
The Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2023: Poltava Polytechnic takes position 1001+ in the international academic ranking

According to the results of The Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2023, the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” took the position 1001+ among 1591 leading higher education institutions from 112 countries of the world. The prestigious academic rating is based on 13 carefully selected indicators of the effective activity of universities, including the quality of teaching, the level of scientific research, knowledge transfer and international activity.

The Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2023: Poltava Polytechnic takes position 1001+ in the international academic ranking

According to the results of The Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2023, the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” entered this year’s ranking and took the 1001+ position.

It should be noted that The Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2023 is considered one of the most influential international university rankings and was developed in 2010 by Times Higher Education as part of the Global Institutional Profiles Project.

The level of achievements of universities is evaluated based on the results of the annual global expert assessment of their activities, as well as the results of the annual global expert survey of representatives of the international academic community and employers.

The criteria for selecting experts for the survey are a scientometric analysis of productivity and citations, as well as teaching and research activities in higher education institutions, the presence of at least 50 published scientific papers, etc. During the survey, experts choose from six thousand the best, in their opinion, higher educational institutions, as well as the strongest universities for continuing higher education at the master’s and doctoral levels.

According to the ranking, the analysis of the higher education institutions’ activity consists of 13 indicators, among which are the quality of teaching, the level of scientific research, the transfer of knowledge and international activity.

The world ranking of universities The Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2023 contains 1,591 universities from 112 countries of the world, including 32 leading Ukrainian higher education institutions.

It should be recalled that the Poltava Polytechnic recently improved its position in the ranking of scientific activity.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”