
Polytechnic students become bronze medalists of the research paper competition "Innovations for the restoration of Ukraine: the view of the youth"

Poltava Polytechnic students Dana Sholokh and Mariia Sokol became bronze medalists of the All-Ukrainian competition for research paper "Innovations for the restoration of Ukraine: the view of youth", organized by the Institute of Strategies for Innovative Development and Transfer of Knowledge. Student research papers were profoundly rated by a highly professional jury and awarded with diplomas of the III degree.

Polytechnic students become bronze medalists of the research paper competition "Innovations for the restoration of Ukraine: the view of the youth"

The Institute of Strategies for Innovative Development and Transfer of Knowledge within the framework of the implementation of the international educational and scientific project "Territory of innovations: best practices for sustainable development at the local level" summarized the results of the All-Ukrainian competition for research paper "Innovations for the restoration of Ukraine: the view of youth". 45 research papers from 32 institutions of higher education and scientific institutions of Ukraine, independently prepared by students and postgraduates and dedicated to innovative ideas of rebuilding the country in the social, economic or environmental spheres, were submitted to the competition. The evaluation of the submitted research papers was carried out by a highly professional jury through a double "blind" review.

The work of the first-year student of the specialty 292 "International Economic Relations" of the Educational and Research Institute of Finance, Economics, Management and Law of the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" Dana Sholokh "Innovations for the restoration of Ukraine" and the research paper of the first-year student of the specialty 292 "International Economic relations" Mariia Sokol "Innovations for the restoration of Ukraine: psychological aspect" won the third prize and were awarded a diploma of the III degree.

In the research papers, the authors presented their own vision of introducing innovative changes in the process of recovery of our country, analyzed its psychological aspects. The members of the highly professional jury eminently evaluated the relevance, scientific novelty, and practical orientation of the scientific research presented by the contestants, noted the logic, consistency, and validity of the thoughts presented, as well as the originality and realism of the ideas for the reconstruction of the country.

Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of International Economic Relations and Tourism of the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic", scholarship holder of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young scientists in 2022, Iryna Levchenko, who, with her own example of dedicated service to science, inspires and positively motivates gifted student youth of Poltava Polytechnic, became the scientific supervisor of the presented student research papers. According to the scientist, for her, as a curator of the student academic group and a mentor, it is extremely pleasant to realize that from the first year female students show a unique intellectual flair and readiness to comprehensively develop in the scientific and research field.

  "Active, purposeful, talented student youth, whose achievements I am sincerely proud of, are the future of our country! It is very pleasant that my students have just started their studies at the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic", and have already shown themselves at a high scientific level. The girls took responsibility for the research work and got a decent result. I am sincerely proud of our common victory, I wish you inspiration, new creative ideas and achievements! Well done, keep it up!", – said Iryna Levchenko.

According to the results of the participation, the authors of the research papers admitted to the competition received certificates, and the winners were awarded diplomas of the I, II and III degrees. The works of the winners of the competition for student research papers will be published free of charge in the International e-journal of knowledge transfer management studies. Authors whose works have been awarded a diploma of the I degree will receive memorable gifts from the competition's partners.

The academic staff and student team of the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" sincerely congratulate the winners and their supervisor. We are proud of their significant achievements! We wish you an inexhaustible charge of vital energy, scientific enthusiasm and new intellectual victories!

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