
Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit: Polytechnic female professors and a student join the largest event in Europe for women in technology and IT

Teachers of the Department of Computer Technologies and Information Systems of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” Alina Yanko, Olena Haitan and fourth-year student Elkamel Kautar took part in the fifth international conference “Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit” – the largest event in Europe for women in technology and IT. As a result of fruitful international work, scientist Alina Yanko became a laureate of the Shesnnovation Academy 2023-2024 start-up implementation.

Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit: Polytechnic female professors and a student join the largest event in Europe for women in technology and IT

On June 13-14, 2023, the fifth international conference “Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit” was held in Warsaw, which gathered more than 10,000 participants from 84 countries in the capital of Poland.

“Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit” is the largest event in Europe for women in technology and IT, a source of ideas and inspiration, visions of the technological future of a world in which women have something to say. The Warsaw Summit became a platform for a constructive international dialogue of specialists in various spheres of human activity. Discussion panels covered current issues: information technology, telecommunications, mechatronics, robotics, electronics, nanotechnology, etc.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Technologies and Information Systems of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” Alina Yanko is a permanent member of the delegation of Ukrainian scientists Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit and for the fifth time becomes a participant of a powerful international event.

The partners of the summit, the collegium of Polish universities and international educational organizations, supported the initiative and contributed to the online participation in the event of the senior lecturer of the Department of Computer Technologies and Information Systems of the Poltava Polytechnic Olena Haitan together with the fourth-year student of the specialty 123 “Computer Engineering” Elkamel Kautar.

“Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit 2023” brought together more than 7,000 participants to learn about more than 200 technical topics from 500 speakers. The most influential women leaders of the modern IT world shared their stories, professional and scientific achievements, business experience and vision of the technological future.

In addition to the speakers’ reports, more than 50 specialized workshops on various technical topics were available, where IT specialists from numerous industries shared practical skills and development perspectives. More than 100 stands of the world’s most innovative companies were presented at the summit.

Representatives of 85 tech companies organized job fairs, so this event was a great platform not only to gain invaluable experience, exchange knowledge, but also a great opportunity to meet with experts and discuss your resume with them, learn about the hiring procedures, get valuable advice and opportunity find your dream job in the largest and most successful corporations in the world. Partners of the summit were: Intel, Cisco, Siemens, Ericsson, Dropbox, 3M, Bosch, Nestle, Tomtom, Amazon, Orange, Google, Facebook, Netflix, Fulbright, Govtech nf syis.

As a result of fruitful work with Polish partners, Alina Yanko became a laureate of the Shesnnovation Academy 2023-2024 international start-up implementation program. The perspective of this project is to hold a number of webinars, seminars and lectures by international coaches, directors of leading companies.

Recently, Poltava Polytechnic scientists took part in the international conference “Internationalisation as the Key to Resilience and Rebuilding: Twinning Anniversary”.

Previously, university students mastered effective cases of modern business and a practical course from the “Debit Plus” software development company.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”