
Scimago Institutions Rankings 2024: Poltava Polytechnic is a leader among the universities of Poltava city

According to the results of the international university ranking The SCImago Institutions Rankings 2024, National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” took the 46th position among Ukrainian higher education institutions. Poltava Polytechnic continues to hold the leading position among the universities of Poltava subordinated to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Scimago Institutions Rankings 2024: Poltava Polytechnic is a leader among the universities of Poltava city

The SCImago laboratory has published the results of the international ranking of educational institutions, The SCImago Institutions Rankings 2024, and 49 of the 9054 world universities represented in the ranking are Ukrainian higher education institutions.

The prestigious international ranking is based on three sustainable factors – research, innovation and society – and this year’s indicators were added to the social factor – new knowledge related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, women’s participation in research and compliance with government policy.

According to the ranking results, National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” was ranked 46th among Ukrainian higher education institutions, continuing to hold the leading position among the universities of Poltava city subordinated to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” took the 37th place by the key indicators of Research, and the 44th position by the indicators of Innovation and Social.

It is worth mentioning that SCImago Institutions Rankings 2024 is a scientometric ranking of higher education institutions, scientific organisations, healthcare institutions and private companies engaged in research. Launched in 2009, the ranking uses data from exclusively independent sources: the Scopus bibliometric database, the Patstat international patent database and webometric databases.

The ranking is based on three groups of indicators:

1. Indicators assessing research and development (Research). This group includes eleven indicators with a total weighting of 50%. The data source is the Scopus system.

Research indicators:

  • Normalised Impact – the indicator shows the organisation’s citation rate in relation to the global average. For example, a value of 0.8 means that the organisation falls 20% short of the global average.
  • Excellence with Leadership – the share of publications in which the author of the given HEI is the first author in the list of authors.
  • Outputs – the number of publications indexed in Scopus.
  • Lead. Scientific Leadership – the number of publications in which the corresponding author belongs to the given HEI.
  • Not Own Journals Output – the number of publications of university researchers not in their own journals. The indicator was added in 2019.
  • Own Journals – the number of journals published by the institution (publishing services). The indicator was added in 2019.
  • Excellence Rate – the indicator determines the share of publications of the organisation that are in the top 10% of the most cited publications in the relevant subject areas.
  • High Quality Publications – the share of journals published in the first quarter (top 25%) in relevant subject areas.
  • International Collaboration – the share of publications co-authored with foreign organisations.
  • Open Access – the percentage of documents published in open access journals or indexed in the Unpaywall database. The indicator was added in 2019.
  • Scientific Talent Pool – the total number of different authors from an institution in the total publication volume of that institution over a certain period of time.

2. Indicators measuring innovation activity (Innovation). This includes three indicators, with a total weighting of 30%. The data source is the PATSTAT database.

3. Societal impact indicators – three web-based indicators are included, with a total weighting of 20%. The data sources are Google and Ahrefs.

It should be recalled that Polytechnic has recently been included in the world ranking of the most sustainable universities in the world THE Impact Rankings 2024.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”