
Polytechnic graduate becomes five-time World Champion in Thai Boxing

A graduate of Speciality 017 Physical Culture and Sports of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, two-time World Muay Thai Boxing Champion, Full Chevalier of the Order of Merit Oleh Pryimachov became a five-time World Champion in Thai Boxing, having defeated the opponents in the weight over 91 kg.

Polytechnic graduate becomes five-time World Champion in Thai Boxing

From 1 to 10 June 2024, the World Thai Boxing Championships were held in the Greek city of Patras. A total of 521 athletes from 93 countries competed for the world championship medals, with 25 athletes representing Ukraine at the prestigious sporting event. According to the results of the competition, the Ukrainian national team won seven honorary awards – two gold, three silver and two bronze medals.

In the final, a graduate of Speciality 017 Physical Culture and Sports of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, two-time World Muay Thai Boxing Champion, Full Cavalier of the Order of Merit Oleh Pryimachov achieved a convincing victory over his opponent. The athlete lost in the first round with a score of 9:10, but in the second and third rounds he demonstrated excellent sportsmanship, winning with a score of 10:9.

According to the decision of the judging panel, the graduate of Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports of Poltava Polytechnic gained a convincing victory in the sporting confrontation, becoming the world champion in Thai boxing in the weight over 91 kilograms for the fifth time.

We sincerely congratulate the world champion on another enchanting victory in the international sports arena. We are proud of him and wish him sports enthusiasm, determination to win and new significant achievements on his way to the top of sports Olympus!

It should be recalled that a student and a graduate of the Polytechnic became European champions in Thai boxing, and a graduate of the Polytechnic Oleh Pryimachov became a silver medallist of the World Martial Arts Games 2023.

Recently, the Polytechnic picked team became the silver medallist of the XXII Football Championship of Ukraine among higher education institutions, and the first-year students of the FPCS won a full set of awards at the Ukrainian Canoeing Championship.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”