Second-year student of the Faculty of Humanities of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” Tetiana Bilokon participated in the youth exchange “Tolerance for diversity” under the Erasmus+ program, which took place on September 1-10 in Lubliniec-Kokotek (Poland) and received a certificate completion.
Students from higher education institutions of Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Poland and Portugal studied to work with the prevailing social stereotypes concerning national and social minorities, discussed and put forward their own solutions to existing problems.

For ten days, active and talented students from around the world worked in teams, deliberated on youth training, visited prominent historical sites in Poland and learned about the culture, cuisine and traditions of the participating countries.

“During trainings and small theatrical performances, I had the opportunity to learn to demonstrate acute social problems as they are and to find solutions by putting my ideas into discussion.
In addition to training sessions on the topic of the program, the teams of the participating countries had the opportunity to treat each other to national dishes, get acquainted with the culture, language, music, dance, and hold thematic quizzes.
By participating in the youth exchange program, I have enhanced my discussion and compromise skills; my level of spoken English has also improved, so now I feel more confident. I am sincerely grateful to my university lecturer - Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of German Philology and Translation Department Anna Pavelieva, who told us about the possibilities of Erasmus + mobility programs and inspired me to participate in this youth exchange program,” – said project participant Tetiana Bilokon.
According to the scientist of the Faculty of Humanities Anna Pavelieva, participation in academic mobility programs for students is a great opportunity to improve their own soft skills, learn the language and customs of European countries, travel and be inspired by picturesque places.
The European Union's ERASMUS+ program supports international cooperation projects in the fields of education, training, youth and sport.
The purpose of the EU Erasmus+ Program is to support the educational, professional and personal development of EU citizens and beyond, in the fields of education, youth and sport, to contribute to sustainable growth, job quality and social cohesion, to innovate and to strengthen European identity and active citizenship.
Quality in education and training, inclusiveness and gender equality, green and digital transformations, teacher training, higher education, geopolitical dimension – are the key priorities of the Program for 2021-2027.
All areas of the Program have different opportunities open to partner countries based on the priorities of EU cooperation with neighboring countries and provide for cooperation between Program member countries and Program partner countries from other countries to share good practices and develop innovations. Ukraine is a partner country of the Eastern Partnership Region Program (EaP Region 2).
The program helps Ukraine build capacity for reform through the exchange of good practices and experiences with partners from EU member states for Ukraine’s development in fulfilling the obligations of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement on cooperation in science and technology, education, youth, sports and civil society.
Last year, under the Erasmus+ program, students learned the basics of the creative profession of the future in Poland.
Recently, a lecturer-philologist was trained in media literacy in Leipzig.
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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”