The Department of Applied Ecology and Nature Management of the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" together with Sumy National Agrarian University, Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University, MI "Kryvorudskyi Recreation Center" of the Poltava Regional Council, Nyzhnosulskyi National Nature Park, Poltava Regional Ecological and Naturalistic Center for Student Youth and the Poltava regional organization of the Ukrainian Society for Nature Protection held the 9th All-Ukrainian scientific and practical seminar "Environment and human health".
The large-scale scientific and practical event took place in good weather, in a friendly atmosphere and gathered a wide range of participants: scientists, teachers and students of higher education institutions of Ukraine, employees of nature reserves and museum institutions, teachers of biology, ecology, geography and the environment, heads of clubs of extracurricular education institutions and stakeholders of educational programs.
Within the framework of the seminar, the Kryvorudskyi Lyceum hosted an exhibition of environmental local history publications, which was moderated by the Kryvorudskyi Lyceum teacher Oksana Calendar and a student of the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" Tetiana Pysmenna. The publications were presented by Nataliia Smoliar, Valentyna Babaryka and Iryna Cherkaska.

At the opening of the plenary session, the head of the Semenivka territorial community Liudmyla Mylashevych, the director of the Kryvorudskyi Lyceum Pavlo Babaryka and the "Friends of Nature" of the Kryvorudskyi Lyceum welcomed the participants.

"Scientific and practical seminars are a very effective form of integration of research activities and education. The concept of the seminar "Environment and human health" is designed in such a way as to organically combine scientific, educational, and practical components for various fields. Now in the face of war, we cannot ignore the consequences of hostilities and have come together to assess our precious resources that should be protected and used to improve health. Nature also heals if you take care of it. But it is especially important that we encourage young people from school to properly interact with nature, so the special topic of this year's seminar is the formation of nature conservation competencies by means of ecological and valeological education. We are educating new generations of environmental protection specialists," – emphasized Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Ecology and Nature Management of the Poltava Polytechnic Nataliia Smoliar.

Head of the Department of Applied Ecology and Nature Management, Doctor of Technical Sciences Olena Stepova presented the concept of training specialists in environmental protection at the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic".

"I thank the present stakeholders for the constructive discussion of educational and professional programs. It is nice to see our graduates among the specialists. The unique opportunities offered by the Poltava Polytechnic attracted the interest of young students, so my colleagues and I gladly conducted career guidance consultations so that children could easily choose a specialty according to their liking. We will continue fruitful cooperation with teachers and advise students in the process of preparing for the competition-defense of scientific papers of the Junior Academy of Sciences," – said the head of the Department of Applied Ecology and Nature Management, Doctor of Technical Sciences Olena Stepova.
Head of the Department of Organizational Work, Reporting and Public Relations of the Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Poltava Regional State Administration Iryna Lebid outlined the key consequences of russian aggression on the environment of the Poltava region.
The role of tourism and recreation in the implementation of health-preserving technologies among student youth was revealed by Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the Poltava Polytechnic Larysa Onishchuk.

Speeches were also made by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Ecology and Nature Management of the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" Olena Hanoshenko; Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Oncology and Radiology of the Poltava State Medical University ("Pesticides: impact on human health") Viktoriia Pocherniaieva; Acting Director of the Poltava Regional Ecological and Naturalistic Center for Student Youth Liudmyla Susakhina; Head of the Department of Biology and Methodical Work Liudmyla Bryzhak; Head of the Department of Agriculture Iryna Puhachova.

The scientists of the Vasyl Krychevskyi Poltava Museum of Local Lore, Olena Shyian, Olena Khalymon, Olena Shtytova, and Svitlana Kapko, in addition to reports on environmental education by museum means using the memories of Olena Bairak and life without a carbon footprint, took an active part in discussing modern directions of environmental education and ways of its implementation during martial law.
Director of the Khorol Botanical Garden, Candidate of Biological Sciences Volodymyr Krasovskyi; Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Director of the Ustymiv Research Station of Crop Production Yurii Kharchenko; Junior Researcher of the Ustymiv Research Station of Crop Production (Ustymivka village, Hlobynska AH) Olena Bilyk presented non-traditional and rare fruit crops grown on the territory of their institutions.
Practical cases of the organization of recreational and ecological educational activities were presented by the Director of the Regional Landscape Park "Dykanskyi" Iryna Cherkaska, a specialist in environmental education of the RLP "Dykanskyi" Maryna Kryvoruchko, and Head of the Environmental Education Department of the National Nature Park "Nyzhniosulskyi" Oksana Kozachkova.
Teachers of the Bozhkiv Lyceum (support institution) of the Novoselivska village council (teacher of biology, ecology, basics of health, teacher-methodist of the highest category Nadiia Vasiukova; teacher of history and law, specialist of the highest qualification category Nataliia Babych; teacher of history of the highest category, deputy director of educational work Nina Matushko,), Kryvorudskyi Lyceum (Valentyna Babaryka, Oksana Calendar), Semenivka Lyceum No. 2 (Valentyna Buriak) presented the practical principles of the formation of nature conservation competences and the formation of an ecological worldview among schoolchildren on the basis of the institutions of the nature reserve fund.

High school students of the Kryvorudskyi Lyceum – 11th-grade student, winner of the Olena Bairak infographic competition Victoriia Bazilevska, 11th-grade student Maksym Kisenko, presented their environmental projects.
At the end of the seminar, the participants visited the memorial corner of Olena Bairak in the Kryvorudskyi Arboretum and had a valeological tour of the Arboretum territory with a visit to the "Museum of a Living Tree" and the "Hidden Aromatherapy Garden".

It should be recalled that in Poltava the memory of the "Guardian of nature of Poltava region" was honored, scientists published a monograph dedicated to global and regional environmental risks in emergency situations, scientists and stakeholders named the eco-professions of the future, and a student who researched environmental risks in industrial regions of Ukraine won the scientific competition on technogenic safety.
Previously, the university scientist became a member of the jury of the All-Ukrainian ecological film festival "Poltava-Doc" for the second time, became a co-author of the publication about the botanical reserve "Drabynivka" and presented a book about the preservation of rare spring flowers of the Poltava region.
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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”