
Grants competition for study abroad from the program “WorldWideStudies” is announced

Victor Pinchuk Foundation’s WorldWideStudies program offers support to Ukraine’s youth in obtaining a master’s degree from the world’s top 200 universities according to Times Higher Education and QS. Future professionals must return to Ukraine and work in the chosen specialty for at least 5 years.

Grants competition for study abroad from the program “WorldWideStudies” is announced

On February 1, 2022, Victor Pinchuk Foundation announced the 13th competition of the “WorldWideStudies” program, which provides talented, intellectually gifted young people with grants to study for master’s programs at two hundred of the world’s best universities. The aim of the program is to form a group of professionals who can become the driving force of changes in Ukraine.

Grants are provided for training in areas that are particularly important for Ukraine’s development – agricultural sciences, alternative energy, public administration, engineering and technology, public law, ecology and environmental protection. The Foundation may also consider applications for grants in other areas of education if the applicant justifies the importance of change for Ukraine in the chosen field.

A prerequisite of the Victor Pinchuk Foundation for all grant recipients is an obligation to return back to Ukraine to work in the chosen specialty for at least 5 years after completing their studies abroad.

Grants from the Victor Pinchuk Foundation will be awarded to the most successful candidates selected by an independent jury in an open competition. During the interview, applicants must present their views on the use of the knowledge gained after returning to Ukraine.

Admission of documents will be underway on the program website from February 1 to May 15, 2022.

You can find more information on the Foundation’s website.

It should be recalled that registration to the English-language exchange program for IT students in France has started, a competition for scholarships for study and internship in Poland is opened, the European Commission is accepting energy efficiency projects for a grant under the program "Horizon Europe", and the British Council offers 5 scholarship programs for young female scientists in STEM.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”