
Philology students honor the exploit of the White Rose and discuss the figure of the German leader of the anti-Nazi struggle

On October 21, on the birthday of Sophie Scholl, leader of the struggle against the Nazi regime in Germany, students and lecturers of the Germanic Philology and Translation Department at Poltava Polytechnic held an educational event dedicated to the biography of the unconquered patriot and the anti-fascist resistance movement with the symbolic name “White Rose”.

Philology students honor the exploit of the White Rose and discuss the figure of the German leader of the anti-Nazi struggle

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of a famous German patriot, leader of the struggle against the Nazi regime in Germany, a student of the University of Munich Sophie Scholl, who together with her brother Hans, leader of the White Rose resistance movement took an active part in the youth anti-fascist organization, distributing leaflets and advocating for the rights of people humiliated by the dominant ideology. Brought up on the basis of humanistic ideals, the young woman immediately realized the dangers of the new ideology. Unfortunately, the story of the White Rose was tragic: Sophie and Hans Scholl were convicted and publicly executed in 1943 for their anti-Hitler activities.

On the occasion of the anniversary lecturers and students of the Germanic Philology Department of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” held an educational event in order to honor the memory of patriotic German youth who fought against the Hitler’s regime and at the cost of their own lives challenged the existing system. They discussed the unforgettable history of the White Rose exploit against the background of the tragic events of World War II. Second- and fifth-year philology students became active participants in the discussion of one of the German history tragic pages and learned many interesting facts about the life of the German youth of that time.

Olena Dmytrenko, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Germanic Philology and Translation at Poltava Polytechnic, was the mastermind of the memorial meeting to honor the White Rose. She was inspired by her visit to the White Rose Museum at the University of Munich in the summer.

“Having visited this amazing place, I felt an urgent need to share my impressions and wrenching emotions with the student youth. After all, studying the language, it is impossible to imagine its full development without the socio-economic, cultural context, knowledge of history, traditions and customs of a country. Germany is an incredible country, where citizens treasure and celebrate the memory of their own heroes,” – commented the scientist. According to her, such educational events encourage young people to respect the history of their native country even more, to better understand and learn the lessons of the tragic past.

Yana Andrus, a sixth-year master’s philology student, actively participated in the realization of the teacher's creative idea. She prepared a bright presentation in German and acquainted other participants with the activities of the anti-fascist movement representatives.

Students and lecturers of the Faculty of Humanities of Poltava Polytechnic willingly join the world initiatives to celebrate significant and anniversary historical dates, prepare presentations and speeches in foreign languages, and share their own point of view on modern issues.

Previously, a scientist of the Faculty of Humanities wrote an author’s manual on cultural linguistics.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”