The sectional meeting was held in form of video conference within the 72nd Scientific Conference of Professors, Teachers, Academic Staff, Post-Graduates and Students of National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”.
Approximately 40 participants joined the sectional work, among them were the academic staff, students and graduates of the Faculty of Humanities of National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”.
The meeting program included 30 scientific reports, the speakers were the students and the teachers of the Department of Ukrainian Studies, Culture and Documentation of the university, and the representatives of Poltava Oil and Gas College. The topics of their presentations could be divided into two thematic blocks, “Documentary-Informative Communications in Terms of Globalization: Conditions, Problems and Perspective” and “Intellectual Culture of Ukraine and the World”.
The Head of the Department of Ukrainian Studies, Culture and Documentation, Doctor of Historical Science, Associate Professor Iryna Perederii presented a scientific report on the role of social media in the process of archive democratization.
“The availability of the archival information for all the groups of its users is one of the main principles of the operation efficiency of the archive systems of any country,” said Iryna Perederii.
New scientific approaches to defining the term “globalization” were presented in the report of Doctor of Historical Science, Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Studies, Culture and Documentation Ruslan Hula and PhD in History, Assistant Professor at the Department Olena Vitrynska. The scientists described theoretical problems of globalization phenomenon and tried to model the perspectives of its further development considering the current events connected with the Covid-19 pandemic.
The scientific research of other teachers of the department were also interesting; in particular, Doctor of Pedagogy Oksana Tur analyzed the Internet-sites as sources of new lexical contractions for a general dictionary. The speaker emphasized the language phenomena the appearance of which is connected with the development of modern informational and communicative technologies.
Deep theoretical research in linguistic documentation study was presented by PhD in Philology Liudmyla Derevyanko and PhD in Philology Liliia Harashchenko in their articles.
The history of editing in the world from the earliest times was delivered by PhD in Philology Liudmyla Cherednyk. PhD in Social Communication Olena Vdovina advanced arguments for the role of electronic judicial documentation management in terms of the development of electronic government in Ukraine.
The report of PhD in Philology Olha Mizina was met with great interest. The author conducted analysis of the differences between various aspects of Arabian culture and the European culture in terms of understanding the phenomenon of multiculturalism in building effective communication, especially in the educational environment.
The scientific report of PhD in Philology Iryna Denysovets was dedicated to the aesthetic and didactic meaning of porcelain dolls in terms of the symbolic organization of communicative space. The speaker visualized the theoretical material with her own doll collection.
The problems of organizing the online education and using the Internet in the education process were discussed in the presentations of PhD in History, Associate Professor Andrii Naradko and PhD in Pedagogy Nataliia Akymenko.
The report of Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor Viktor Chernyshov “The Moral Basis of the Scientific Practice” motivated the participants to reflect deeply about the ethical grounds of scientific activity. The synergetic paradigm was analyzed as a methodology of constructing the civilization model of historical development by Doctor of Philosophy Viktoriia Voshchenko.
Two presentations were delivered by the teachers of Poltava Oil and Gas College of National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, H. Humeniuk, S. Kovalenko and L. Khramova.
The students’ articles were divided in the same way according to their topics as the speeches of the experienced scientists were. Particularly, the problems of documentation studies, informational activity, public relations became the subjects of the research of students studying at the specialization No. 029 Informational, Library and Archival Studies. Those were mostly the approbation of certain chapters of their future Master’s and Bachelor’s Degree theses. The presentations of Liubov Storozhenko (group 501HD, academic advisor was Iryna Perederii) and Kateryna Chumak (group 201pHD, academic advisor was Iryna Denysovets) covered partly their future qualification papers.
The student of group 201pHD Kateryna Kuriava analyzed the peculiarities of enhancing the information management of a private company (academic advisor was Liudmyla Derevyanko).
The scientific and technical library of National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” as a center of information and knowledge access became the object of Lidiia Vyplaven’s research (academic advisor was PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor Alla Lysenko).
The specifics of applying the SMM technologies in the information activity were analyzed by Anastasia Katunina (group 501HD, academic advisor was PhD in History, Associate Professor Olha Tievikova).
The ways of function improving of the website of Fort Plus Company were analyzed by the student of group 201pHD Liubov Matiushenko (academic advisor was Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor Viktor Chernyshov), and Ruslana Dziuba described different approaches to creating effective web-sites (academic advisor was PhD in Philology, Associate Professor Liudmyla Cherednyk).
The special features of documents concerning personnel records in the pre-higher education institutions were the topic of Anastasiia Oliinyk’s research (group 201pHD, academic advisor was PhD in Philology Iryna Denysovets).
Among interesting reports were many others, but the best ones were chosen among them. They were “The Scientific Approaches to Defining the Term of Globalization” (by Doctor of Historical Science, Associate Professor Ruslan Hula and PhD in History Olena Vitrynska) and “The Automation of Documentation Management at the State Historical and Cultural Reserve ‘The Field of the Great Poltava Battle’” (by the student of group 501HD Liubov Storozhenko, academic advisor was Doctor of Historical Science, Associate Professor Iryna Perederii).
“The meeting passed in a single burst, the active scientific discussion unnoticeably lasted for almost three hours. It was a festival of science and education. All the participants wanted to show not only the academic richness of their scientific work presentation, but also the creativity in its great visualization,” the Head of the Department of Ukrainian Studies, Culture and Documentation of National University ‘Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic’”, Doctor of Historical Science, Associate Professor Iryna Perederii said.
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