
Scientist-philologist shares with lyceum students practical life hacks of preparation of perspective researches

A scientists of the Faculty of Humanities of the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" Olena Dmytrenko conducted a scientific-methodical seminar "Participation in the All-Ukrainian competition for the defence of scientific papers of students-members of the Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine as a form of scientific investigations and researches of lyceum students – future scientists" for pupils of the Lyceum №3, and provided practical advice on the choice of topics, culture

Scientist-philologist shares with lyceum students practical life hacks of preparation of perspective researches

On November 11, a scientist of the Faculty of Humanities of the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic", Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Germanic Philology and Translation Olena Dmytrenko conducted a scientific-methodical seminar "Participation in the All-Ukrainian competition for the defence of scientific papers of students-members of the Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine as a form of scientific investigations and researches of lyceum students – future scientists" for pupils of the Lyceum №3. Scientists, schoolchildren and teachers – supervisors of students-members’ of the Poltava Territorial Branch of the Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine scientific papers, willingly joined the active deliberation on the problems of choosing the relevant topics of research, the culture of composition and level of presentation of scientific papers, and academic integrity. They also exchanged practical experience of quality preparation of prize-winners and winners of the competition. Purposeful, persistent lyceum students shared their own success stories related to the brightest moments of participation in the work of the Poltava Territorial Branch of the Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

During the meeting, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Germanic Philology and Translation at Poltava Polytechnic Olena Dmytrenko shared her practical experience as the chairman of the jury of the 1st and 2nd stages of the contest-defence of school participants’ of the Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine scientific papers; gave effective advice on what a young researcher should pay attention while defending their scientific project and showed samples of posters prepared by the winners of the III (regional) stage of the competition-defence of scientific papers of the school students-members’ of the Poltava Territorial Branch of the Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Olena Dmytrenko presented an interesting report "Research activities as a way of self-expression of an individual", in which she spoke about the most responsible stages of preparation of schoolchildren research and provided methodological recommendations, emphasizing the need to adhere to the proportionality of sections, compliance with conclusions set by the aim and objectives of the work presented. From the "top" of many years of experience as chairman of the jury of the regional competition-defence of schoolchildren scientific papers of the Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in the German language section, the lecturer described a wide range of positive and negative aspects in preparing and conducting this event as well as shared with the audience her own vision of ways to solve this problem.

"In my opinion, the most important point in the preparation of a really high-quality scientific paper is the selection of its subject; the range of interests studied should not be too general or narrow. In order to avoid duplication of material, it is desirable to expand the thematic range of research. For this purpose, before choosing a new topic by school students, teachers-supervisors should analyze the topics of previously defended research studies.

Competent scientific papers require careful preparation and elaboration of a sufficient amount (20-25 sources) of scientific and scientific-methodical literature, especially revenues over the past 3-5 years. In the list of references, among other things, authoritative sources must be included – dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias.

As for the culture of research composition, there are cases of illiterate structured work, which is the result of inattentive reading of methodical recommendations previously provided, and some scientific papers of participants are abstract in nature, in which there is no scientific opinion. Of course, the authors of such researches cannot claim high scores when evaluating the results of the competition," – said Olena Dmytrenko, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Germanic Philology and Translation.

According to the scientist, the regional competition-defence of research works of school students-members of the Poltava Territorial Branch of the Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine shows a high level of preparation of participants in the basic discipline, good knowledge of the contestants in German, interest in selected topics, a steady interest in research activities.

Participation in intellectual competitions of such a high level is an additional opportunity for comprehensively gifted young people to discover their own abilities, to show intellectual qualities, to take a step towards self-improvement. The task of teachers-supervisors of researches is, first of all, in positive motivation, to tune the child up into the process, rather than the result, in order to avoid disappointment or stressful situation.

"Among the shortcomings in the defence of scientific papers should be distinguished the following – the lack of presentation and communication skills, which leads to the inability to lead a discussion, competently and professionally formulate questions. My advice is to try to present your work to classmates or educational institution before a public defence.

It should be noted that for all gifted children in the Poltava Regional Branch of the Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, equal conditions for participation in the competition have been created, and the prize places held by the winners of Poltava region at the All-Ukrainian competition-defence of scientific papers of the Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in the German language section – Alina Kosharna and Diana Klymenchenko, testify to the objectivity of the jury and professional selection of pupils at the previous stages of the intellectual competition", - said Olena Dmytrenko.

The lyceum students thanked the scientists of Poltava Polytechnic for the useful practical advice, and the teachers of Poltava Scientific Lyceum No.3 agreed on further joint scientific and educational as well as educative activities in order to exchange practical experience and borrow the best educational cases.

Earlier, lecturers of Poltava Polytechnic held a methodical seminar for teachers of Poltava region, devoted to the choice of topics and effective strategies for preparing and defending schoolchildren scientific papers, and scientists and stakeholders discussed tools to improve the quality of higher education at the seminar by NAQA.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”