
First Winners of Olena Bairak Award Ceremonially Awarded

On August, 7, the Olena Bairak Award was awarded at V. Krychevskyi Poltava Local Lore Museum. Nataliia Smoliar, PhD in Biology, Associate Professor at the Department of Applied Ecology and Nature Management of National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” became winner in the nomination “Ecological Education” of the First Award.

First Winners of Olena Bairak Award Ceremonially Awarded

It is symbolic that the awarding of the Olena Bairak Award of Poltava Regional Council was held on Olena Bairak’s birthday.

“We’ve spent more that two years for this award to be given, and I am glad that we’ve managed to perpetuate the famous scientist’s memory. I don’t know a more experienced person in ecology and a more dedicated to their work,” the initiator of the award, the Deputy of the Regional Council Volodymyr Yaroshenko said.

The Deputy Head of Poltava Region State Administration Kateryna Ryzhechenko thanked the ecologists and nature scientists for their important and complicated work: “Ecology and nature preservation is a priority now, because we all want to live in a clean, green house, and breath clean air. I am very thankful to the people who dedicated their lives to nature and ecology. May your work be well-appreciated.”

The Olena Bairak Award of the Regional Council was given in two nomination.

Nataliia Smoliar, the Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs of the Regional Landscape Park “Nyzhniovorsklianskyi”, PhD in Biology, Associate Professor at the Department of Applied Ecology and Nature Management of National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” won in the nomination “Ecological Education” of the First Award.

“The 7th of August is an important day for me, because Olena Bairak was my first teacher, moderator, my friend. I learned a lot from her. We were always together at this day, we were doing something, planning, discussing. There are botanists who find and describe a plant, but Olena Bairak did not do everything in such cliches, because she integrated all the knowledge and tried to share them with others. That’s how she immortalized herself in her books, songs and poems.”

This award was founded last year to promote socially important ecological initiatives of the citizens of Poltava region, develop the ecological education, and enhance the ecological conscience and culture of the population.


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“Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”