Regional teachers participated in the webinar. There were maths teachers of Poltava City Multidisciplinary Lyceum No. 1 named after I. P. Kotliarevskyi, Poltava Professional Lyceum, Specialized Medical Pharmacy College of Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, and Bilyky School No. 4 named after F. I. Marchenko.
Among the key problems considered were such things as creating favorable conditions for preparing to the External Independent Evaluation in mathematics in the context of online education, studying professional cases in solving practical multilevel problems, the level of mathematical knowledge of school leavers and the ways of improving it.
“The problem of good mathematical training is not new, and in the context of distanced education it has received a special meaning. It worries everybody - parents, children, teachers, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the society. Unity in treating the problems of low mathematical competence is confirmed by the fact that the next academic year is pronounced the year of mathematics,” commented PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor, the Head of the Department of Further and Practical Mathematics of National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” Nataliia Ichanska.
In her report “The Ways of Developing Mathematical Education and Enhancing the Level of Mathematical Knowledge” the speaker analyzed regional results of EIE participants over the last few years, comparing the statistical and analytical data of studying the results of passing the EIE.
The analysis of the results of EIE in mathematics corresponds to the results of PISA international study of education quality, emphasizing the importance of quality mathematical education and the need to find ways to improve the mathematical competence. Successful preparation to EIE is first of all a deeper study of key mathematical ideas, building connections between separate learned topics, using the principle of thematic progression in the study plans, solving practical problems, complicated mathematical topics, training tests, including innovative methods and tools for teaching.
“A great part of attention should definitely be paid to those children who love mathematics and learn it. A large contribution to the development of mathematical literacy is made by the Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, which involves approximately 300 thousands talented school students from all around Ukraine.
“National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” pays a special attention to research with student youth, although because of certain reasons the number of students in mathematical sections is decreasing, unfortunately,” said Nataliia Ichanska.
In her presentation, the author showed useful links to video materials on YouTube, web sites with scientific and methodological sources and pages with preparatory tests for EIE in mathematics, mathematical Internet-sources for learners, relevant in the time of online education. The participants of the discussion shared their practical experience in using the online services for preparing to EIE in mathematics in the context of pandemics.
Another lifehack was the checklist for preparing to EIE in maths and the ways of using it, presented by Assistant Professor of the Department of Further and Practical Mathematics of the university Klavdiia Solovchuk. Her report described the advantages of working with a checklist in long-term preparation to EIE during the whole academic year, and the possibility of alternative use of the checklist in intensive long-term preparation or in monitoring the level of preparation to EIE. All the participants of the event received a link where they could download a sample of such a checklist.
The final part of the webinar was devoted to a workshop in solving problems of combinatorial theory and probability theory held by PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor of the Department of Further and Practical Mathematics of National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” Inna Rassokha. Everyone could feel like a student and practice in solving specially chosen problems.
The topic of the workshop was not chosen randomly, as these theories had been included in the school program recently. Among the difficulties were such problems as considerably small number of academic hours given to delivering these topics, specific features of the material, the online form of teaching. “At the workshop, we tried to demonstrate how to deliver new material and reach the necessary knowledge level in the context of lack of time, no personal communication with students, and sometime in terms of low general level of mathematical competence at a high methodological level.
“The methodological lifehacks for teachers are the following: clear structuring of the theoretic material, its visualization with schemes, tables etc, wide use of comparative analysis, illustrating theoretic aspects with typical problems, writing supportive notes, fixing given knowledge in the process of solving tasks and problems,” said Inna Rassokha.
After finishing work, the participants of the webinar shared their impressions and plans for further cooperation, because holding events for professional growth is very relevant for them.
“We are thankful to all the participants for their feedback and positive emotions. See you at other events!” Nataliia Ichanska thanked the audience. The participants received certificates confirming their participation in the scientific and methodological webinar.
The Department of Further and Practical Mathematics of National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” will hold similar scientific webinars to provide methodological help to the teachers of our city and region.

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