
Polytechnic student Andrii Nazimov wins the gold award of the Poltava Region Kyokushin BuDo Karate Open Championship (WKB)

A second-year student of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” Andrii Nazimov became the gold medallist of the Poltava Region Kyokushin BuDo Karate (WKB) Open Championship, which was held on October 21 in the city of Poltava. The athlete of the Poltava Polytechnic got a convincing victory, becoming the best in the 80 kg category.

Polytechnic student Andrii Nazimov wins the gold award of the Poltava Region Kyokushin BuDo Karate Open Championship (WKB)

On October 21, the Poltava Region Kyokushin BuDo Karate (WKB) Open Championship took place in the city of Poltava, where experienced athletes from different parts of the Poltava region competed for the championship. The excellent physical fitness and high level of practical training demonstrated by them proved a significant potential for the further development of this sport among professionals as well as modern school and student youth.

Student of group 202-FS of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” Andrii Nazimov became the gold medallist of the Poltava Region Kyokushin BuDo Karate (WKB) Open Championship. The athlete of the Poltava Polytechnic demonstrated high results during spectacular matches with experienced opponents, becoming the best in the 80 kg (18+) category.

We sincerely congratulate the gold medallist on another sports victory! We are proud, we wish good health, vitality, significant personal achievements in conquering new peaks of the sports Olympus!

It should be recalled that earlier FPCS student Andrii Nazimov became the bronze medallist of the 6th Open European Kyokushin Karate Championship among children, youth, juniors and adults.

Recently, FPCS student Valeriia Koniukhova became the European champion in powerlifting among girls, and the team of the Educational and Research Institute of Finance, Economics, Management and Law became the winner of the mini-football tournament “Commonwealth Cup”.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”