For the third time, the Faculty of Humanities of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” organized an online action of joint writing of the XXI All-Ukrainian Radio Dictation of National Unity. On the eve of the event, the official media resources of the University and the Faculty of Humanities announced an invitation for everyone to have the opportunity to join the annual event on the Zoom platform. There were more than a hundred members of the Polytechnic community.
The main offline audience in compliance with security requirements and anti-epidemic measures was the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, which gathered more than fifty fans of the Ukrainian word. Every year the action becomes even more large-scale – it is attended by representatives of various professions, as well as famous athletes, actors, businessmen and politicians. A studio for writing dictation was also organized on the premises of the Radio Hub of the Academy of Public Broadcasting, where famous Ukrainians were writing dictation in compliance with quarantine requirements.
The live broadcast of the XXI Radio Dictation traditionally took place on such radio channels as Ukrainian Radio, Radio Kultura, UA: Pershyi, on the Facebook pages of the Public Radio, on the Public Radio’s YouTube channels and on all regional channels.
Everyone from different parts of the world had the opportunity to write the annual All-Ukrainian Radio Dictation of National Unity. The action was joined by local diplomatic missions, scientists, public figures, politicians, civil servants, artists, schoolchildren and students of leading Ukrainian universities.
Writing a radio dictation is not intended to test the literacy of a particular person, but is carried out as a kind of flash mob – a union around the native language.
The cult Ukrainian writer, poet and translator Yurii Andrukhovych read his author’s text of the dictation live from the “Public Studio”. This year’s text was called “Following the memory”. Its peculiarities were the writing of words in compliance with the norms of the new Ukrainian spelling and a large number of punctuation marks. According to Yurii Andrukhovych, the text had several versions and levels of difficulty, and the final version was polished and honed for about a month.
“The text is quite sophisticated; I would not have had a chance to write it without mistakes, if I were not its author. I wrote it on the “four” on a five-point scale. I managed to write within the maximum allowed 200 words the 199 words text,” – commented the author of the dictation.
Larysa Masenko, a Ukrainian linguist, Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Ukrainian Language Department at the National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy and a leading researcher at the Institute of the Ukrainian Language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, joined the methodical work on the XXI Radio Dictation of National Unity.
“Writing an annual Radio Dictation of National Unity is a great opportunity not only to test one’s knowledge, but also to once again unite connoisseurs of the Ukrainian printed word around the noble cause of popularizing the literature and culture of the native people. The student youth of Poltava Polytechnic and Poltava College of Oil and Gas do not stay away from our joint initiatives, every year the number of those wishing to join in writing a Radio Dictation of National Unity is constantly growing.
I am firmly convinced that the subject matter of the text did not leave anyone indifferent, and Yurii Andrukhovych’s unique declamatory manners motivate everyone to increase their own level of language education and reading culture,” – commented the Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities of National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” Anna Aheicheva.
According to the moderator of the university flash mob, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of the Ukrainian Studies, Culture and Documentation at Poltava Polytechnic, Oksana Tur, the text is interesting not only for philology students, it is also an excellent example of author’s writing, which illustrates a significant number of the new Ukrainian spelling norms.
Were there any difficulties in writing the dictation? Lecturers and students of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” and Poltava College of Oil and Gas shared their impressions, noting that the text overall was quite complex.
In particular, Oksana Semerhei, a student of the 101-Gi group of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, noted that she writes a radio dictation every year, because joining the All-Ukrainian action gives her an incredible feeling of unity, belonging to something big, large-scale, and important: “The text of this year’s dictation was quite complex, there were words that I did not know, in addition, it was read quickly, so I missed some words.”
According to lecturers of the Department of the Ukrainian Studies, Culture and Documentation, this year’s dictation has a higher level of complexity than last year’s one.
According to Svitlana Halaur, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of General Linguistics and Foreign Languages at Poltava Polytechnic, the participation of a higher education institution lecturer in writing a national Dictation of Unity testifies on their indifferent attitude to their own country and language, serves as a “living” example for students. “This is a great opportunity to experience the current trend – lifelong learning,” – says the scientist.
Yaroslav Pashchenko, a student of the NM-3-1 group of the Poltava College of Oil and Gas, is firmly convinced that being literate today is fashionable and prestigious, and the Dictation of National Unity covers the rules of modern spelling as much as possible. At the same time, Yaroslav emphasizes, a significant advantage of dictation is that there is no evaluation and analysis of what has been done.
Works will be accepted in online and offline formats. The dictation should be written by hand on a sheet of paper that can be photographed. After the dictation, everyone can send their works to the Ukrainian Radio email:
For convenience, the organizers have prepared an electronic form for receiving works, so you can send a dictation using any gadget. It will be made public on the website on November 9. All submitted works will be checked by a special professional commission.
The paper letter should be sent to the address: Kyiv, Khreshchatyk Street, 26, 01001, “Ukrainian Radio”, “Radio Dictation” (the date of sending must be stamped no later than on November 10).
The deadline for sending the finished text is astronomical day.
After the text of the dictation is published on the Ukrainian Radio website on November 11, e-mails will not be accepted.
The results will be announced within 1-2 months, depending on the number of letters received. The participants of the action, who will write the dictation without any mistakes, will receive gift sets from the project partners.
It should be recalled that last year’s action was also inspired by the Faculty of Humanities, and the theme of the dictation, read live by popular Ukrainian actress Rymma Ziubina, concerned the book challenges of the era.
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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”