
Participants of the national language flash mob share their impressions after the radio dictation

On November 9, students and teachers of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” joined the national language flash mob and wrote an All-Ukrainian Radio Dictation of National Unity. Participants shared their impressions as well as emotions they received writing the author’s text of Iryna Tsilyk.

Participants of the national language flash mob share their impressions after the radio dictation

The XXII All-Ukrainian Radio Dictation of National Unity has traditionally united people in different parts of the country and abroad: everyone could take part and test their knowledge of the Ukrainian language. It is worth noting the fact that in the entire history of the national action of writing the Radio Dictation-2022, it was first adapted to the conditions of wartime, the dictation was written even in shelters, and in different countries of the world special studios were set up for forced migrants as well as Ukrainians living abroad.

Active participants in the national language flash mob were scientific and pedagogical workers, student youth of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, who expressed a desire to test their own knowledge of their native language and demonstrate to the whole world the indomitability of the Ukrainian nation, in love with their own culture and identity.

Participants of the radio dictation were greeted by Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Philology, Psychology and Pedagogy Anna Aheicheva, who emphasized the already good tradition of the Poltava Polytechnic to write the Dictation of National Unity together in university classrooms. “Right now, in the conditions of war, radio dictation is becoming one of the unifying elements within our country. Taking part in the national action, we will honor our native language and join our soul to the great Ukrainian family!” – noted the Head of the Faculty of Philology, Psychology and Pedagogy.

“Poltava Polytechnic already traditionally participates in the writing of the Radio Dictation of National Unity, as for us this is an additional opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the ability to work, study, and popularize the Ukrainian language throughout the world. This is a special thrilling moment of language anticipation, students and teachers repeat the norms of Ukrainian spelling in advance, recall cases of writing complex words, geographical names, use of punctuation marks, trying to take into account everything down to the smallest detail, wear vyshyvankas.

We are glad that the audience of radio dictation is increasing every year, even the youngest ones pick up a pen and write words familiar from childhood. It is worth noting the fact that the first-year students became especially active this year, although being extremely nervous, they coped with the text decently. Even the theme of this year’s dictation calls on Ukrainians to unite around their native home, their small homeland and all of Ukraine. To be Ukrainian sounds proudly, we are proud to be part of the great nation, strong in body and indomitable in spirit!” – commented Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of the Ukrainian Studies, Culture and Documentation of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” Oksana Tur.

The author of the text of this year’s Radio Dictation of National Unity “Your Home” was the Ukrainian writer and director, member of the PEN Ukraine Iryna Tsilyk. People’s artist, Hero of Ukraine Ada Rohovtseva read the text live. In the text there were adverbial inflections, interjections, homogeneous clauses, so it was a great opportunity to refresh the memory of what was recently repeated. Teachers and first-year students of the Poltava Polytechnic note that the dictation was not difficult in general.

“In my opinion, the dictation became a worthy answer to modern challenges and was not too complicated. It doesn’t matter how who wrote that, the most important thing is the very fact of support for the Ukrainian language by a huge number of people writing dictation together in their native language,” – says student majoring in “Information, Librarianship and Archiving” Victoriia Mazniak.

“I didn’t come here to win, since the main goal of this action is to unite our country and popularize our native language. I really want peace to finally reign in our country,” – shared her thoughts student of the 101-FD academic group of the Faculty of Philology, Psychology and Pedagogy Ruslana Luhova.

A student of group 103-FS of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Pavlo Korobov said that he is joining this year’s language flash mob because now, more than ever, there is a need to cultivate the Ukrainian language, increase its social prestige, and its comprehensive development and functioning.

According to the student of the 101-FD group Kateryna Shtrykul, all people have their rituals and traditions, and joining the annual radio dictation writing is an opportunity to start another wonderful tradition for yourself.

All of the action participants agreed that today they wrote not just a radio dictation, but a dictation of national unity. National unity is extremely necessary for every country, as it is an undeniable value. And the national language is one of the most decisive factors in achieving this unity.

After completing the writing of the dictation, participants could send their texts to the competition. Works are to be accepted in online and offline formats. The dictation must be written by hand on a piece of paper that can be photographed/scanned. However, one can send a text written in Braille for assessment as well. After completing the dictation, everyone interested can send their works to the e-mail box rd@suspilne.media or through the electronic form for receiving texts.

The paper letter must be sent to the following address: Kyiv, st. Khreshchatyk, 26, 01001, “Ukrainian Radio”, “Radiodyctant” (the date of sending must be no later than November 10).

The deadline for sending the finished text is an astronomical day.

After the publication of the dictation text on the website of “Ukrainian Radio” and “Suspilne” on November 11, e-mails will not be accepted.

The results will be announced within 1-2 months, depending on the number of letters received. Action participants who write without a single error will receive gifts from the project partners.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”