On 6-13 August, 2024, Specialist of International Cooperation Sector of International Relations Department of National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” Svitlana Koval took part in the international training course “ELF – Experiential Learning Festival”, which was held in Brasov (Romania) with the support of Ukrainian NGO “Vzayemopomich”.
The training course was aimed at engaging youth workers in the co-creation of the Festival of Learning, which included educational activities for the local community, as well as training in effective management, including effective space organisation and human resource management.
The project involved active young people from Ukraine, Romania, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Poland, and Azerbaijan. The average age of the target audience was 18-35 years.
“The international training course was a wonderful and unforgettable experience for me. The main goal of this project was to improve my ability to organise teamwork, learn how to properly distribute roles and responsibilities among all team members so that the planned event would go perfectly. We organised a festival of experiential learning and workshops that were open to Romanian residents aged 2 and older. International training courses are also a great opportunity to meet like-minded people from different countries.

The trip to the ancient and picturesque Romanian city of Brasov impressed me. Mysterious, unknown, unexpected – these are the adjectives that come to mind after a trip to our southern neighbour, Romania. In between the preparations for our festival, we had the opportunity to go on a guided tour from one of the festival organisers and a resident of Brasov. We walked through the atmospheric streets of Brasov and listened to fascinating stories about the creation of this city. After the walk, we had the opportunity to enjoy the panoramic view of this, without exaggeration, beautiful mystical city. We also enjoyed traditional Romanian cuisine throughout the project,” – comments project participant Svitlana Koval.

Earlier, a representative of Poltava Polytechnic, Svitlana Koval, took part in a three-day training on the development of civil society and European integration of Ukraine “Win of Democracy” and in the youth exchange under the Erasmus+ programme “Share your story: Youth, Inclusion and Storytelling”, which took place in the Armenian city of Tsakhkadzor.
Recently, a student took part in a Polish-Ukrainian youth exchange under the Erasmus+ programme dedicated to the consequences of the war in Ukraine, and future translators studied practical cases of integrating EU youth objectives by joining an Erasmus+ project in Turkey, Polytechnic students in Poland studied youth approaches to the development of environmental projects at the regional and national levels, student translators took part in the Erasmus+ youth exchange in Italy and learned how children’s games can teach teamwork, creativity, self-reflection and social integration; a philology student Diana Abbasova took part in the Erasmus+ youth worker mobility project in Turkey; a second-year student of 035 Philology, Alina Alieksieieva, took part in the Erasmus+ youth exchange in Spain, dedicated to the impact of social media on young people, a Poltava Polytechnic student became a participant of the grant programme “Study Tours to Poland”, a philology student became a participant of the youth exchange in Romania dedicated to inclusion, students of Polytechnic took part in the youth exchange dedicated to discrimination and gender inequality, studied the preservation of natural resources and economic growth of young people through a healthy lifestyle, a student-translator became a participant of the youth project against discrimination, xenophobia and bullying, Polytechnic students took part in the Erasmus+ project dedicated to the development of environmental awareness among Europeans and held a charity auction, philology students learned practical skills in the field of ecology and environmental protection, considered the problem of alcohol addiction and methods of combating it, raised awareness of cultural diversity, and studied the problem of migrants and internally displaced persons.
It should be noted that students of Poltava Polytechnic have the opportunity to study abroad under the grant programmes of credit academic mobility for a semester or a whole academic year at the leading universities of Austria, Greenland, Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Norway, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Finland, and the Czech Republic.
For more information about the current academic mobility programmes, please contact the International Relations Department (room 320-F, interoffice@nupp.edu.ua) or the Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Germanic Philology and Translation Anna Kostiantynivna Pavelieva (room 310-C, email: kunsite.zi@gmail.com, phone: +3-8-(095)-91-08-192).
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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”