
Sectional Meeting at the Education and Research Institute of Finance, Economics and Management Is Held Online

On May 6, the Department of Finance, Banking and Taxation held an online meeting, during which the participants discussed the financial and credit system of Ukraine, the insurance market and the reforms of the taxation system.

Sectional Meeting at the Education and Research Institute of Finance, Economics and Management Is Held Online

The meeting of the Section of Finance, Banking and Taxation took place within the 72nd Scientific Conference of Professors, Teachers, Academic Staff, Post-Graduates and Students of National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” at the Zoom platform.

The sectional work was joined by 47 people, among them were 13 teachers, 32 students and 2 school students. The head and the moderator of the section was Doctor of Economics, Professor Liana Ptashchenko, the deputy head was PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Liudmyla Svystun, secretary was PhD in Economics, Assistant Professor Olha Bondarevska.

In total, 30 report abstracts were submitted to the section. 4 presentations were given and discussed online. The audience was offered to discuss the problem of the operation of the finance and credit system of Ukraine and of the insurance market, reforming the taxation system and the currency, financial management in entrepreneurship activities, improving the financial and management accounting, financial control of company activity. These problems caused an active discussion.

Bohdan Taranets’s presentation was chosen the best one among the students’ reports. It was called “The Monetary Policy of Ukraine and the Mechanisms for Its Implementation”. The presenter named the main goals and tasks of monetary policy, showed the evaluation of the monetary policy activity of NBU in 2019, described its problems and disadvantages, such as the currency instability, the low level of general monetary reserve, the gray economy and the great dollarization of the economy.

Among the teachers, the best research “The Regulative Role of Taxes in Emergency Conditions” was presented by the Assistant Professor of the Department of Finance, Banking and Taxation Olena Dakhno. She described the fiscal and regulative functions, as well as the methods of applying the regulative function of taxes, which include the differentiation of taxation rate, progressive survey, various kinds of taxation relief, amortized politics etc.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”