
Students-rehabilitation therapists work in hospitals, mobile hospitals and psychological care centers

Students majoring in "Physical Rehabilitation, Ergotherapy" of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports at the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" during the war work in intensive care units of hospitals and m mobile hospitals, and provide pre-medical and rehabilitation care.

Students-rehabilitation therapists work in hospitals, mobile hospitals and psychological care centers

In addition to rehabilitation services for the military and soldiers of the Territorial Defense Forces of Poltava region, students organize points of psychological assistance and rehabilitation for children and their parents. Many students work in volunteer groups, making their own contribution to the restoration of peace in Ukraine.

According to the Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports of Poltava Polytechnic, Professor Lina Rybalko, students voluntarily expressed their desire to help defenders and work for the benefit of the Ukrainian people.

"We sincerely hope that the efforts of active student youth and university lecturers will help strengthen the fighting spirit of citizens, faith in a strong defense capability and invincibility of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Together we are invincible!" – said the Head of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports.

It should be recalled that Poltava Polytechnic is carrying out a humanitarian mission, the Rector of the university held an operational meeting, the university hotline and the psychological service is working 24/7.