
Polytechnic organises a holiday for preschoolers on Children’s Day

On the occasion of International Children’s Day, an interactive holiday was organised for the pupils of Centre for Education and Care of Preschool Children Mr.Leader of Poltava Polytechnic. The little leaders were congratulated and presented with gifts by the rector of the university, Professor Volodymyr Onyshchenko, and the representative of the Ukrainian Parliamentary Commissioner for Human Rights in the Poltava region, Vladyslav Nosenko.

Polytechnic organises a holiday for preschoolers on Children’s Day

On the eve of the International Children’s Day, the administration, employees and parents of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” arranged a fabulous live action performance for the little pupils of the Centre for Education and Care of Preschool Children Mr. Leader, which is effectively functioning at the multidisciplinary classical university.

Rector of Poltava Polytechnic, Doctor of Economics, Professor Volodymyr Onyshchenko and the representative of the Ukrainian Parliamentary Commissioner for Human Rights in the Poltava region Vladyslav Nosenko personally congratulated the little leaders, the future intellectual, creative and sports elite of our country and presented them with gifts, wishing them to have a joyful and happy childhood despite the war and the difficult modern challenges.

“Dear children, dear parents! I sincerely congratulate you on the holiday of happy childhood and joyful smiles – International Children’s Day!

Undoubtedly, despite the war, Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic is doing everything to ensure that the children of our teachers, students and internally displaced persons have a happy childhood.

I am extremely proud that our university is successfully implementing a unique project to educate little leaders for the future post-war Ukraine – Centre for Education and Care of Preschool Children Mr. Leader, and this, without exaggeration, innovative location has a positive atmosphere, cool emotions and good mood.

I am pleasantly surprised by the good mood that children generously share with us adults. Their sincerity, openness, friendliness, and wishes for a good day make every moment of my busy work schedule just that – successful and bright. After all, this positive energy within the walls of our university encourages us to work harder to make children feel comfortable, safe and curious, to make them want to run to the university every day for fresh impressions, because they are literally a couple of steps away from becoming students of a leading higher education institution.

I hope that pleasant surprises will be the key to another great day in the calendar of Poltava Polytechnic. I wish everyone happy smiles and pleasant moments, so that the sun always shines in the peaceful sky and your parents are always happy about your successes!” – congratulated the children and their parents the head of Poltava Polytechnic.

Representative of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights in the Poltava Region Vladyslav Nosenko, who came to Poltava Polytechnic to celebrate the children’s holiday of the innovative children’s space, stressed the importance of ensuring the children’s rights.

“It is a pleasure to be with you today and to wish our children a happy holiday, as observing children’s rights, especially in these difficult conditions, remains among the priorities of our daily activities. The Office of the Ukrainian Parliamentary Commissioner for Human Rights in the Poltava region is doing everything possible to ensure that Ukrainian children feel safe and their rights are respected at all legal levels.

Please know that anyone can turn to us for help, our specialists will always check the information received from the media and communicate to ensure that the young citizens of an independent country are safe. I wish you a good mood, positive emotions and a happy childhood!” – wished Vladyslav Nosenko.

Receiving the gifts, the kids smiled sincerely, and according to the organisers of the holiday, a happy child’s smile and pleasant emotions are the most important reward for parents who take their children to a real university every day, paving the way for the future, certainly a peaceful future. The cheerful mood of the pupils of the Centre for Education and Care of Preschool Children Mr.Leader and their parents was inspired by the head of the Centre for Culture and Student Creativity, Candidate of Sciences in Social Communications, Associate Professor Hlib Kudriashov.

Despite the war, a real holiday was arranged in the cosy walls of Poltava Polytechnic, where little pupils of the Centre for Education and Care of Preschool Children had a fun and exciting time with the animators. The kids were especially excited about the world-famous dog Patron, who came to the festive event and lit up the dance floor to the sounds of the eponymous track by KARTA SVITU, a rock band that recently presented their debut album at Poltava Polytechnic.

It should be recalled that last year, International Children’s Day was celebrated by Poltava Polytechnic with the opening of the second phase of Centre for Education and Care of Preschool Children Mr. Leader, which is effectively functioning at the university.

Recently, as part of the Road Safety Week, police officers held a series of educational events for students and preschoolers, and pupils of Centre for Education and Care Mr. Leader joined the celebration of the “Maths March” at the university.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”