
Students and lecturers of the Faculty of Humanities learn how to prevent corruption offenses

Dmytro Pavlukhin, Commissioner for Anti-Corruption Activities of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, presented the Anti-Corruption Program of the university for 2021-2022 to students and lecturers of the Department of Germanic Philology and Translation. Future translators and interpreters learned about the main types of corruption, information channels and the statutory procedure for reporting specific offenses.

Students and lecturers of the Faculty of Humanities learn how to prevent corruption offenses

On December 24, students and lecturers of the Department of Germanic Philology and Translation met with Dmytro Pavlukhin, Commissioner for Anti-Corruption Activities. The meeting was conducted within the framework of the ongoing Anti-Corruption Program of National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”.

Students learned about the nature of such concepts as “corruption”, “corruption offense”, “illegal gain”, “direct subordination”, “potential conflict of interest”, “gift”, “anti-corruption expertise”, “private interest”, “real conflict of interest”, which act can be qualified as an offense related to corruption, who are the subjects of the declaration and what are their obligations. The speaker presented basic principles of the Anti-Corruption Program of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, which anti-corruption measures are carried out at the university during business activities, how the university interacts with civil officials, what are the responsibilities of university employees in order to prevent and combat corruption in the university activities. Fruitful dialogue was established with the active participation of student youth, their open position on the issue of academic integrity and responsible attitude to their own scientific and educational activities.

According to Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Germanic Philology and Translation at Poltava Polytechnic Anna Pavelieva, the formation of a holistic understanding of the basic concepts of Ukraine’s anti-corruption legislation in modern student youth is timely: “At first, it may seem that the phenomenon of corruption is possible only in the public and economic sectors. Unfortunately, it must be acknowledged that corruption exists in both the non-profit sector and the education system. And here there is a considerable threat, as not always the citizens of our state have basic legal and consumer skills. Corrupt actions of dishonest or ineffective organizations are almost impossible to track through conventional market mechanisms. As for the control over the activities of higher education institutions, it is relatively weak compared to the measures and procedures for supervising the work of the state administration. It is important to inform students and future graduates about the realities they often have to face in their professional activities, so such motivational and educational meetings contribute to a deeper awareness of responsibility for certain actions and choices in favor of the law”.

“Since the beginning of the academic year, we have held several meetings with students’ self-government, academic groups of various university structural subdivisions and told about the main provisions of the ongoing Anti-Corruption Program, which reflects support for state anti-corruption strategy and is confirmed by ethical standards and principles for providing information on the performance of works and the provision of services, on the established tariffs, testifies to the desire of the university staff to improve corporate culture, follow the best practices of corporate governance, and maintaining the business reputation of the university at the appropriate level. Addressing young people, I emphasize once again that nothing can replace one's own knowledge. Work, study, learn useful skills and obey the law!” – stressed Commissioner for Anti-Corruption Activities of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” Dmytro Pavlukhin.

During the meeting, philology students also learned about the rules of professional ethics, disciplinary actions against persons violating Anti-Corruption Program, the procedure for conducting internal investigations, conditions of confidentiality in informing Commissioner about the facts of incitement to commit a corruption offense, about corruption or corruption-related offenses committed by other persons, and about the protection of people who provide assistance in preventing and combating corruption.

It should be recalled that the facts of the Anti-Corruption Program violation, corruption or corruption-related offenses commission can be reported orally or in writing by phone 066-52-65-201; via e-mail anticorruption@nupp.edu.ua or in person to the Commissioner for Anti-Corruption Activities on Monday-Thursday from 08:00 to 17:00 and on Friday from 08:00 to 15:45. Confidentiality is guaranteed.

Priority areas of the current Anti-Corruption Program of National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” for 2021-2022 can be found in the section “Prevention of Corruption” on the official website of Poltava Polytechnic.

Previously, students of various university structural subdivisions were told how to report corruption offenses in time, and the head of the Poltava Region Prosecutor’s Office lectured students on the introduction of IT-technologies in public administration.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”