
The best cadets of the Military Department are recognized and a thank-you concert is presented to the defenders in the Polytechnic

On the occasion of the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” held celebrations with the participation of the defenders of Ukraine and memorial tributes to the fallen. The rector of the university Volodymyr Onyshchenko honoured the best cadets of the Military Department of the Polytechnic, and honoured guests were given a thank-you concert.

The best cadets of the Military Department are recognized and a thank-you concert is presented to the defenders in the Polytechnic

On December 6, the Center for Culture and Student Creativity of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” celebrated the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The event on the occasion of the holiday was attended by honoured guests, real heroes – representatives of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

“Today we celebrate the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. I sincerely congratulate the people present here who are defending our state from the enemy today. Today is a special day. We would like to thank the defenders who give us the opportunity to hug relatives and friends, to hold classes in the classroom. We are almost the only university that provides the educational process live. We thank the defenders for the opportunity to hold scientific and sports events and for the opportunity to live a normal life.

The price is high. Today we honour the memory of those who, unfortunately, will not return from the battlefield. We have just honoured the memory of graduates and students. We thank them for today and for the fact that the Armed Forces of Ukraine give us the opportunity to hold such events.

Today I would like to point out that our youth are extremely patriotic. Using the example of my own family, I would like to mention that my children stay in Ukraine, study in Ukraine, love Ukraine and are proud that they are Ukrainians and do everything to ensure that our soldiers win over the enemy. At the university, since the beginning of the war, on February 24, on the initiative of our students, the Volunteer Headquarters of the Poltava Polytechnic was created, which during 9 months did and will continue to do many good and useful things for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Today we bow our heads low before our defenders. Thank you for the opportunity to fulfil our professional duties. Our Armed Forces are an example for other armies of the world, our soldiers are army #1, the best people in the world who show everyone an example of indomitability, defend their territory and beat the enemy. I wish everyone good health, endurance, further victories and, of course, glory to the Armed Forces of Ukraine! Glory to Ukraine!” – congratulated the rector of the university, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Lieutenant Colonel in reserve Volodymyr Onyshchenko.

The mournful laying of flowers honoured the memory of those who, unfortunately, remained forever young and their lives ended on the battlefield. Among the fallen Heroes are graduates and students of our university.

From the entire multi-thousand-strong team of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” the Citation “For indomitability, fortitude, courage, strength of spirit, patriotism and colossal thirst for victory over the enemy” was awarded to the commander of the separate combined assault company of the Poltava Regional Territorial Center for Recruitment and Social Support “ODIN”, Colonel Oleksandr Lokvynenko and the personnel of a separate combined assault company.

“I want to thank the team of Poltava Polytechnic for the invitation. I have always said that the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is a more significant day for our military than their birthday. But I want to express my opinion, the AFU is the armed forces. I believe that now every person is armed: some by word, some by deed. The Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is the day of each of us. Volunteers armed with help, singers with words, scientists with knowledge, soldiers with machine guns professionally destroy the enemy on the front line. This is our joint holiday with you,” – said Oleksandr Lokvynenko.

Also, on the occasion of the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the best students of the Department of Military Training of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” were presented university awards.

According to the Rector’s Order, the following were awarded with Certificates “For high achievements in in military training and on the occasion of the 31st anniversary of the Armed Forces of Ukraine”:

  • Pleshkai Danylo;
  • Perepelytsia Yehor;
  • Sukhina Snizhana;
  • Chernukha Oleksii;
  • Holoborodko Mykola;
  • Purchak Mykhailo;
  • Solovei Nikita;
  • Lebedynskyi Serhii.

Armed with talent, vocalists Abiie, Masha Serba and Artem Loik lit up the stage, presenting a performance of modern patriotic Ukrainian music.

A student of the Faculty of Philology, Psychology and Pedagogy of the Poltava Polytechnic Mariia Serba presented a touching song.

A graduate of the Poltava Polytechnic, founder of the Volunteer Staff of the Poltava Polytechnic, head of the university’s Center for Culture and Student Creativity, famous rap artist Artem Loik read his patriotic poems to our defenders, and together with the participant of the “X-factor” and “Voice of the Country” shows, Abiie sang for the audience their best songs “Wings”, “Ukraine”, “UA” and “Raging”, which is a joint creative project of the performer with students of the Poltava Polytechnic.

On the same day, the Polytechnic volunteers congratulated the defenders on the holiday and visited the wounded in the hospital.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”