
Student Becomes a Winner With a Research Article on Safe Industrial Waste Utilization

Tetiana Serha, a fourth-year student of Educational and Research Institute of Oil and Gas, has been given a third-grade diploma at the All-Ukrainian Student Research Competition in the specialization “Technogenic Safety”.

Student Becomes a Winner With a Research Article on Safe Industrial Waste Utilization

In accordance with the decree of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1271 of October 4, 2019 “On organization of the All-Ukrainian Student Research Competition on knowledge fields and specialties in 2019/2020 academic year” Lviv State University of Life Safety was chosen to be the host higher education institution to hold the second round of the All-Ukrainian Student Research Competition in the specialization “Technogenic Safety”.

The second round was planned in two stages; the first stage was going to be accepting articles for the competition, reviewing them, summarizing prior results and choosing the best articles for participation in the second stage; the second stage would consist of public defense of the best chosen students’ research articles, determining the winners and awarding them. In accordance with the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the quarantine introduction for all types of educational institutions regardless of the form of ownership and management sphere, with the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1/9-154 of 11.03.2020, the results of the All-Ukrainian Student Research Competition were drawn according to the results of the first stage of the second round.

The research article of Tetiana Serha, a fourth-year student of the specialization “Environmental Protection Technologies” at the Educational and Research Institute of Oil and Gas (Technogenic Safety course), on the topic “Safe technological solution of domain granulated slug as technogenic raw material to produce porous concrete” has won the third place and the author was given a third-grade diploma. The academic advisor is Candidate of Engineering Sciences. Associate Professor at the Department of Applied Ecology and Nature Management Oksana Illiash.

The problem of environment protection has a global character and has become one of the most relevant in out time. Solving the problem of different factors influence on the environment is connected with establishing balanced co-existence of nature, society and human. Inventing a safe technological solution for waste utilization as raw material for new material is a successful option for the global problem in the conditions of today.

Sincere congratulations on the victory, we wish both the student and the academic advisor new great achievements!