
Mega-cool event takes place at Poltava Polytechnic – a modern computer training centre Apple “IT Finance” is opened

The first unique computer training centre Apple “IT Finance” in the Poltava region was opened for students and applicants of Poltava Polytechnic! Apple “IT Finance” Centre is a new, cutting-edge opportunity for young people who want to master the top specialities of the future!

Mega-cool event takes place at Poltava Polytechnic – a modern computer training centre Apple “IT Finance” is opened

The unique computer training Apple “IT Finance” Centre at Poltava Polytechnic is equipped with 10 powerful Apple iMAC monoblocks and an Apple Mac laptop. The computer equipment has a number of significant technical advantages: the security level of Apple iMAC monoblocks is considered the best in comparison to a regular PC and the Windows operating system; the use of the proprietary macOS operating system provides data encryption on the disc and, thanks to the built-in software, creates all the conditions for fighting malware and viruses and the built-in mechanisms for receiving updates.

These advantages of Apple iMAC monoblocks have become a unique innovative base for new specialities, such as “Cybersecurity and Information Protection” and “IT Finance” as well as many other high-tech specialities, creating additional opportunities for protecting the personal data of students and teachers, since without IT, the development of different industries is almost impossible!

At the opening of the modern computer training centre Apple “IT Finance”, Rector of Poltava Polytechnic, Professor Volodymyr Onyshchenko shared his pleasant emotions and told about the opportunities that the successful partnership investment project opens for the university applicants and students.

“Now, my long-standing dream and the expectations of many students have come true, as Poltava Polytechnic has modern computer laboratories of almost all the world’s leading brands!

Once again, Poltava Polytechnic confirms the title of an innovative university that creates modern conditions for students to master the knowledge with the help of mega-cool teaching tools!

Frankly speaking, the emotions of our students are overwhelming and so sincere that you feel proud to be able to fulfil the expectations of young people to study at super cool IT Centres!

So, despite the war, Poltava Polytechnic is developing dynamically and finding the opportunity to attract investments to create a modern educational and scientific environment!

Socially responsible business, alumni, friends and strategic partners of Poltava Polytechnic definitely contribute to this!

I personally joined the investment process as a graduate and rector of my Alma Mater and presented an Apple Mac laptop to my university!

Clearly realising that the development of digital transformations is a key factor in the growth of Ukraine’s economy, Poltava Polytechnic, as a powerful innovative university, is responsibly and actively involved in the digital transformation of the Poltava region!

A full-scale invasion cannot stop the rapid development of higher education, so today Poltava Polytechnic fulfils its mission responsibly and keeps the educational as well as the scientific fronts, providing quality training for students in more than 100 specialities and educational programmes!

Let’s take care of our own information security and cyber hygiene together! Investing in young people is investing in the future of Ukraine!” – stressed Rector of Poltava Polytechnic, Professor Volodymyr Onyshchenko.

Oil and gas and service companies have invested in the high-tech development of Polytechnic: Weatherford Ukraine LLC, headed by Oleksandr Tertychenko, a graduate of university and now a member of Supervisory Board of Poltava Polytechnic, and Geosynthesis Engineering LLC, headed by Ivan Poletuchii, a graduate of university, a member of Supervisory Board of university for two previous cadences!

We invite ambitious young people to study at the contemporary innovative National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”!

Poltava Polytechnic is a driver of constant qualitative changes in providing high-quality higher education and opportunities for modern youth as well as digital transformations of post-war Ukraine!

It should be recalled that Poltava Polytechnic is successfully implementing the project of the European Investment Bank “Higher Education of Ukraine. Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Development”.

The university has opened the enrolment for the new speciality “Cybersecurity and Information Protection”, a profession that is the future of our post-war country!

Recently, a training on cybersecurity was held at Poltava Polytechnic.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”