
Opening ceremony of Max Vityk’s charity art project “History of Planet Earth” is held at the Polytechnic

On the precincts of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, the unique charity art project “History of Planet Earth” by the American-Ukrainian artist and geologist, Director of Exploration and Production of the Naftogaz Group Max Vityk is taking place. As part of the art project, the opening of the exposition and informal communication by the author of the series of creative works “The Outcrops” took place.

Opening ceremony of Max Vityk’s charity art project “History of Planet Earth” is held at the Polytechnic

On May 18, the Centre for Contemporary Art of the Poltava Polytechnic presented the charity art project “History of Planet Earth” by the American artist of Ukrainian origin, geologist, abstract artist, Director of Exploration and Development of the JSC “UkrGasVydobuvannya”, Director of Exploration and Production of the Naftogaz Group Max Vityk.

Sponsors of the charity art project “History of Planet Earth” were the university partner companies – JSC “UkrGasVydobuvannya”, UGV-service, Weatherford Ukraine LLC and the Society of Petroleum Engineers. Heads of powerful oil and gas production and service companies also showed special interest and visited the art project.

Old friends and partners of the university came to the opening and presentation of the charity art project “History of Planet Earth”: People’s Deputy of Ukraine, member of the Supervisory Board of Poltava Polytechnic Maksym Tkachenko, People’s Deputy of Ukraine, member of the Supervisory Board of Poltava Polytechnic Andrii Babeliakh, People’s Deputy of Ukraine Kostiantyn Kasai, People’s Deputy of Ukraine Vladlen Nekliudov, People’s Deputy of Ukraine Oleksandr Yurchenko.

“I got the idea to initiate such an exhibition at our university when I met Max Vityk in Kyiv. The symbolic title of the past exhibition “Warriors of Light” motivates, at a time when the enemy is trying to destroy culture, education, science, infrastructure, we should still show our indomitability and hold cultural and artistic events, since despite the war, art, education and science are eternal.

The unique charity art project “History of Planet Earth” of such a colossal scale was presented for the first time in Poltava. And it is worth noting that for the first time such an exhibition is taking place in a higher education institution. Poltava Polytechnic is always the first – in ratings, in science, in education and in art. I am sincerely grateful to my friends and strategic partners for such a unique opportunity today in Poltava to listen to the author, see the paintings and immerse myself in the world of interesting things, the world of art.

Geology and art are a wonderful harmonious synergy that produces unexpected results! We saw the history of the planet Earth and saw how it is possible to harmoniously combine things that, at first glance, are incompatible,” – commented Rector Volodymyr Onyshchenko.

Head of the Analysis and Modelling Department of JSC “UkrGasVydobuvannya” Viacheslav Filatov moderated the presentation of the exhibition. Informal communication was accompanied by an exchange of ideas, creative works and an autograph session by the author of the exhibition.

It should be noted that the Centre for Contemporary Art of the Poltava Polytechnic is exhibiting a series of author’s works called “The Outcrops”, inspired by the author’s observation of rock outcrops caused by natural erosion and human activity. The format and size of the canvases are impressive, since as the artist himself said, the large-scale contemplation of the author’s idea attracts him much more than the small format. And he draws inspiration from Ukraine, where he returned to after searching for himself in the United States, the Netherlands, and Egypt.

“I am convinced that every person is talented in their own way. Many of us understand what we are capable of, but lack an important step to go further and discover our talent. Sometimes you don’t have enough courage to do it. What I would like to wish and advise – dream, don’t procrastinate, be brave, go for your goal, no matter what,” – emphasized Max Vityk.

During informal communication, the Rector of Poltava Polytechnic, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Volodymyr Onyshchenko fulfilled an honourable mission and, on behalf of the university’s student and scientific-pedagogical team, expressed gratitude to Max Vityk for the opportunity to become part of the unique charity art project “History of Planet Earth” – the first a unique presentation of works in the Poltava region, if possible to expand the cultural horizons of university teachers and students, touch art and dive into the core of the Earth through the author’s works.

Together with colleagues, students and honoured guests of the exhibition at the Centre for Contemporary Art of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, the rector presented Maksym Vityk ceramic product “Rooster”, the Opishnia analogue of the famous Vasylky “Rooster” – a symbol of the indomitability of Ukraine.

Also during the exhibition, rector Volodymyr Onyshchenko handed over unique albums with works of art as well as the autograph of Maksym Olehovych Vityk purchased in Kyiv to the collection of books and exhibits of the Department of Fine Arts of the Poltava Polytechnic, where talented young people can familiarize themselves with this content and expand their horizons.

“I am sincerely grateful to the author of the exhibition, Maksym Vityk, for his trust and the decision made regarding the organization of the exhibition at the Poltava Polytechnic, because it is extremely difficult to combine the exact science of geology with art. And the paintings created in such interesting artistic techniques deserve of their fans, to whom I undoubtedly belong,” – thanked the Rector, Professor Volodymyr Onyshchenko, on behalf of the scientific-pedagogical and student team of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”.

Earlier, poetess Yuliia Styrkina shared the “secrets” of poetic creativity with the participants of the literary studio.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”