
Polytechnic scientists win the world science championship in Dubai

The author’s team of scientists of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, headed by the honoured employee of the university, Professor Yurii Holik, became a bronze medallist in the scientific competition in Dubai.

Polytechnic scientists win the world science championship in Dubai

1,236 participants from 69 countries took part in the I World Science Championship in Dubai, which lasted from August 7 to 21, 2023. The I World Science Championship gathered participants in 38 branches of science who competed in individual and team events.

More than 30 Nobel laureates were among the judges. State-of-the-art GLOBES technology using artificial intelligence was used to calculate unbiased results. Awards were won by 360 scientists.

The members of the team of scientists of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” led by the honoured employee of the university, the Head of the Department of Heat and Gas Supply, Ventilation and Thermal Power Engineering, Professor Yurii Holik, were awarded bronze medallist diplomas.

The winner of the competition was a scientific work on which scientists and postgraduate students of the university worked within the framework of the Development Strategy of the Poltava Region for 2021-2027. The Head of the Department of Applied Ecology and Nature Management, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Oksana Illiash, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Olha Krot, as well as PhD students specializing in “Renewable energy, thermal energy, renewable fuels and environmental protection” Tetiana Serha and Yuliia Chepurko had been working on the research. During the difficult wartime and post-war period, scientists researched new types of fuel, energy crops, and the use of solid household waste as fuel. In order to carry out research in 2023 at the Department of Heat and Gas Supply, Ventilation and Thermal Power Engineering, with the support of the rector of the university, a graduate of the department, Professor Volodymyr Onyshchenko, special laboratory stands were created to determine the calorific value of new alternative types of fuel in the conditions of studying their ecological impact on the environment.

All authors of the scientific research received diplomas of winners.

“It is you who, with your victories, confirm the indomitable scientific power of Ukraine in the world, popularize the achievements of your university at a high international level, inspire your colleagues and talented youth with your example to new scientific achievements! Once again, we congratulate you on the victory and the recognition of your scientific achievements at the international level!” – congratulated the scientist the organizing committee of the championship.

In the overall team standings by country: 1st place — China, 2nd place — USA, 3rd place — UAE, 4th place — India, 5th place — France, 6th place — Great Britain, 7th place — Brazil, 8th place — Israel, 9th place — Ukraine, 10th place — Australia.

This significant event in the field of world science was held at the expense of an international grant equivalent to EUR 1.2 million, provided by the International Historical Biographical Institute with the financial support of the UAE, Italy, Bulgaria, the USA, Israel, China, as well as with the involvement of charitable contributions.

“The World Science Championship is one of the scientific events that contribute to the entry of higher education institutions into international university rankings as well as integration into the international scientific and educational space. Scientists and teachers from different countries of the world participate in these scientific competitions, where their works are evaluated by an expert jury, which includes even Nobel laureates. The achievement of our esteemed colleague will also be reflected in international university rankings. The scientific recognition of the scientists of the Poltava Polytechnic indicates our integration into the world scientific community,” – commented Vice-Rector for Scientific and International Work, Doctor of Technical Sciences Olena Stepova.

It should be recalled that Poltava Polytechnic has improved its position in the ranking of scientific activity, remains the undisputed leader among Poltava higher education institutions and entered the TOP-50 best universities of Ukraine according to the “TOP – 200 Ukraine 2023” ranking.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”