
German Scientists Hold Workshops about Integrated Planning of Ukrainian Town Development for Students

German scientists from the partner universities held workshops, interactive lectures, and created special tasks for the students of Education and Research Institute of Architecture, Construction and Land Management concerning the reconstruction of one of the historical districts in Poltava.

German Scientists Hold Workshops about Integrated Planning of Ukrainian Town Development for Students

In spite of the lockdown, National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” continues the cooperation with German partners, including Technical University of Applied Sciences Lübeck and Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg.

Last year, the German colleagues suggested to create a new two-year Master’s program within the graduate specialty No. 191 “Architecture and Town Planning” and the specialization “Town Planning. Integrated Town Development” after seeing successes of the semester-long joined education program.

This fall semester of the 2020-2021 academic year, specialists from Germany hold workshops, which are already integrated into the studying modules for Ukrainian graduate students.

Four our of five online meetings have already been held, and professors from TH Lübeck Frank Schwartze, Klaus Brendle and Christoph Wessling have delivered lectures that covered certain topics of the four education modules of the Master’s program on integrated town development.

TH Lübeck has developed a complex education program on the basics of town planning that reflects the range of topics of the program “Town Environment Design”. The educational course presented by Prof. Klaus Brendle is available in Ukrainian.

After the lectures, discussions of important aspects of the town planning in Ukrainian towns were held. Students were also divided into small groups to work on developing short-term projects for integrated town planning. Prof. Christoph Wessling provided consultations for every group.

The teams have to develop the concept for developing a particular territory based on a district of their home town, using the analysis of the city structures and following the goals of the development. The students of Education and Research Institute of Architecture, Construction and Land Management of National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” are developing a project for one of the historic districts of Poltava to suggest renovation and understand the functioning of city structures.

The results of these short-term projects will be presented and discussed during the summarizing meetings and integrated into the project programs.

Before the introduction of the Master’s program, students of National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” visited three German cities within an educational trip provided by the contract of cooperation between our university, GIZ Ukraine and TH Lübeck.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”