
Six students of the Polytechnic become participants of the Polish scholarship program SPINAKER from NAWA

Students of the Faculty of Philology, Psychology and Pedagogy of National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” – Albina Hrun, Sofiia Dmytriuk, Sofiia Zahorska, Iryna Lobko, Yuliia Nikolenko, Svitlana Kis became participants in the international grant project of the SPINAKER scholarship program from the National Agency for Academic Exchanges (NAWA, Republic of Poland). As part of the program, the students underwent a six-month internship and visited the University of Warsaw.

Six students of the Polytechnic become participants of the Polish scholarship program SPINAKER from NAWA

From November 2021 to May 2022, students of specialties 014 “Secondary Education” and 035 “Philology” of the Faculty of Philology, Psychology and Pedagogy of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” Albina Hrun, Sofiia Dmytriuk, Sofiia Zahorska, Iryna Lobko, Yuliia Nikolenko and Svitlana Kis took an active part in the international grant project of the SPINAKER scholarship program from the National Agency for Academic Exchanges (NAWA, Republic of Poland) “Between the words – School of History of Polish Literature and Knowledge of Polish Language for Foreign Students”.

Student youth from Ukraine, Germany, France, Croatia, Italy, the United States and China had a unique opportunity to gain practical additional knowledge. The participants completed a six-month internship and went on a research visit to the University of Warsaw.

“Students of Poltava Polytechnic passed the selection and were included in the list of forty participants who in the fall of 2021 became the winners of the competition and began training within the winter session. A nice “bonus” was a direct acquaintance with the educational process at the University of Warsaw and a tour of the Polish capital.

Thanks to the dynamic scientific-educational partnership of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” and Polish universities, opportunities to study Polish at the university as well as knowledge gained during the study, students actively continued to study the history of Polish literature, starting with medieval literature and reading Polish Nobel Prize-winning writers, discovered new ways of studying and analyzing the Polish language – electronic language corpora, explored the peculiarities of Polish-English translation, learned about the literature of Eastern European Jews and the Lviv-Warsaw Philosophy School,” – said the head of the Department of General Linguistics and Foreign Languages of Poltava Polytechnic, Candidate of Philological Sciences Alla Bolotnikova.

The project participants visited a number of museums and places of interest in the Polish capital – the University of Warsaw Museum, the University Library Book Publishing Museum (Museum of Ancient Printed Books and the Museum of 19th Century Publications), the College of Europe campus, the Royal Castle in Warsaw, the Wilanów Palace, Museum of Polish Jews “Polin”. During the campus tour, future specialists were presented the resources of the library of the Faculty of Polish Studies at the University of Warsaw as well as the Polonicum Center for the Study of the Polish Language for Foreigners.

Thanks to the rich program, the students deepened their own knowledge of Polish culture, improved their knowledge of the Polish language, had the opportunity to communicate with representatives of other countries, share their own experiences, and broaden their horizons.

“Thanks to the project, we gained extra knowledge and useful cases, which will definitely come in handy when mastering the chosen specialty. By studying foreign languages, we have the opportunity to touch the treasures of world culture and literature, turn the pages of immortal classics, and meet young students from other countries. This is an invaluable experience, moments that I will never forget, as Poltava Polytechnic gives the opportunity to harmoniously develop the personality of a student, teacher, scientist,” – commented a fourth-year student of the Faculty of Philology, Psychology and Pedagogy of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” Sofiia Dmytriuk.

Recently, a student-philologist became a participant in the project for youth leaders Erasmus+ in Greece.

Earlier, student-philologist took part in the Erasmus+ training on mental health in wartime, Polytechnic scientists and foreign partners discussed the world experience of intellectual property protection, scientist-philologist studied new techniques of teaching Polish.

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