
Medical Waste Management During COVID-10 Pandemics Becomes Problem of Ecological Safety of Waste Disposal

The participants of the Section of Ecology and Balanced Nature Management of Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic discussed important aspects of ecological safety of waste collection and treatment, in particular during the pandemics.

Medical Waste Management During COVID-10 Pandemics Becomes Problem of Ecological Safety of Waste Disposal

The meeting of the Section of Ecology and Balanced Nature Management within the 72nd Scientific Conference of Professors, Teachers, Academic Staff, Post-Graduates and Students of the university was joined by 42 participants, the academic staff, students, graduates of the Education and Research Institute of Oil and Gas, the participants of the Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, as well as the Honored Professor of National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, PhD of Pedagogy, Professor of Kremenets Regional Taras Shevchenko Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy Oleksandr Beznosiuk, who commented on the importance of solving the ecological problems in the modern world and the professional perspectives of ecologists.

The head and the moderator of the section was PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor of the Department of Ecology and Nature Management Oksana Illiash, the secretary was PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor Olena Hanoshenko. The participants listened to and discussed 12 reports online.

During the sectional meeting, the participants discussed the relevant problems in the waste disposal field (of single use medical masks, electronic and electric equipment, plastic, hard domestic waste), as well as the important aspects of waste collection safety system and technological and logistical planning of its collection schemes,

Denys Hordiienko’s report on local practical experience of organizing and collecting separate fractions of hard domestic waste in the country side was very engaging for the participants.. The ten-grade student of Bozhkivske Educational Complex was a winner of the Minor Academy of Sciences in 2020. This report was chosen the best among the presented.

The section included also important questions about the soil pollution as a result of oil and gas complex operation. In particular, the methods of cleaning the soils were described and the most perspective of them were chosen, the condition of Poltava region ecosystems was evaluated, and the ways of saving and improving it were determined, which is relevant for all the regions of Ukraine. The optimization of nature reserve areas of Poltava region was mentioned, which would allow to increase the rate of reserves in the region to the national level and become a basis for building the regional ecosystem and preserving biodiversity, a rather pressing problem of Poltava region.

The best article among students’ ones was the report of the graduate student Anton Yurchenko “Single-Use Medical Waste Management During the COVID-19 Pandemics” (his academic advisor was PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor Oksana Illiash).

In general, the meeting of the Section of Ecology and Balanced Nature Management, as all the participants said, was very interesting and diverse. The scientific reports and thoughts during the discussion opened new perspectives of further research in the field of ecology and environment protection. These topics are popular also among students and participants of the Minor Academy of Sciences.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”