Our graduates will not lose the possibility to find the first working places with the professional skills allowing them to use modern Schlumberger software, and the research will continue during the quarantine.
“The COVID-19 virus creates obstacles for research and teaching. The break has a bad influence on the students writing their theses and post-graduates performing their projects. SIS do not want the students to be left in a disadvantaged position and to get to their work place without having studied the software, platforms and technologies used in the industry,” noted Anne-Sophie Muis, coordinator of educational programs and donations for EUR-S East of the Schlumberger company. “I hope everyone stays alert and safe, and I very much hope for the further cooperation with you when the normal way of life is back.”
The company has temporary extended the term of “a geographical unit” to the size of the whole country. That means that the students of National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” will be able to use the distance access to all the software available at the university laboratories and to access it at their home computers until June 30, 2020.
Our modern laboratories of 3D visualization and 3D modelling in the oil and gas industry are equipped with licensed software packages by Schlumberger, such as Petrel Geology & Modeling, Eclipse and Techlog. The software complexes are used in building 3D models of fields to analyze and find the largest gas formations for future production. Such laboratories with Schlumberger software can be found at Colorado School of Mines, the USA, and at Heriot-Watt University, the UK.
At the same time, the commercial use of the software provided for free to support education is still prohibited in the terms of use of these programs.