
Training on First Aid for Court Security Officers of Ukraine takes place at Polytechnic

National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, in cooperation with the National School of Judges of Ukraine and the Court Security Service, held a training on first aid for the employees of the Territorial Departments of the Court Security Service. The participants worked out algorithms for providing assistance in case of emergencies of various somatic diseases and improved their skills in assisting victims in wartime.

Training on First Aid for Court Security Officers of Ukraine takes place at Polytechnic

The training was held online, but the organisers took care in advance to create conditions for the participants to master practical skills. National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” and the Gender Centre provided technical support and live broadcasting for the instructors who taught the basic practical skills of first aid.

The first aid instructors were Head of the Service for Professional Training and Advanced Training of the Territorial Department of the Court Security Service in the Poltava Region, Major Hevorh Hevorhian and Head of the Medical Service of the Territorial Department of the Court Security Service in the Poltava Region, Lieutenant Amil Babaiev, who stressed the importance and practicality of such trainings. According to them, every Ukrainian should have such skills, especially in the current situation, when the war has been going on in our country for three years.

As part of the training, employees of the Territorial Departments of the Court Security Service practised algorithms for providing assistance in case of emergencies of various somatic diseases, medical triage, the procedure for providing first aid in the presence of several victims, recalled the rules of conduct and compliance with safety measures when working in the area (focus) of emergency situations and improved their skills in assisting victims in wartime.

At the beginning of the training, Head of the Medical Service of the Territorial Department of the Court Security Service in the Poltava Region, Lieutenant of the Service Amil Babaiev briefly explained the concept, main symptoms and causes of emergencies in the development of various somatic diseases as well as real-life examples of how citizens can properly respond to emergency situations.

In the second part of the training, the participants improved their skills in providing first aid in wartime, discussed the specifics of medical triage, the procedure for providing first aid in the presence of several victims, and recalled the rules of conduct and safety measures when working in the area (focus) of emergency situations.

The participants mastered practical methods of critical bleeding care, learned how to use turnstiles correctly in high-risk and non-threatening conditions, and how to perform clear actions in different physical conditions of the victim.

According to the instructors, the ability to control the process by giving clear and competent commands to those around you, knowledge of how to act in case of injuries, and the ability to stop critical bleeding often save lives in the first minutes, especially in active hostilities.

At the end of the training, in their closing speeches, Deputy Head of the Department of Initial Training of Judges of the National School of Judges of Ukraine Diana Snitsarenko and Head of the Service for Professional Training and Advanced Training of the Territorial Department of the Court Security Service in the Poltava Region, Major Hevorg Hevorhian expressed their belief that the skills acquired would help court security guards act promptly and provide timely first aid to all those in need.

It should be recalled that recently the coaches of the Gender Centre conducted a training on the basics of first aid and tactical medicine for the student government.

Earlier, court security guards and police officers conducted a training on first aid and basic safety at the Polytechnic, a training for employees of pre-school education institutions on the implementation of the Education and Care system was held at the Polytechnic, the Gender Centre conducted a training on anti-bullying for educators, representatives of the Ukrainian Red Cross Society conducted a training on risk management during emergencies, and a training on increasing psychological resilience for police officers, rescuers and teachers was held at the Polytechnic, and Polytechnic students took part in a first aid training conducted by court security guards and patrol police officers.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”