
“Mathematical Summer”: Minor Academy Of Sciences Of Ukraine Invites School Students Of Poltava Region To Free Online Project

The National Center “Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine” invites students of 7-10th grades to participate in the free five-week online project “Mathematical Summer”.

“Mathematical Summer”: Minor Academy Of Sciences Of Ukraine Invites School Students Of Poltava Region To Free Online Project

The Department of Further and Applied Mathematics of Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic informs about a free online project, which is open to anyone interested in mathematical modeling and applied mathematics. The duration of the project is from July 6 to August 14, 2020.

Every Wednesday for the most inquisitive - an informative online lecture and a multi-day intensive to solve the coolest math puzzles will be held. The most active students will receive gifts from the organizers of the online project.

The first lecture called “Mathematics and Art” will take place on July 8 at 11.00. Students will learn about the important role of mathematics for the development of science and art, its relationship with human feelings.

One of the speakers if the head of the Laboratory of Applied Mathematics of the National Center “Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Senior Researcher Kateryna Terletska, who studies the inner waves of the ocean and makes for the popularization of science among students.

You can join the project at any time by registering through the link: https://bit.ly/31zSBib