The 90th academic year at National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” begins in very special conditions caused by the lockdown limitations. But the university is ready for classes.
From September, 1, the second-, third- and forth-year undergraduate students will have classes. The classes for first-year students will start after the end of application period on September, 15, 2020.
The Decree On Organizing the Anti-epidemic Measures at University During the Quarantine due to the COVID-19 Infection Spreading is enacted at university, stating the measures necessary to prevent spreading of the dangerous illness.
Due to the pandemic, the education process will be held in a mixed form; lectures, seminars and practical classes will mostly be held online, on a previously compiled schedule, a part of classes will be held in classrooms following all the recommended limitations, or outdoors.
Workers and students will only be allowed to university after temperature screening and using personal protection means. In case of temperature higher than 37,2℃, the person will not be allowed to enter! In case of high temperature and symptoms of respiratory infection it is required that you stay at home, notify your doctor and the university about the situation.
Teachers and students are required to use personal protection means such as disposable masks or respirators; moving around campus is only allowed with a mask on the face. There are special containers for used masks and respirators in classrooms and halls. To avoid crowds gathering, there are lines on the hallway floors; you should move on the ride side of the hallway. In front of the classroom doors there are stripes on the floor showing the safe distance for those waiting in line. The tables in the canteen have been moved so that there are at least 1,5 meters between them.
It is also necessary to wash your hands with soap or use hand sanitizers throughout the day, and keep safe distance in the buildings and classrooms. There are tables with hand sanitizers at the entrances.
The windows should be opened after each class. The approach to scheduling has been changed completely; the lunch break has been canceled, the time for sanitary cleaning of classroom has been extended, the classes for one group should be held in one classroom if it is possible, and, in case it is necessary to combine a few groups, classes should be organized in large classrooms that allow to sit 100 people (it is allowed to fill theses rooms up to 50%).
“Our main task is to minimize the risks of contracting the illness, protect the students’, teachers’ and workers’ health, and we make everything possible for it. It is great that Poltava region is located in the ‘green’ zone (according to the number of COVID-19 cases), but only responsible following of the recommendations will allow us to study and work in safe conditions. I am sure that the administration team, academic staff and students will handle this situation well, because the experience we got during the strict lockdown in spring has been used for organizing the education process in such context. It has also influenced the plans for celebrating the 90th anniversary of the university in certain ways, but updating the celebration form will make it more special and creative. May all of you be healthy, strong and inspired to manage these challenges with dignity and success!” Rector, Professor Volodymyr Onyshchenko commented.
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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”