31, 2023, submission of applications to the master’s degree program for applicants based on bachelor’s, specialist’s, and master’s degrees began.

National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” has a counselling point for applicants, which will help create a personal electronic account, provide advice on the procedure for submitting documents and features of admission to various specialties.

Acceptance of applications for budgetary and contract forms of education will continue until August 21, 2023.

It should be recalled that for admission to the master’s program, entrants took a unified entrance examination (UEE), as well as a unified professional entrance examination (UPEE).

Poltava Polytechnic offers master’s studies in ten specialties without passing entrance tests and exams. Details can be found on the official website of the university.

Those who wish to obtain a second higher education in a related or other specialty at the Poltava Polytechnic are enrolled for studies based on the results of the interview.

The main points to which we advise master’s degree entrants to pay attention:

  • registration of applicants’ electronic accounts lasts the entire period of accepting applications for the master’s degree;
  • carefully check all the data, since it is not possible to change any information after submitting an electronic application.

For more detailed information, contact the Admissions Committee of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” at the address: Poltava, 24 Pershotravnevyi Avenue, Room 123 C (Central building).

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”